
# FILE Rcolors.R
#' Plots a map of the default colors for easy reference
#' This will produce two plots:  the first one plots the colors
#' by name, and the second one by their respective Hex codes.
#' The code is courtesy of the blog New Energy Research at
#' bxhorn.com
#' @export
Rcolors <- function() {
  # 1.Define R Color Data ----
  # RGB codes
  color.rgb <- t(col2rgb(colors()))
  # Hexadecimal codes
  color.hex <- rgb(color.rgb[,1], color.rgb[,2], color.rgb[,3], maxColorValue = 255)
  # Text highlighting
  color.text <- ifelse(apply(color.rgb, 1, mean) > 127, "black", "white")
  # Consolidate
  color.df <- data.frame(name = colors(),
                         red = color.rgb[, "red"],
                         green = color.rgb[, "green"],
                         blue = color.rgb[, "blue"],
                         hex = color.hex,
                         text = color.text)

  # 2.Plot R Colors By Name ----
  # configure graphical device
  n.col <- 11
  n.row <- 60
  op <- par()
  par(pin = c(11.692, 6.267), mai=c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
  # create plot
  plot(c(0, n.col), c(0, n.row),
       type = "n",
       bty = "n",
       ylab = "",
       xlab = "",
       axes = FALSE)
  title("R Colors By Name")

  for(i in 1:n.col){
    color.count <- (i-1) * n.row
    color.mod <- length(colors()) - color.count
    y.val <- ifelse(color.mod < n.row, n.row - color.mod + 1, 1)
    color.names <- as(color.df[color.count + 1:n.row, "name"], "character")
    rect(i - 1, y.val - 0.5, i, n.row:y.val + 0.5, border = "black", col = color.names)
    text.color <- as(color.df[color.count + 1:n.row, "text"], "character")
    text(i-0.5, n.row:y.val, labels = color.names, cex = 0.5, col = text.color)

  # 3.Plot R Colors By Hex Code ----
  # create plot
  plot(c(0, n.col), c(0, n.row),
       type = "n",
       bty = "n",
       ylab = "",
       xlab = "",
       axes = FALSE)
  title("R Colors By Hex Code")

  for(i in 1:n.col){
    color.count <- (i-1) * n.row
    color.mod <- length(colors()) - color.count
    y.val <- ifelse(color.mod < n.row, n.row-color.mod + 1, 1)
    color.names <- as(color.df[color.count + 1:n.row, "hex"], "character")
    rect(i - 1, y.val - 0.5, i, n.row:y.val + 0.5, border = "black", col = color.names)
    text.color <- as(color.df[color.count + 1:n.row, "text"], "character")
    text(i-0.5, n.row:y.val, labels = color.names, cex = 0.5, col = text.color)
  # reset graphical device
  par(pin = op$pin, mai = op$mai)

jeanmarcgp/xtsanalytics documentation built on May 19, 2019, 12:38 a.m.