Man pages for jefferis/vfbr
R Package to Access the Virtual Fly Brain project API

download_gmr_stacksDownload the registered GMR stacks for given ids
gmr_stack_urlsReturn the urls for GMR-Gal4 stacks
gmr_vfbidConvert GMR identifiers to VFB ids
vfb_3dbrowser_urlMake a URL for a set of VFB ids to be displayed in the 3D...
vfb_autocomplete_queryReplicate the VFB site's autocomplete query
vfb_download_url_from_vfbidFind generic URL to image stack for download from VFB based...
vfb_fromvfbidsConvert between VFB and external identifiers
vfb_nblastQuery vfb opencpu server to obtain pre-computed nblast scores
vfb_neo4j_queryQuery VFB's Neo4J graph database
vfb_owl_queryGeneric query against VFB OWL API
vfbr-packageProgrammatic Access to the website
vfb_solr_queryQuery VFB via solr indexing system
vfb_stack_urlMake a URL for a set of VFB ids to be displayed in the stack...
vfb_synonym_queryFind canonical ontology term using VFB SOLR to query synonyms
jefferis/vfbr documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 4:46 p.m.