
Defines functions conProcess

Documented in conProcess

# ---- roxygen documentation ----
#' @title Process contacts
#' @description
#' This function performs basic contact analysis between individuals in a group of tracked animals, or between two different groups of tracked animals.
#' @details
#' This function can be used to identify all fixes defined as contacts in space and time between individuals in one or two groups.

#' @param traj an object of the class \code{move2} which contains the time-stamped movement fixes of at least two individuals. For more information on objects of this type see \code{help(mt_as_move2)}. If traj2 is specified traj may have only one individual.
#' @param traj2 (optional) same as traj, but for the second group of individuals. See \code{checkTO}
#' @param tc time threshold for determining simultaneous fixes -- see function: GetSimultaneous.
#' @param dc distance tolerance limit (in appropriate units) for defining when two fixes are spatially together.
#' @param GetSim (logical) whether or not to use GetSimultaneous to time match fixes between pairs of individuals. Default = TRUE.
#' @param fixid (optional) a column providing unique fix ID's or if not specified one is created by combining the track ID with the fix number for that individual (e.g., "Leroy_107").
#' @param return What to return (one of 'move2' (default) or 'contacts'). See Return below.
#' @return If return = 'move2' (the default) this function returns the input traj move2 object with additional columns: contact - (binary) whether or not a fix is a contact, contact_id - the id of the individual with which a contact occurs, contact_d - the proximity distance of the contact, contact_dt - the difference in time between the two fixes in the contact, contact_n - the number of contacts at that time. In the event that there is more than one contact for a given fix, the contact_id, contact_d, and contact_dt values are all associated with the most proximal (in geographical space) contact. If return = 'contacts' this function returns a data.frame with the columns: (id1,id2) the id's of the individuals involved in a contact, the unique fix id's from the original data associated with each of the fixes involved in a contact (see parameter fixid), the times of the contact fixes, (dist) the distance between the two fixes associated with the contact, and (difftime) the difference in time between the two fixes involved in the contact. 
#' @references
#'  Long, JA, Webb, SL, Harju, SM, Gee, KL (2022) Analyzing Contacts and Behavior from High Frequency 
#'  Tracking Data Using the wildlifeDI R Package. \emph{Geographical Analysis}. \bold{54}, 648--663.
#' @keywords contacts
#' @seealso GetSimultaneous, dcPlot, conPhase
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data(does)
#' doecons <- conProcess(does,tc=15*60,dc=50)
#' }
#' @export
# ---- End of roxygen documentation ----

conProcess <- function(traj,traj2,dc=0,tc=0,GetSim=TRUE,fixid,return='move2'){
  #global variables in group_by hack
  id1 <- NULL
  dist <- NULL
  fixid1 <- NULL
  #Unit control
  units(tc) <- as_units("s")
  #Combine trajectories and identify overlap pairs
  if (missing(traj2)){
    pairs <- checkTO(traj)
    pairs <- pairs[pairs$TO==TRUE,]
    mtraj <- traj
  } else {
    pairs <- checkTO(traj,traj2)
    pairs <- pairs[pairs$TO==TRUE,]
    if (st_crs(traj2) != st_crs(traj)){
      traj2 <- st_transform(traj2,crs=st_crs(traj))
    mtraj <- mt_stack(traj,traj2,track_combine='check_unique')
  #Set up rownames to be more useful.
  if (missing(fixid)){
    row.names(mtraj) <- paste0(mt_track_id(mtraj), '_', stats::ave(mt_track_id(mtraj), mt_track_id(mtraj), FUN = seq_along))
    row.names(traj) <- paste0(mt_track_id(traj), '_',  stats::ave(mt_track_id(traj), mt_track_id(traj), FUN = seq_along))
  } else {
    row.names(mtraj) <- mtraj[[fixid]]
  # row.names(mtraj) <- mtraj |> 
  #   dplyr::group_by(mt_track_id_column()) |>
  #   mutate(fixid = paste0(id,'_',row_number(id)))
  n.pairs <- nrow(pairs)
  condf <- NULL
  for (i in 1:n.pairs){
    traja <- mtraj[mt_track_id(mtraj)==pairs$ID1[i],]
    trajb <- mtraj[mt_track_id(mtraj)==pairs$ID2[i],]
    if (GetSim){
      trajs <- GetSimultaneous(traja,trajb,tc)
      tr1 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID1[i],]
      tr2 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID2[i],]
      proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],
                           t1 = mt_time(tr1),
                           t2 = mt_time(tr2),
      #Unit control
      units(proxdf$difftime) <- as_units('s')
      units(dc) <- units(proxdf$dist)
      proxdf <- proxdf[ proxdf$dist < dc & proxdf$difftime < tc, ]
    } else { #If we don' use GetSim We can have multiple contacts from different sources.
      dM <- st_distance(traja,trajb)
      tM <- abs(-outer(as.numeric(mt_time(traja)),as.numeric(mt_time(trajb)),'-'))
      units(tM) <- as_units('s')
      units(dc) <- units(dM)
      rownames(tM) <- rownames(traja)
      colnames(tM) <- rownames(trajb)
      ind <- which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind=TRUE)
      if (length(ind) > 0){
        rnm1 <- rownames(tM)[ind[, 1]]
        rnm2 <- colnames(tM)[ind[, 2]]
        proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],
                             t1 = mt_time(traja)[ind[,1]],
                             t2 = mt_time(trajb)[ind[,2]],
      } else {
        proxdf <- NULL
    if (is.null(condf)) {condf <- proxdf} else {condf <- rbind(condf,proxdf)}
  #arrange return object
  if (return=='contacts'){
  } else {
    #Create contact list for both pair directions in case of 1 group
    if (missing(traj2)){
      dfr <- rbind(condf, 
                              t1 = condf$t2,
                              t2 = condf$t1,
    } else {
      dfr <- condf
    dfr.d <- dfr |>
      dplyr::group_by(id1,fixid1) |>
    dfr.n <- dfr |>
      dplyr::group_by(id1,fixid1) |>
    traj$contact <- 0
    traj$contact_id <- NA
    traj$contact_d <- NA
    traj$contact_dt <- NA
    traj$contact_n <- NA
    ind.con <- match(dfr.d$fixid1, row.names(traj))
    traj$contact[ind.con] <- 1
    traj$contact_id[ind.con] <- dfr.d$id2
    traj$contact_d[ind.con] <- dfr.d$dist
    traj$contact_dt[ind.con] <- dfr.d$difftime
    traj$contact_n[ind.con] <- dfr.n$ncon


