
Defines functions ensure_no_prompts ensure_not_dogfood ensure_not_empty

ensure_not_empty <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) > 0) {
  } else {
    read_lines(path_package("reprex", "templates", "BETTER_THAN_NOTHING.R"))

ensure_not_dogfood <- function(x) {
  looks_like_fenced_md <- any(grepl("^```", x))
  if (looks_like_fenced_md) {
    lines <- paste0("  ", x[1:3])
    ## I negate yep(), instead of using nope(), to get desired behaviour in
    ## a non-interactive call
    if (!yep(
      "First three lines of putative code are:\n",
      glue_collapse(lines, sep = "\n"), "\n",
      "which doesn't look like R code.\n",
      "Are we going in circles? Did you just run reprex()?\n",
      "In that case, the clipboard or selection now holds the *rendered* result.\n",
      "Carry on with this reprex?"
    )) {
      cli::cli_abort("Cancelling.", call = quote(reprex()))

  looks_like_r <- any(grepl("^#>", x))
  if (looks_like_r) {
    if (!yep(
      "Putative code contains lines that start with `#>`.\n",
      "Are we going in circles? Did you just run `reprex(..., venue = \"r\")`?\n",
      "In that case, the clipboard or selection now holds the *rendered* result.\n",
      "Carry on with this reprex?"
    )) {
      cli::cli_abort("Cancelling.", call = quote(reprex()))

  html_start <- grep("^<pre class=\"r\">", x)
  if (length(html_start) > 0) {
    lines <- paste0("  ", x[html_start + 0:2])
    if (!yep(
      "First three lines of putative code are:\n",
      glue_collapse(lines, sep = "\n"), "\n",
      "which looks like html, not R code.\n",
      "Are we going in circles? Did you just run `reprex(..., venue = \"html\")`?\n",
      "In that case, the clipboard or selection now holds the *rendered* result.\n",
      "Carry on with this reprex?"
    )) {
      cli::cli_abort("Cancelling.", call = quote(reprex()))


ensure_no_prompts <- function(x, prompt = getOption("prompt")) {
  regex <- paste0("^", escape_regex(prompt))
  prompts <- grepl(regex, x)
  if (any(prompts)) {
    reprex_info("Removing leading prompts from reprex source.")
  sub(regex, "", x)
jennybc/reprex documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 6:34 a.m.