tRakt 0.16.9000 (development version)

tRakt 0.16.0

Authenticated requests

By default, all requests to the API are now made using authentication if a trakt_client_secret is set. See ?trakt_credentials() for details on how to set your credentials. If no secret is available, unauthenticated requests are made as in previous versions. In this case, you still need either the built-in or your own trakt_client_id.

OAuth2 support comes with the need to handle secrets, i.e. .httr-oauth files. This can be a pain with headless/automated setups, which is why I am trying to keep "no auth needed" as the default, as most (implemented) endpoints don't strictly require authentication.

See vignette("Implemented-API-methods", package = "tRakt") for an overview of implemented methods with an indicator on whether authentication is required (it usually isn't).

New functions

The Renamingering

Rename all the things to snake_case and drop the trakt. prefix. This results in (most) functions mapping directly to API endpoints in the form section_method, e.g. the API endpoint movies/collected is handled by function movies_collected().


Dynamic Lists








User functions

tRakt 0.15.0

This is a big one, but not 1.0.0 big one I guess. This is a consolidation release with lots of internal improvements, but for the 1.0.0 I decided to overhaul the structure of the package again, so before I completely break any kind of backwards compatiblity, I thought I'd get this one out.

Consolidation for the people


tRakt 0.14.0

Many functions were refactored, which in some cases changes the output. Not only do most functions return a tibble now, but some additionally computed variables have been removed as well.

Starting to clean things up with some major housekeeping

Less plyr, more purrr

tRakt 0.13.0

tRakt 0.12.1

tRakt 0.12.0

API changes, functional fixes

Internal changes

Vectorization improvements

tRakt 0.11.3

API changes, functional fixes

Minor changes

tRakt 0.11.2

API changes, functional fixes

Minor changes

tRakt 0.11.1

tRakt 0.11.0

tRakt 0.10.3

tRakt 0.10.2

tRakt 0.10.1

tRakt 0.10.0

tRakt 0.9.0

tRakt 0.8.1

tRakt 0.8.0

tRakt 0.0.1


I've been working on some user-specific methods, so you can now use the trakt.user.* family of functions to get a user's…

All of them default to the username set in getOption("trakt.username"), but any publicly viewable user should work. Note that OAuth2 is not implemented, so private users can't be accessed.


As of today, all the functions are updated to use the new APIv2, except for, which is currently not yet implemented at, see their docs

Now the package is usable again, and I can continue to work on bug fixes and enhancements. Yay.


I am now trying to migrate everything to the new APIv2. Since I mostly don't know what I'm doing, I have to make this up as I go along, but oh well. Now the search function should be working fine, as it is the only function that is tested/built with the new API in mind. Others to come.

jemus42/tRakt documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 6:32 a.m.