
Defines functions getOrganisationUnitMap

Documented in getOrganisationUnitMap

#' @export
#' @title Get Organisation Unit Map
#' @description Utility function to produce a map of valid mechanisms
#' @inheritParams datim_validation_params
#' @return Returns a data frame  of name,code,id, and categoryOptionCombo
#' (which is the UID of interest)
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'     # For a specific operating unit
#'     ou_map <- getOrganisationUnitMap("KKFzPM8LoXs")
#'     # Based on your login credentials
#'     ou_map_mine <- getOrganisationUnitMap()
#' }
getOrganisationUnitMap <- function(organisationUnit = NA,
                                   d2session = dynGet("d2_default_session",
                                                      inherits = TRUE)) {
  if (is.na(organisationUnit)) {
    organisationUnit <- d2session$user_orgunit
  url <- utils::URLencode(paste0(d2session$base_url, "api/", api_version(),

  r <- httpcache::GET(url, httr::timeout(getHTTPTimeout()), handle = d2session$handle)
  if (r$status == 200L) {
    r <-  httr::content(r, "text")
    sites <- jsonlite::fromJSON(r, flatten = TRUE)[[1]]
     } else {
      stop(paste("Could not retreive site listing", httr::content(r, "text")))

jason-p-pickering/datim-validation documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:32 a.m.