Man pages for jeffreyat/M2EFM

build_m2efmBuild the M2EFM model.
evaluateCalculates prognostic statistics based on m2eQTLs.
get_entrez_idsTakes a vector of gene symbols and converts them to entrez...
get_gene_locsTakes a data.frame with entrez ids and gene symbols and...
get_genesReturns the genes to use from m2eQTL analysis.
get_m2eqtlsFinds m2eQTLs from gene expression and DNA methylation data.
get_pam50Get pam50 rorS scores for sample with gene expression data....
get_probe_locsTakes a vector of methylation probe ids and builds a table of...
get_probesReturns the probes to use from m2eQTL analysis.
get_random_genesReturns the genes to use selected at random.
load_expTakes the path to a gene expression matrix and return an...
load_methTakes the path to a DNA methylation matrix and return a...
mad_filterTakes an ExpressionData object and filters it by the given...
mmDisplay a message to the user.
plot.M2EFM_evaluationCreate boxplots of the evaluation results.
predict.M2EFM_modelsPredict the M2EFM model on new data.
reduce_stageConverts AJCC stages to a simple four stage form.
scale_samplesScales individual samples to another dataset.
scale_valuesCenter and scale the expression values.
summary.M2EFM_evaluationSummarize the results of an M2EFM evaluation.
summary.M2EFM_modelsSummarize the results of an M2EFM models.
jeffreyat/M2EFM documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4 a.m.