Lrnr_polspline: Polyspline - multivariate adaptive polynomial spline...

Description Format Value Parameters See Also


This learner provides fitting procedures for an adaptive regression procedure using piecewise linear splines to model the response, using the function polymars or polyclass from the polspline package as appropriate.


R6Class object.


Learner object with methods for training and prediction. See Lrnr_base for documentation on learners.



The number of cross-validation folds to be used in evaluating the sequence of fit models. This is only passed to polyclass for binary/categorical outcomes.


Other parameters passed to either polymars or polyclass. See their documentation for details.

See Also

Other Learners: Custom_chain, Lrnr_HarmonicReg, Lrnr_arima, Lrnr_bartMachine, Lrnr_base, Lrnr_bayesglm, Lrnr_bilstm, Lrnr_caret, Lrnr_cv_selector, Lrnr_cv, Lrnr_dbarts, Lrnr_define_interactions, Lrnr_density_discretize, Lrnr_density_hse, Lrnr_density_semiparametric, Lrnr_earth, Lrnr_expSmooth, Lrnr_gam, Lrnr_ga, Lrnr_gbm, Lrnr_glm_fast, Lrnr_glmnet, Lrnr_glm, Lrnr_grf, Lrnr_gru_keras, Lrnr_gts, Lrnr_h2o_grid, Lrnr_hal9001, Lrnr_haldensify, Lrnr_hts, Lrnr_independent_binomial, Lrnr_lightgbm, Lrnr_lstm_keras, Lrnr_mean, Lrnr_multiple_ts, Lrnr_multivariate, Lrnr_nnet, Lrnr_nnls, Lrnr_optim, Lrnr_pca, Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner, Lrnr_pooled_hazards, Lrnr_randomForest, Lrnr_ranger, Lrnr_revere_task, Lrnr_rpart, Lrnr_rugarch, Lrnr_screener_augment, Lrnr_screener_coefs, Lrnr_screener_correlation, Lrnr_screener_importance, Lrnr_sl, Lrnr_solnp_density, Lrnr_solnp, Lrnr_stratified, Lrnr_subset_covariates, Lrnr_svm, Lrnr_tsDyn, Lrnr_ts_weights, Lrnr_xgboost, Pipeline, Stack, define_h2o_X(), undocumented_learner

jeremyrcoyle/sl3 documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 9:12 a.m.