ez.2value: e=e, f(0,1)<-f[1,2], g<-g/h/i/j/k

View source: R/frame.R

ez.2valueR Documentation

e=e, f(0,1)<-f[1,2], g<-g/h/i/j/k


e=e, f(0,1)<-f[1,2], g<-g/h/i/j/k
number e<-f[(0/1)]| attr number g(0/1)<–factor attr number h[0/1] / factor char i[girl/boy] / char j/k[(girl/boy)]


ez.2value(x, col = NULL, start.at = 0, keep.labels = TRUE, ...)



a data frame or a vector/col


internally evaluated by eval('dplyr::select()')
if x is a data frame, col is specified (e.g., "cond"), convert that col only
if x is a data frame, col is unspecified (i.e., NULL default), convert all possible cols in x
if x is not a data frame, col is ignored


starting index, i.e. the lowest numeric value of the variable's value range.
If NULL, the lowest value of the returned numeric variable corresponds to the lowest factor level (if factor is numeric, eg, factor(1:2)->c(1,2))
or to 1 (if factor levels are not numeric, factor(c('girl','boy'))->c(2,1)).

Attention: ez.2value(c(”,'2','1'),start.at = NULL) -> c(1,3,2), ez.2value(c(”,'2','1'),start.at = 0) -> c(0,2,1)

To keep consistent with other R functions (eg, lm which converts numeric/non-numeric factor to values starting from 0), set start.at=0 in ez.2value(), then factor(1:2)->c(0,1), factor(c('girl','boy'))->c(1,0)
in lm() the coding (0,1) vs.(1,2) does not affect slope, but changes intercept (but a coding from 1,2->1,3 would change slope–interval difference matters)


Variable label will be kept. opposite of ez.2factor, ez.2label wrapper of sjmisc_to_value


returns a numeric variable or a data frame with changed col(s)
if x is a factor with normal chars, will be converted to 1 2 3 etc, see the example
if x, however, is a factor with chars of numbers ez.2value(c("2","4","6.3"),start.at=NULL), will be converted to (2 4 6.3) etc, see the example

See Also


Other data transformation functions: ez.2char(), ez.2factor(), ez.2label(), ez.2long(), ez.2lower(), ez.2wide(), ez.compute(), ez.del(), ez.label.get(), ez.label.set(), ez.labels.get(), ez.labels.set(), ez.move(), ez.newcol(), ez.num(), ez.recode(), ez.recols(), ez.recol(), ez.rename(), ez.replace(), ez.rncols(), ez.rncol(), ez.select(), ez.sort(), ez.split(), ez.str(), ez.unique(), left_join()


e=c(1,2); f=factor(1:2)
g=c(0,0,1,1,1,0); attr(g,'value.labels') <- c(boy=1,girl=0)
h=factor(c(0,0,1,1,1,0)); attr(h,'labels') <- c(boy=1,girl=0)
j=c('x','y'); k=factor(c('x','y'))

ez.2label: e=e, f=f, g/h/i->i, j=j, k=k
ez.2value: e=e, f(0,1)<-f[1,2], g<-g/h/i/j/k
ez.2factor: ef->f, g/h->h, i=i, factor[x,y,z]<j/k

ez.2value(c('','2','1'),start.at = NULL) # -> c(1,3,2)
ez.2value(c('','2','1'),start.at = 0) # -> c(0,2,1)
ez.num(c('','2','1')) # -> c(NA,2,1)
ez.2value(c("2","4","6.3"),start.at=NULL)  # -> (2.0 4.0 6.3)
ez.2value(factor(c("2","4","7.3")),start.at=0)  # -> (0.0 2.0 5.3)
for consistent and easy convertion, consider to use ez.num(c("2","4","7.3")), ez.num(factor(c("2","4","7.3")), force=T) in this case

jerryzhujian9/zmisc documentation built on March 9, 2024, 12:49 a.m.