
#' Get the parameter overrides for a receiver and time or boot session.
#' @param serno character scalar; serial number of receiver, e.g. "Lotek-123" or
#'     "SG-5133BBBK2972"
#' @param monoBN integer scalar; boot session for which we want the overrides;
#' (ignored if \code{serno} is a Lotek receiver
#' @param tsStart real scalar; starting timestamp for which we want the overrides;
#' (ignored if \code{serno} is a sensorgnome)
#' @param progName program name for which the parameters are sought;
#' Default: "find_tags_motus"
#' @param recvDepTol numeric scalar; how much slop is allowed when looking
#' up the project ID for a receiver?  Sometimes, people have recorded incorrect
#' start of deployment dates, and/or the estimate of boot session time is
#' inaccurate.  Default: 10*24*3600 which is 10 days.
#' @param motusProjectID integer scalar; if supplied, and if no
#'     appropriate deployment record can be found for the receiver, this is
#' used to look-up project-based parameter overrides.
#' @return a character scalar of parameters, ready for the command line; if there
#' are no applicable overrides, returns ""
#' @note Overrides come from the paramOverrides table of the motus meta database.
#' As of 2016 Dec 14, this database is just copied from /sgm/paramOverrides.sqlite, but
#' eventually motus will provide user-editable fields for these.
#' An override can be specified for either a whole project, or for a receiver.
#' In both cases, the override period can be specified as well.  A receiver-specific
#' override will override a project-wide override, if both are applicable.
#' @note If no deployment record can be found for the receiver, the specified
#' motusProjectID is used to look-up project-specific parameter overrides.
#' see:  https://github.com/jbrzusto/motusServer/issues/406
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

getParamOverrides = function(serno, monoBN=NULL, tsStart=NA, progName="find_tags_motus", recvDepTol=10*24*3600, motusProjectID=NULL) {

    if (!is.null(monoBN)) {
        ## lookup the timestamp for the start of this boot session
        tsStart = sgTimeAtBoot(serno, monoBN)

    ## lookup the projectID for the appropriate receiver deployment
    pid = MetaDB("select projectID from recvDeps where serno=:serno and tsStart - :tol <= :tsStart
and (tsEnd is null or tsEnd > :tsStart) order by tsStart desc limit 1",
tsStart = tsStart,
tol = recvDepTol)[[1]]

    ## lookup project-wide overrides by date

    projOR = NULL

    ## Fix for: https://github.com/jbrzusto/motusServer/issues/406
    ## If no project found for this receiver, check again using the projectID
    ## specified in the top-level project, which is typically a data upload.
    if (length(pid) == 0 && length(motusProjectID) > 0) {
        pid = motusProjectID

    if (length(pid) > 0) {
        projOR = MetaDB("select printf('--%s %s', paramName, paramVal) from paramOverrides where projectID=:pid and progName=:progName
and tsStart - :tol <= :tsStart and (tsEnd is null or tsEnd > :tsStart)",

        ## append any "blanket" (non-time-dependent) overrides
        projOR = c(projOR, MetaDB("select printf('--%s %s', paramName, paramVal) from paramOverrides where projectID=:pid and progName=:progName
 and tsStart is null",


    ## lookup receiver-specific overrides by date

    recvOR = NULL
    if (! is.null(monoBN)) {
        ## first try by monoBN, looking for the any overlapping overrides
        recvOR = MetaDB("select printf('--%s %s', paramName, paramVal) from paramOverrides where serno=:serno and progName=:progName
and :monoBN between monoBNlow and monoBNhigh",
    ## next try by date
    recvOR = c(recvOR, MetaDB("select  printf('--%s %s', paramName, paramVal) from paramOverrides where serno=:serno and progName=:progName
and tsStart <= :tsStart and (tsEnd is null or tsEnd > :tsStart) order by tsStart",

    ## finally, find any "blanket" (non-time-dependent) overrides
    recvOR = c(recvOR, MetaDB("select  printf('--%s %s', paramName, paramVal) from paramOverrides where serno=:serno and progName=:progName
and tsStart is null",

    ## Combine overrides, with any receiver-specific ones following
    ## and thus overriding the project-wide ones.

    allOR = c(projOR, recvOR)

    if (length(allOR) > 0)
        allOR = paste(allOR, collapse=" ")
        allOR = ""

jbrzusto/motus-R-package documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:03 p.m.