Man pages for jerryzhujian9/zmisc
ez Zhu's miscellaneous functions

col2greyConvert colors to grey/grayscale so that you can see how your...
color.reversecalculate reverse color given an opacity
coord_radardefine a new coordinate system
dot-scatterplot.ablinemethodscatter plot internal function
dot-scatterplot.rnpscatter plot internal function
exitexit without prompt to save workspace image
ez.2charfactor 2 char
ez.2factoref->f, g/h->h, i=i, factor[x,y,z]<j/k
ez.2labele=e, f=f, g/h/i->i, j=j, k=k
ez.2longreconstruct to long format, wrapper of 'reshape'
ez.2lowerconvert all column names to lower case
ez.2valuee=e, f(0,1)<-f[1,2], g<-g/h/i/j/k
ez.2widereconstruct to wide format, wrapper of 'reshape'
ez.abspathabspath, alias of 'normalizePath'
ez.ageFunction to calculate age from date of birth.
ez.anovas1banova or ancova 1b, aov(y~x+covar), for many y and/or many x
ez.appendappend a row to an exisiting data frame
ez.arrayfunapply array function, wrapper of mapply
ez.barplotbarplot with ggplot
ez.blank2naReplaces blank-ish elements of a factor or character vector...
ez.boxcoxbox-cox power transformation GDoc Note
ez.cdalias of 'setwd'
ez.ceilalias of 'ceiling'
ez.cgcd(csd); source("shared.R")
ez.citenretrieve article citation numbers from pubmed
ez.clattrremove specified attributes
ez.clcoldatasanitize column-wise char data
ez.clcolnamessanitize col names
ez.clearclear, clean console, workspace, plot or variable(s)
ez.cnamesall column names, alias of 'names', there are also names(),...
ez.coalescecoalesce values in a vector
ez.comparecompare two vectors, two dataframes
ez.computealias of 'mutate'
ez.copyattrcopy attr of a df or vector, save as a list of list, or list...
ez.corrmapplot a correlation matrix map
ez.corrmatrixcalculate correlation matrix (for publication)
ez.countCount the occurrence of a single value in data frame...
ez.countifConditionally count the occurrence of a single value in data...
ez.countplotplot count data
ez.csdcurrent script dir (in full path)
ez.csfcurrent script file (in full path)
ez.cwdalias of 'getwd'
ez.dateconvert to date
ez.debugdebug mode on/off 1/0 T/F. NULL-> getOption('debug')
ez.deldelete/remove one or many cols, may use 'select' instead,...
ez.describeprint out summary statistics about a data frame or other...
ez.dprimeComputes Signal Detection Theory indices (percent of correct,...
ez.dropnakeep rows that have a certain number (range) of NAs...
ez.editedit a file, wrapper of wrapper of 'file.edit'
ez.embedembed a new plot within an existing plot at the coordinates...
ez.envprint env
ez.erroralias of 'stop'
ez.espeval sprintf effect size effect size effect size effect size effect size
ez.evalwrapper of 'eval'
ez.executealias of 'system'
ez.existsalias of 'file.exists'
ez.exportwrapper of 'dev.copy2pdf'
ez.factorderchange factor level order in a df
ez.factorelevelreset factor levels
ez.factornamechange factor level names in a df
ez.findsimilar to matlab find, find non-zero in a vector
ez.fishersfisher.test(y,x), for many y and/or many x
ez.fixalias of 'trunc'
ez.flipflopswitch the names and values of a named vector, so that...
ez.flooralias of 'floor'
ez.framealias of data.frame
ez.fullpathReturns the full path with resolving
ez.getosdetect os
ez.githubalias of 'install_github'
ez.gmailSend mail with Gmail
ez.gocd(csd); source("shared.R")
ez.headercreate a header for a data frame; also create the data frame
ez.heatmapplot a heatmap with values shown
ez.histplot continous data
ez.importalias of 'library'
ez.includealias of 'library'
ez.installalias of 'install.packages'
ez.installsinstall many packages at the same time if a vector is already stored as a date type if a vector of char, number is convertiable to date... Value numeric
ez.joinmimic python join, supports vectorization, wrapper of 'paste'
ez.joinpathjoin path
ez.label.getget variable label, wrapper of 'sjmisc_get_label'
ez.label.setset variable label, wrapper of 'sjmisc_set_label'
ez.labels.getget value labels, wrapper of 'sjmisc_get_labels'.
