Man pages for jbferet/biodivMapR
biodivMapR: an R package for a- and ß-diversity mapping using remotely-sensed images

apply_continuum_removalprepares data to run multithreaded continuum removal
apply_kmeansApplies Kmeans clustering to PCA image and writes spectral...
biodivMapR-packagebiodivMapR: biodivMapR: an R package for a- and ß-diversity...
build_image_from_listrebuilds full image from list of subsets
center_reducecenter and reduce data matrix based on known mean and SD
change_resolution_HDRchange resolution in a HDR file
check_dataChecks if the data to be processed has the format type...
check_update_mask_formatcheck if the format of the mask is as expected: integer,...
compute_ALPHA_FromPlotcompute alpha diversity from spectral species computed for a...
compute_alpha_metricsComputes alpha diversity metrics based on spectral species
compute_BCdisscompute the bray curtis dissimilarity matrix corresponding to...
compute_BETA_FromPlotscompute beta diversity from spectral species computed for a...
compute_beta_metricscomputes beta diversity metrics
compute_FDcompute functional diversity metrics for an array, given a...
compute_Functional_metricsMap functional diversity metrics based on spectral species
compute_NN_from_ordinationcompute the nearest neighbors among kernels used in NMDS
compute_spectral_speciesthis function reads PCA file and defines the spectral species...
compute_spectral_species_FieldPlotscompute spectral species for a subset of pixels provided in a...
compute_SSDcompute spectral species distribution from original spectral...
continuumRemovalComputes continuum removal for matrix shaped data: more...
convert_PCA_to_SSDConvert PCA into SSD based on previous clustering
create_hdrcreate a hdr file for a raster
create_mask_from_thresholdcreate a mask based on NDVI, Green reflectance and NIR...
define_output_directorydefine output directory and create it if necessary
define_output_subdirdefine output directory and subdirectory and create it if...
define_pixels_per_iterdefines the number of pixels per iteration based on a...
diversity_from_plotsgets alpha diversity indicators from plot
ENVI_type2bytesget information corresponding to data type defined in ENVI
exclude_spectral_domainsdefine Water Vapor bands based on spectral smapling of...
extract.big_rasterExtract bands of sparse pixels in image data cube
extract_pixelsextracts sample points from binary image file
extract_pixels_coordinatesExtracts pixels coordinates from raster intersecting a...
extract_samples_from_imageextracts pixels from image based on their coordinates
filter_PCAperform filtering based on extreme values PCA identified...
filter_prior_CRFilter data prior to continuum removal: - values are expected...
get_alpha_metricsComputes alpha diversity metrics from distribution
getBCdissComputes BC dissimilarity for a given matrix
get_byte_orderdoes the system work with little endians or big endians?
getFDget functional diversity metrics from dataframe This function...
Get_FunctionalMetrics_From_TraitsPrepare for the computation of the functional diversity...
get_gdal_infoGet GDAL info as a nested list
get_HDR_nameget hdr name from image file name, assuming it is BIL format
get_image_bandsgets rank of spectral bands in an image
get_random_subset_from_imageextract random subset of pixels from an image
get_Shannoncomputes shannon index from a distribution (faster than...
get_Simpsoncomputes Simpson index from a distribution (faster than...
get_SSpathdefines path for the spectral species raster file. Depends on...
get_sunlit_pixelsGets sunlit pixels from SpectralSpecies_Distribution_Sunlit
ind2subconvert image coordinates from index to X-Y
ind2sub2convert image coordinates from index to X-Y image coordinates...
init_kmeanscomputes k-means from nb_partitions subsets taken from...
IQR_outliersThis function computes interquartile range (IQR) criterion,...
kmeans_progressrapplies results of ordination to full image based on nearest...
list_shpGet list of shapefiles in a directory
map_alpha_divmaps alpha diversity indicators based on prior selection of...
map_beta_divmaps beta diversity indicator based on spectral species...
map_functional_divmaps functional diversity indicators based on prior selection...
map_spectral_speciesmaps spectral species based on PCA file computed previously
mean_filterapplies mean filter to an image
minmaxthis function performs rescaling and either defines min and...
mnfFunction to perform MNF
noisethis function
ordination_to_NN#' computes NMDS # #' @param MatBCdist BC dissimilarity...
ordination_to_NN_listcomputes nearest neighbors of a SSD subset with samples used...
pcaFunction to perform PCA on a matrix
perform_PCAPerforms PCA for all images and create PCA file with either...
perform_radiometric_filteringPerforms radiometric filtering based on three criteria: NDVI,...
prepare_HDR_SSDprepares Spectral species distribution (SSD) file and header
prepare_HDR_Sunlitprepare for writing sunlit proportion file
print_error_messageprints an error message if problems occur
raster2BILconverts a raster into BIL format as expected by biodivMapR...
read_BIL_image_subsetreads subset of an ENVI BIL image
read_bin_subsetreads a subset from a binary image
read_ENVI_headerReads ENVI hdr file
read_image_bandsread specific image bands from image
read_image_subsetreads subset of lines from an image
repmatR equivalent of repmat (matlab)
revert_resolution_HDRrevert resolution in a HDR file
rm_invariant_bandsremove constant bands
RowToLinearget max index for each row and convert into linear index
select_PCA_componentsCheck if principal components are properly selected as...
spectral_band_unitCheck spectral band units and convert from nanometer to...
split_imagedefines the number of pieces resulting from image split
split_lineENVI functions
split_pixel_samplessplits a set of pixels to be sampled in an image based on...
sub2indconvert image coordinates from X-Y to index
update_shademaskupdates an existing mask
WeightedCoordsNNCompute the weighted coordinates of a spatial unit based on...
where_to_readdefines which byte should be read for each part of an image...
where_to_read_kerneldefines which byte should be read for each part of an image...
where_to_write_kerneldefines which byte should be written for each part of an...
Write_Big_Imagewrite an image which size is > 2**31-1
write_ENVI_headerwrites ENVI hdr file
Write_Image_NativeReswrite an image resulting from "window processing" at native...
write_PCA_rasterwrites an ENVI image corresponding to PCA
write_rasterWrites a matrix or an array into a ENVI BIL raster
write_StarsStackThis function writes a stars object into a raster file
ZipFileZips an image file
jbferet/biodivMapR documentation built on April 25, 2024, 10:44 p.m.