
Defines functions checkPeriodIdentifiers getPeriodFromISO getPeriodType

Documented in checkPeriodIdentifiers getPeriodFromISO getPeriodType

#' @export
#' @importFrom ISOweek ISOweek2date
#' @importFrom lubridate days
#' @importFrom lubridate years
#' @title Get Period Type
#' @description Utility function return a DHIS2 period type from an ISO string
#' @inheritParams datim_validation_params
#' @return Returns a a character of the period, like "Monthly"
#' @examples
#' getPeriodType("2018Q3")
#' getPeriodType("2018")
#' getPeriodType("19730221")
#' getPeriodType("201904")
#' getPeriodType("2018Q4")
getPeriodType <- function(iso) {
  # nolint
  # nolint start
  if (grepl("^\\d{8}$", iso, perl = TRUE)) {return("Daily")}
  else if (grepl("^\\d{4}W\\d{1,2}$", iso, perl = TRUE))  {return("Weekly")}
  else if (grepl("^\\d{6}$", iso, perl = TRUE))  {return("Monthly")}
  else if (grepl("^\\d{4}Q\\d{1}$", iso, perl = TRUE))  {return("Quarterly")}
  else if (grepl("^\\d{4}$", iso, perl = TRUE))  {return("Yearly")}
  else if (grepl("^\\d{4}Oct$", iso, perl = TRUE))  {return("FinancialOct")}
  else {return(NA)}
  # nolint end

#' @export
#' @title Get Period from ISO
#' @description Utility function return a data frame of a periods start date,
#' end date, ISO character and periodtype
#' @inheritParams datim_validation_params
#' @return Returns a data frame consisting of iso (character), startDate (Date),
#' endDate (Date) and period type (character)
#' @examples
#'  getPeriodFromISO("2018Q1")
#'  getPeriodFromISO("201801")
#'  getPeriodFromISO("20180901")
getPeriodFromISO <- function(iso) {
  if (is.na(iso)) {
    stop("You must supply a period identifier")
  pt <- getPeriodType(iso)

  if (is.na(pt)) {
    warning(paste("Could not identify the period type for ", iso))

  startDate <- NA
  endDate <- NA
  if (pt == "Daily") {
    startDate <- as.Date(iso, "%Y%m%d")
    endDate <- as.Date(iso, "%Y%m%d")
  } else if (pt == "Weekly") {

    y <- substr(iso, 1, 4)

    wk <- as.numeric(gsub("W", "", stringr::str_extract(iso, "W.+")))

    if (wk <= 10) {
      wk <- paste0("0", as.character(wk))

    if (wk >= 53) {
      warning("Invalid week.")

    startDate <- ISOweek2date(paste0(y, "-W", wk, "-1"))
    endDate <- ISOweek2date(paste0(y, "-W", wk, "-7"))
  } else if (pt == "Monthly") {
    startDate <- as.Date(paste0(iso, "01"), "%Y%m%d")
    endDate <- startDate + months(1) - days(1)
  } else if (pt == "Quarterly") {
    y <- substr(iso, 1, 4)
    q <- substr(iso, 6, 6)
    if (q == "1") {
      m <- "01"
    } else if (q == "2") {
      m <- "04"
    } else if (q == "3") {
      m <- "07"
    } else if (q == 4) {
      m <- "10"
    }  else {
      (warning(paste("Invalid quarter specified in ", iso)))

    add.months <- function(date, n) {
      seq(date, by = paste(n, "months"), length = 2)[2]

    startDate <- as.Date(paste0(y, m, "01"), "%Y%m%d")
    endDate <- add.months(startDate, 3) - 1
  } else if (pt == "Yearly") {
    startDate <- as.Date(paste0(iso, "0101"), "%Y%m%d")
    endDate <- startDate + years(1) - days(1)

  } else if (pt == "FinancialOct") {
    y <- as.integer(substr(iso, 1, 4))
    startDate <- as.Date(paste0(y, "1001"), "%Y%m%d")
    endDate <- startDate + years(1) - days(1)

  period <- data.frame(
    iso = iso,
    startDate = startDate,
    endDate = endDate,
    periodType = pt,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if (anyNA(period) || is.null(period)) {
    warning(paste0(iso, "is not a valid period."))


#' @export
#' @title Check Period Identifiers
#' @description Expect an error if any invalid period identifiers are
#' supplied in the file.
#' @inheritParams datim_validation_params
#' @return TRUE if all periods are valid.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'     d <- d2Parser("myfile.csv", type = "csv")
#'     #Should return no error if all period identifiers are valid
#'     checkPeriodIdentifiers(d)
#' }
checkPeriodIdentifiers <- function(d) {

  #Ignore NAs
  periods <- unique(d$data$import$period)

  period_check <- lapply(periods, getPeriodFromISO)
  bad_periods_idx <- which(sapply(period_check, is.null))

  if (length(bad_periods_idx) > 0) {
    bad_periods <- periods[bad_periods_idx]
    msg <- paste("ERROR! The following periods are invalid. This data will be removed to allow for further processing.",
                 paste(bad_periods, sep = "", collapse = ", "))
    d$info$messages <- appendMessage(d$info$messages, msg, "ERROR")
    d$tests$bad_periods <- bad_periods

   d$data$import <- d$data$import %>%
    dplyr::filter(!(d$data$import$period %in% bad_periods))
jason-p-pickering/datim-validation documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:32 a.m.