# #Process contact analysis for all pairs of individuals in one group
# oneGroup <- function(traj,dc,tc,GetSim){
#   #Get Pairs
#   pairs <- checkTO(traj)
#   n.pairs <- nrow(pairs)
#   condf <- NULL
#   for (i in 1:n.pairs){
#     traj1 <- traj[mt_track_id(mtraj1)==pairs$ID1[i],]
#     traj2 <- traj[mt_track_id(mtraj1)==pairs$ID2[i],]
#     if (GetSim){
#       trajs <- GetSimultaneous(traj1,traj2,tc)
#       tr1 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID1[i],]
#       tr2 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID2[i],]
#       proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],id2=pairs$ID2[i],row1=row.names(tr1),row2=row.names(tr2),dist=st_distance(tr1,tr2,by_element=TRUE),difftime=as.numeric(abs(mt_time(tr1)-mt_time(tr2))))
#       #Unit control
#       units(proxdf$difftime) <- as_units('s')
#       units(dc) <- units(proxdf$dist)
#       proxdf <- subset(proxdf,dist < dc & difftime < tc)
#     } else {
#       dM <- st_distance(traj1,traj2)
#       tM <- abs(-outer(as.numeric(mt_time(traj1)),as.numeric(mt_time(traj2)),'-'))
#       units(tM) <- as_units('s')
#       units(dc) <- units(dM)
#       rownames(tM) <- rownames(traj1)
#       colnames(tM) <- rownames(traj2)
#       ind <- which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind=TRUE)
#       if (length(ind) > 0){
#         rnm1 <- rownames(tM)[which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]]
#         rnm2 <- colnames(tM)[which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]]
#         proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],id2=pairs$ID2[i],row1=rnm1,row2=rnm2,dist=dM[ind],difftime=tM[ind])
#       } else {
#         proxdf <- NULL
#       }
#     }
#     if (is.null(condf)) {condf <- proxdf} else {condf <- rbind(condf,proxdf)}
#   }
#   return(condf)
# }
# #Process contact analysis for all pairs of individuals from group 1 to group 2
# twoGroup <- function(traj,traj2,dc,tc,GetSim)
#   #Get Pairs
#   pairs <- checkTO(traj,traj2)
# n.pairs <- nrow(pairs)
# condf <- NULL
# for (i in 1:n.pairs){
#   traj1 <- mtraj1[mt_track_id(traj)==pairs$ID1[i],]
#   traj2 <- mtraj2[mt_track_id(traj2)==pairs$ID2[i],]
#   if (GetSim){
#     trajs <- GetSimultaneous(traj1,traj2,tc)
#     tr1 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID1[i],]
#     tr2 <- trajs[mt_track_id(trajs)==pairs$ID2[i],]
#     proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],id2=pairs$ID2[i],row1=row.names(tr1),row2=row.names(tr2),dist=st_distance(tr1,tr2,by_element=TRUE),difftime=as.numeric(abs(mt_time(tr1)-mt_time(tr2))))
#     units(proxdf$difftime) <- as_units('s')
#     proxdf <- subset(proxdf,dist < dc & difftime < tc)
#   } else {
#     dM <- st_distance(traj1,traj2)
#     tM <- abs(-outer(as.numeric(mt_time(traj1)),as.numeric(mt_time(traj2)),'-'))
#     units(tM) <- as_units('s')
#     units(dc) <- units(dM)
#     rownames(tM) <- rownames(traj1)
#     colnames(tM) <- rownames(traj2)
#     ind <- which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind=TRUE)
#     if (length(ind) > 0){
#       rnm1 <- rownames(tM)[which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]]
#       rnm2 <- colnames(tM)[which(dM < dc & tM < tc, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]]
#       proxdf <- data.frame(id1=pairs$ID1[i],id2=pairs$ID2[i],row1=rnm1,row2=rnm2,dist=dM[ind],difftime=tM[ind])
#     } else {
#       proxdf <- NULL
#     }
#   }
#   if (is.null(condf)) {condf <- proxdf} else {condf <- rbind(condf,proxdf)}
# }
# return(condf)
# }
jedalong/wildlifeDI documentation built on April 13, 2024, 2:20 p.m.