Man pages for jefferislab/lhns
Skeleton data for neurons associated with the lateral horn of Drosophila melanogaster

badel.PN.responsesProjection neuron response data
capitalise_cell_type_nameCapitalise cell type names
cell_type_summarySummary of cell types with clean split-GAL4 lines from Dolan...
download_mophologiesDownload all the LH neuronal skeletons in this package
downloadskeletonsDownload neuronal skeletons and associated meta-data
hemibrainBody IDs and FAFB matches for lateral horn neurons in the...
jfw.lhnsLateral horn neuron morphologies from Jeanne and Fisek et al....
jfw.lhns.dpsVector clouds for lateral horn neuron morphologies from...
lh.emEM neuron skeletons for published lateral horn related...
lh_line_infoSplit-Gal4 line codes for LHNs
lh.mcfoSingle skeletons of LHNs from MCFO
lh.mcfo.dpsVector clouds for single LHNs from MCFO
lhn_odour_responses#' Pre-calculated NBLAST scores between all neurons in this...
lhnsSkeleton data for Drosophila melanogaster lateral horn... overlap of LHN cell types with axon terminals of PN...
lh.splits.dpsVector clouds of LH output neurons from split GAL4 lines
lh_tract_dataInformation about number/type of LHNs for each tract
mbons.light.dpsMushroom body output neuron Vector clouds representing
most.lhinsA categorised database of neurons providing input to the...
most.lhins.dpsA categorised database of Vector clouds for neurons providing...
most.lhnsA comprehensive lateral horn neuron dataset
most.lhns.dpsA comprehensive lateral horn neuron dotprops dataset
olf.infoInformation on glomeruli and their cognate olfactory sensory...
plot_pntsPlot adult Lateral Horn primary neurite tracts
pn.axons.lightLight level tracing of PN axons
pn.axons.light.dpsVector cloud for light level tracing of PN axons
pn.infoInformation on projection neurons
primary.neurite.tractsLateral horn primary neurite tracts as a dotprops object
process_lhn_nameGet primary neurite tract name and anatomy group from cell...
jefferislab/lhns documentation built on Aug. 20, 2020, 10:10 p.m.