p1neurons-package: Dataset of Drosophila male-specific P1 neurons

Description Details Acknoledgements References


This package contains traced neurons and skeletonised image data for a collection of Drosophila male-specific P1 neurons along with an all by all nblast score matrix of neuronal similarity.


These data are made available through the objects p1s, p1dps, p1scoremat. In order to facilitate use of these data, the package sets two options on startup:


Original data is due to Chiang et al [1], who have generously shared their raw data at http://flycircuit.tw. Image registration and further processing was carried out as described in [2], including the use of the NBLAST algorithm to compute neuron similarities as a basis for cluster analysis and identification of P1 subtypes.


[1] Chiang A.S., Lin C.Y., Chuang C.C., Chang H.M., Hsieh C.H., Yeh C.W., Shih C.T., Wu J.J., Wang G.T., Chen Y.C., Wu C.C., Chen G.Y., Ching Y.T., Lee P.C., Lin C.Y., Lin H.H., Wu C.C., Hsu H.W., Huang Y.A., Chen J.Y., et al. (2011). Three-dimensional reconstruction of brain-wide wiring networks in Drosophila at single-cell resolution. Curr Biol 21 (1), 1–11.

[2] Costa, M., Ostrovsky, A.D., Manton, J.D., Prohaska, S., and Jefferis, G.S.X.E. (2014). NBLAST: Rapid, sensitive comparison of neuronal structure and construction of neuron family databases. Biorxiv preprint. doi: 10.1101/006346.

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