ez.labels.setset value labels, wrapper of 'sjmisc_set_labels'.
ez.labels.swapswap value labels format, to be consistent, haven style...
ez.label.swapswap variable label mode, in general, mode 2 (col attr, haven...
ez.lenlength of an object
ez.lineplotline plot with ggplot
ez.lmslm(y~x+covar), for many y and/or many x
ez.lnsalias of 'file.symlink'
ez.logPrints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt)...
ez.logisticsglm(y~x+covar,family=binomial), for many y and/or many x
ez.logoffPrints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt)...
ez.logonPrints/Directs output to both terminal and a file (log.txt)...
ez.make.namesmake.names, but replace . with _
ez.matchkinda like filter(), but the order of rows are in the order...
ez.match2similar to ez.match
ez.maxnpmaximize np by checking recursively various variable...
ez.mkdirmkdir, no warning for exisiting folder
ez.movereorder a single col (sort of, see below), alias of...
ez.mvigeneric plot a customized boxplot with jittered stripplot,...
ez.namesall column names, alias of 'names', there are also names(),...
ez.nan2naReplaces non-finite values (Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) with 'NA's in...
ez.newcolcreate a new col, may use 'mutate' instead
ez.numconvert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a...
ez.openopen a local file with default program (xlsx etc)
ez.outlierunivariate outlier cleanup
ez.palettepalette generator
ez.p.apaformat p value according to apa for report
ez.pasteattrpaste attr to a df or vector, from a list of list, or list...
ez.pathuser path like in Matlab
ez.pausepause the execution of an R script until a user presses the...
ez.pdfoffwrapper of ''
ez.pdfonwrapper of 'pdf', direct all plotting to a pdf file(s)
ez.piechartpie chart
ez.playGenerate a predefine data frame for testing, debugging,...
ez.pprintcolorful print
ez.printwrapper of 'cat', cat(string, "\n", sep="")
ez.pwdalias of 'getwd'
ez.quotedwrap each element of a vector around ""
ez.rr correlation
ez.radarmapdraw a radar plot
ez.randrandom number, alias of 'runif'
ez.rangesimilar to python range (python: left inclusive, right...
ez.readpread a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
ez.readplistread a list of parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
ez.readrread a rds file which contains only one obj
ez.readsread spss
ez.reads2read spss
ez.readtread csv table, wrapper of 'read.csv'
ez.readxread an xlsx file, wrapper of 'read.xlsx'
ez.readxlistread all sheets in an xlsx file, optionally prints sheet...
ez.recolreorder a single col (sort of, see below), alias of 'ez.move'
ez.recolsreorder all cols, or sort all cols alphabetically
ez.regexpfind with regular expression (case sensitive)
ez.regexpifind with regular expression (case insensitive)
ez.regexprepreplace string or string vectors using regular expression...
ez.regexprepireplace string or string vectors using regular expression...
ez.reindexreset the index of a data frame from 1...N
ez.removealias of 'remove.packages'
ez.renamerename a single or many col
ez.replacereplace a single value in data frame with another value
ez.replacewhenreplace when
ez.repmatreplicate a matrix, n * n (if m not provided) or n * m
ez.repoprint out or set the repo
ez.requirerequire a package, if not exist auto install and auto load
ez.resavexOpen xls file in App and resave
ez.rescale01rescale a vector to 0-1
ez.reshapereshape matrix
ez.retryretry, wrapper of 'try'
ez.rmremove a file, wrapper of 'unlink'
ez.rnamesall row names, alias of 'row.names', there are also names(),...
