
Defines functions get_time_expiry get_time_issued get_scope print.Trello_API_token

Documented in print.Trello_API_token

#' Print Trello API Tokens
#' Objects of class `"Trello_API_token"` posses some additional attributes to
#' make it easier to see the app name, its scope and expiration. If you want to
#' print the bare token object as generated by `[httr::oauth1.0_token()]`, call
#' its own print method, eg: `my_token$print()`.
#' @param x An object of class `"Trello_API_token"`.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @export

print.Trello_API_token = function(x, ...) {

  cat("<Trello API token>\n")

  cat(" app name:   ", x$app$appname, "\n")
  cat(" permissions:", get_scope(x), "\n")
  cat(" approved:   ", get_time_issued(x), "\n")
  cat(" expires:    ", get_time_expiry(x))


get_scope = function(Trello_API_token) {

  paste(attr(Trello_API_token, which = "scope", exact = TRUE),
        collapse = ",")


get_time_issued = function(Trello_API_token) {

  as.character(attr(Trello_API_token, which = "issued", exact = TRUE))


get_time_expiry = function(Trello_API_token) {

  expiration = attr(Trello_API_token, which = "expiration", exact = TRUE)

  if (identical(expiration, "never")) {

  issued = attr(Trello_API_token, which = "issued", exact = TRUE)

  expiry = switch(
    `1hour`  = list( 1, units = "hours"),
    `1day`   = list( 1, units = "days"),
    `30days` = list(30, units = "days"),
    stop("expiration `", expiration, "` not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  expiration_time = issued + do.call(as.difftime, expiry)

    if (expiration_time < Sys.time()) " [expired]"

jchrom/trelloR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:48 p.m.