
Defines functions makeYagi

Documented in makeYagi

#' Create a yagi antenna object.
#' Creates a 'proto' object of class 'antenna' which will store
#' position and axis orientations of a Yagi-Uda antenna.
#' @param n integer; number of elements (cross pieces) of the antenna.
#' So far, only antennas with 5 and 9 elements are supported.
#' @param pos 3-element antenna position vector (x, y, z)
#' @param axis1 orientation of main antenna axis.  This is one of the following:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item "vertical"; this represents an atenna pointing straight up
#'   \item a single number; this represents the azimuth (degrees clockwise from North)
#' of an antenna oriented parallel to the ground
#'   \item a 2-vector; this represents azimuth and elevation angles (degrees clockwise
#' from North, degrees above the horizon) for an antenna pointing in an arbitrary direction
#'   \item a 3-vector; this is a vector giving the direction (x, y, z) in which the antenna
#' is pointing
#' }
#' @param axis2 orientation of the antenna elements ('cross pieces') relative to the antenna axis.
#' Specified as one of the following:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item "horizontal": the elements are parallel to the ground
#' \item "vertical": the elements are vertical
#' \item a single number: the angle of rotation of the elements when viewed from the antenna
#' base (wider end) toward the antenna tip.  Angle is measured clockwise in degrees, starting
#' at 0 for horizontal.  So 0 is the same as "horizontal" and 90 is the same as "vertical".
#' \item a 2-vector: this represents azimuth and elevation angles (degrees clockwise
#' from North, degrees above the horizon) for the antenna elements, and must be perpendicular to
#' the \code{axis1} parameter
#' \item a 3-vector: this is a vector giving the direction (x, y, z) in which the antenna elements
#' are pointing.  It must be perpendicular to the \code{axis1} parameter.
#' }
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

makeYagi = function(n, pos, axis1, axis2) {
    gainpat = sprintf("yagi%dpattern", n)
    if (!exists(gainpat))
        stop("I don't know the antenna pattern for a Yagi antenna with ", n, " elements.  Contact sensorgnome.org for help")
    if (! exists(".yagi.proto"))
        .yagi.proto <<- proto(
            setPattern = function(obj, p) obj$gainpat = p,
            setN = function(obj, n) obj$n = n,
            gain = function(obj, x) {
                ## the gain function first rotates the displacement vector
                ## into the coordinates appropriate for an antenna in standard
                ## position, then looks up the gain in the pattern
                gainYagi(obj$gainpat, x %*% obj$txmat)
            setAxis = function(obj, axis1, axis2) {
                axis1 = makeAxis(axis1)
                axis2 = makeAxis(axis2, axis1)
                if (abs(dot(axis1, axis2) > 1e-10))
                    stop("Specified antenna axes are not perpendicular")
                ## Note: we store the conducting element axis first, to match the omni antennas
                obj$axis = matrix(c(axis2, axis1), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)

                ## generate a rotation matrix to map coordinates for an arbitrarily-
                ## oriented antenna back to those corresponding to an antenna in
                ## standard position (main axis in positive y direction; conducting
                ## elements in x direction), to correspond to the pattern matrix

                obj$txmat = solve(rbind(axis2, axis1, cross(axis2, axis1, TRUE)),
                    rbind(c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1)))
            setPos = function(obj, pos) {
                obj$pos = matrix(pos, ncol=3)
    ## make copy of prototype antenna
    x = proto(.yagi.proto)

    ## store position

    ## store gain pattern
    x$gainpat = get(gainpat)
    x$setAxis(axis1, axis2)
    ## proto() doesn't copy extra class attributes from its proto argument, so set it here:
    class(x) = c(class(x), "antenna")

jbrzusto/sensorgnome-R-package documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:19 p.m.