ez.rncolrename a single or many col, see also 'ez.rncols'
ez.rncolsrename all cols, see also 'ez.rncol'
ez.roundalias of 'round'
ez.savemWrites .mat files for exporting data to be used with Matlab,...
ez.savepsave a df to a parquet (a columnar storage file format) file
ez.saversave one (only one) object to a rds file
ez.savesalias of 'sjmisc_write_spss', 'ez.writes'
ez.savetwrapper of write.csv, but with row.names removed, alias of...
ez.savexsave an xlsx file, alias of 'ez.writex', wrapper of...
ez.savexlistSave multiple data frames to multiple sheets individually
ez.scalez score, scale, NA ignored & returned in place.
ez.scatterplotscatter plot with lattice
ez.scatterplot2scatter plot with ggplot
ez.scatterplotscorrmap with scatterplot
ez.sestandard error of mean
ez.selcolselect col names in a df
ez.selectalias of 'filter'
ez.sizesize of an object
ez.sleepalias of 'Sys.sleep', in seconds
ez.sortalias of 'arrange'
ez.splitalias of 'group_by'
ez.sprintfalias of 'glue'
ez.strconvert a column (or all columns) in a data frame, or a...
ez.strcompcompare if s1 exact the same as s2, but ignore case, space,...
ez.strreplacereplace string or string vectors literally
ez.strrevrev a str: 'abc'->'cba'
ez.subplotsubplot, wrapper of 'par'
ez.tabletable xy
ez.table2freq table
ez.timeconvert to time
ez.transposealias of 'transpose'
ez.trimMerge multiple spaces to single space in the middle, and...
ez.typeshow the content of a file in read-only mode, wrapper of...
ez.typeofalias of 'class'
ez.uninstallalias of 'remove.packages'
ez.uniquealias of 'distinct'
ez.unloadunload a package, wrapper of detach(pkg, unload=TRUE,...
ez.updateselfupdate ez package itself
ez.vcformat a vector for constructing a sprintf command.
ez.verprint the version of a package
ez.viprint sorted uniques of a df col or a vector (NA last) and...
ez.vvformat a vector for easy manual copy/processing.
ez.vxview the overview of a data frame or similar object (like...
ez.warnget/set warn error mode
ez.wherenavisualize where all the NAs of a dataframe are
ez.whichalias of 'find'
ez.whoalias of 'sessionInfo', 'ez.whos'
ez.whosalias of 'sessionInfo', 'ez.who'
ez.xlview df in excel (saved to a temp file, auto delete the temp...
ez.xlcolconvExcel-style column name converter: number from or to letters
ez.xyplotmimic xyplot with ggplot (slightly horizontally jittered)
ez.zresid(z) residual
ez.zresidizeresidualize variable, returning it changed in-place (i.e...
fisher.posthocPairwise tests of independence for nominal data
gghistoryprint out a ggplot object's history, cat(pp$gghistory)
ggmultiplotMultiple plot function, accepts a list of ggplot (not plot)...
ggpasspass through a ggplot object, see examples
helpOpen Help Pages for ggplot2
left_joinalias of 'left_join' with a bit additional summary printout
multiplotMultiple plot function, accepts a list of lattice plot (not...
not_innot in
RMNcreat shorthand for Times New Roman cross-platform
round2round2 always round half up (R's native round/sprintf may...
show.colorshow color
show.lineshow line
show.shapeshow shape
sjmisc_copy_labelssjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_get_labelsjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_get_labelssjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_get_valuessjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_read_spsssjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_recsjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_set_labelsjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_set_labelssjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_to_factorsjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_to_labelsjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_to_valuesjmisc 1.8 hack
sjmisc_write_spsssjmisc 1.8 hack
theme_apaggplot2 Theme for APA Publications
theme_apa_nosizeggplot2 Theme for APA Publications
theme_blackapaA ggplot2 theme with no background and no gridlines.
theme_blackapa_nosizeA ggplot2 theme with no background and no gridlines.
jerryzhujian9/zmisc documentation built on March 9, 2024, 12:49 a.m.