ez.del: delete/remove one or many cols, may use 'select' instead,...

View source: R/frame.R

ez.delR Documentation

delete/remove one or many cols, may use select instead, alias of ez.del ez.delete ez.rmcol ez.rmcols


delete/remove one or many cols, may use select instead, alias of ez.del ez.delete ez.rmcol ez.rmcols


ez.del(df, cols = NULL, print2scr = T)

ez.delete(df, cols = NULL, print2scr = T)

ez.rmcols(df, cols = NULL, print2scr = T)

ez.rmcol(df, cols = NULL, print2scr = T)



evaluated by eval('dplyr::select()'), sth like 'Month' or c('Month','Day'). If not existing in df, nothing happens. Special situations: If NULL, auto delete/remove cols that are all empty or NAs. If a single decimal number less than 1 (NOT 1), any column whose non-missing rate less than the specified number will be removed (eg, cols=0.85, keep >=0.85; or cols=0.9999, remove <0.9999, essentially keep only completed cols)


returns a new df, old one does not change

See Also

gather, spread, separate, unite
select, slice
distinct, arrange
summarise, count, mutate
group_by, left_join, right_join, inner_join, full_join, semi_join, anti_join
intersect, union, setdiff
bind_rows, bind_cols

Other data transformation functions: ez.2char(), ez.2factor(), ez.2label(), ez.2long(), ez.2lower(), ez.2value(), ez.2wide(), ez.compute(), ez.label.get(), ez.label.set(), ez.labels.get(), ez.labels.set(), ez.move(), ez.newcol(), ez.num(), ez.recode(), ez.recols(), ez.recol(), ez.rename(), ez.replace(), ez.rncols(), ez.rncol(), ez.select(), ez.sort(), ez.split(), ez.str(), ez.unique(), left_join()

jerryzhujian9/zmisc documentation built on March 9, 2024, 12:49 a.m.