Man pages for jeremyrcoyle/sl3
Pipelines for Machine Learning and Super Learning

args_to_listGet all arguments of parent call (both specified and...
boundTruncates predictions to ensure loss function is bounded.
bsdsBicycle sharing time series dataset
call_with_argsCall with filtered argument list
cppSubset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal...
cpp_1yrSubset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal...
Custom_chainCustomize chaining for a learner
cv_helpersSubset Tasks for CV THe functions use origami folds to subset...
CV_lrnr_slEstimates cross-validated risk of the Super Learner
cv_riskCross-validated Risk Estimation
debug_helpersHelper functions to debug sl3 Learners
default_metalearnerAutomatically Defined Metalearner
density_datSimulated data with continuous exposure
drop_offsets_chainChain while dropping offsets
factors_to_indicatorsConvert Factors to indicators
importanceImportance Extract variable importance measures produced by...
importance_plotVariable Importance Plot
inverse_sampleInverse CDF Sampling
keep_only_fun_argsStreamline Function Arguments
learner_helpersLearner helpers
list_learnersList sl3 Learners
loss_functionsLoss Function Definitions
Lrnr_arimaUnivariate ARIMA Models
Lrnr_bartMachinebartMachine: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART)
Lrnr_baseBase Class for all sl3 Learners
Lrnr_bayesglmBayesian Generalized Linear Models
Lrnr_bilstmBidirectional Long short-term memory Recurrent Neural Network...
Lrnr_boundBound Predictions
Lrnr_caretWrapping Learner for Package Caret
Lrnr_cvFit/Predict a learner with Cross Validation
Lrnr_cv_selectorCross-Validated Selector
Lrnr_dbartsDiscrete Bayesian Additive Regression Tree sampler
Lrnr_define_interactionsDefine interactions terms
Lrnr_density_discretizeDensity from Classification
Lrnr_density_hseDensity Estimation With Mean Model and Homoscedastic Errors
Lrnr_density_semiparametricDensity Estimation With Mean Model and Homoscedastic Errors
Lrnr_earthEarth: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Lrnr_expSmoothExponential Smoothing state space model
Lrnr_gaNonlinear Optimization via Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Lrnr_gamGAM: Generalized Additive Models
Lrnr_gbmGBM: Generalized Boosted Regression Models
Lrnr_glmGeneralized Linear Models
Lrnr_glm_fastComputationally Efficient Generalized Linear Model (GLM)...
Lrnr_glmnetGLMs with Elastic Net Regularization
Lrnr_grfGeneralized Random Forests Learner
Lrnr_gru_kerasRecurrent Neural Network with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) with...
Lrnr_gtsGrouped Time-Series Forecasting
Lrnr_h2o_glmh2o Model Definition
Lrnr_h2o_gridGrid Search Models with h2o
Lrnr_hal9001Scalable Highly Adaptive Lasso (HAL)
Lrnr_haldensifyConditional Density Estimation with the Highly Adaptive LASSO
Lrnr_HarmonicRegHarmonic Regression
Lrnr_htsHierarchical Time-Series Forecasting
Lrnr_independent_binomialClassification from Binomial Regression
Lrnr_lightgbmLightGBM: Light Gradient Boosting Machine
Lrnr_lstm_kerasLong short-term memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) with...
Lrnr_meanFitting Intercept Models
Lrnr_multiple_tsStratify univariable time-series learners by time-series
Lrnr_multivariateMultivariate Learner
Lrnr_nnetFeed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear...
Lrnr_nnlsNon-negative Linear Least Squares
Lrnr_optimOptimize Metalearner according to Loss Function using optim
Lrnr_pcaPrincipal Component Analysis and Regression
Lrnr_polsplinePolyspline - multivariate adaptive polynomial spline...
Lrnr_pooled_hazardsClassification from Pooled Hazards
Lrnr_randomForestRandom Forests
Lrnr_rangerRanger: Fast(er) Random Forests
Lrnr_revere_taskLearner that chains into a revere task
Lrnr_rpartLearner for Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees.
Lrnr_rugarchUnivariate GARCH Models
Lrnr_screener_augmentAugmented Covariate Screener
Lrnr_screener_coefsCoefficient Magnitude Screener
Lrnr_screener_correlationCorrelation Screening Procedures
Lrnr_screener_importanceVariable Importance Screener
Lrnr_slThe Super Learner Algorithm
Lrnr_solnpNonlinear Optimization via Augmented Lagrange
Lrnr_solnp_densityNonlinear Optimization via Augmented Lagrange
Lrnr_stratifiedStratify learner fits by a single variable
Lrnr_subset_covariatesLearner with Covariate Subsetting
Lrnr_svmSupport Vector Machines
Lrnr_tsDynNonlinear Time Series Analysis
Lrnr_ts_weightsTime-specific weighting of prediction losses
Lrnr_xgboostxgboost: eXtreme Gradient Boosting
make_learner_stackMake a stack of sl3 learners
metalearnersCombine predictions from multiple learners
pack_predictionsPack multidimensional predictions into a vector (and unpack...
PipelinePipeline (chain) of learners.
pooled_hazard_taskGenerate A Pooled Hazards Task from a Failure Time (or...
predict_classesPredict Class from Predicted Probabilities
prediction_plotPlot predicted and true values for diganostic purposes
reduce_fit_testDrop components from learner fits
replace_add_user_argsReplace an argument in 'mainArgs' if it also appears in...
riskRisk Estimation
safe_dimdim that works for vectors too
Shared_DataContainer Class for data.table Shared Between Tasks
sl3OptionsQuerying/setting a single 'sl3' option
sl3_revere_TaskRevere (SplitSpecific) Task
sl3_TaskDefine a Machine Learning Task
StackLearner Stacking
subset_dt_colsSubset data.table columns
subset_foldsMake folds work on subset of data
SuperLearner_interfaceUse SuperLearner Wrappers, Screeners, and Methods, in sl3
true_obj_sizeEstimate object size using serialization
undocumented_learnerUndocumented Learner
variable_typeSpecify Variable Type
write_learner_templateGenerate a file containing a template 'sl3' Learner
jeremyrcoyle/sl3 documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 9:12 a.m.