#' Display a Point or Range Input Box Based on a Trigger Input
#' This input will display either a single input box or a range input, depending
#' on whether it is selected in a trigger variable. It always returns both the
#' point and the range; `reactivePointRange()` to choose the one currently
#' displayed in the UI.
#' @param id The element ID
#' @param label A label for the UI element
#' @param value `[numeric(1)]` The initial "point" value
#' @param value2 `[numeric(2)]` The initial "range" value
#' @param trigger `[character(1)]` The variable that triggers the switch between
#' point and range
#' @param ns The session namespace
#' @param min The minimum allowable value of the inputs
#' @param max The maximum allowable value of the inputs
#' @param step The step size
#' @param sep The separator between the range input boxes
#' @return A UI element
#' @keywords internal
conditionalNumericRangeInput <- function(
ns = NS(NULL),
min = NA,
max = NA,
step = NA,
sep = " to "
) {
# Restore input
value_rst <- shiny::restoreInput(id = id, default = NULL)
if (!is.null(value_rst) && NROW(value_rst == 1)) {
value <- value_rst
} else if (!is.null(value_rst) && NROW(value_rst > 1)) {
value2 <- range(value_rst, na.rm = TRUE)
# Create conditions
id_chr <- stringr::str_remove(id, stringr::fixed(ns("")))
condition <- paste0("input.", trigger, " == '", id_chr, "'")
not_condition <- paste0("input.", trigger, " != '", id_chr, "'")
# Create input tags
pointTag <- value[[1]] %>%
num_input_tag(id = paste0(id, "-point")) %>%
set_numeric_input_attribs(min, max, step)
fromTag <- value2[[1]] %>%
num_input_tag("From", id = paste0(id, "-range-1")) %>%
set_numeric_input_attribs(min, max, step)
toTag <- value2[[2]] %>%
num_input_tag("To", id = paste0(id, "-range-2")) %>%
set_numeric_input_attribs(min, max, step)
# Create separator tag
sepTag <- tags$span(
class = "input-group-addon input-group-text rounded-0 text-muted bg-light",
style = htmltools::css(
`border-left` = "none",
`border-right` = "none"
# Create input containers
pointContainer <- tags$div(
class = "input-group shiny-input-container",
shinyInputLabel(id, label),
`data-display-if` = not_condition,
`data-ns-prefix` = ns(""),
class = "input-group form-group",
rangeContainer <- tags$div(
class = "input-group shiny-input-container",
`data-display-if` = condition,
`data-ns-prefix` = ns(""),
tags$b(shinyInputLabel(id, label)),
class = "input-group form-group",
style = "width: 4.5em",
class = "input-group-prepend input-group-text",
class = "input-group form-group",
style = "width: 4.5em",
class = "input-group-prepend input-group-text",
# Return UI element
id = id,
class = paste(
`data-condition-variable` = trigger,
`data-ns-prefix` = ns(""),
#' Change the Value or Label of a conditionalNumericRangeInput
#' Sends a message to the client to update the either `value`, `value2`,
#' or `label` in the `conditionalNumericRangeInput()`
#' @inheritParams conditionalNumericRangeInput
#' @param session The shiny `session` object; the default is usually appropriate
#' @return The output of `session$sendInputMessage()`
#' @keywords internal
updateConditionalNumericRangeInput <- function(
label = NULL,
value = NULL,
value2 = NULL,
session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()
) {
if (!is.null(value) && NROW(value) > 1) value <- range(value, na.rm = TRUE)
message <- list(label = label, value = value)
session$sendInputMessage(id, drop_nulls(message))
#' Reactively Select the Point or Range from a Conditional Range Input
#' Use this function to select the point or range value from a
#' `conditionalNumericRangeInput()` or a `conditionalSliderRangeInput()`. It
#' finds the trigger dependency and selects the appropriate value.
#' @param id The ID of the input
#' @param session The Shiny `session`; the default is usually appropriate
#' @return A reactive expression containing the chose input value (either a
#' length 1 or length 2 vector)
#' @keywords internal
reactivePointRange <- function(id, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
x <- session$input[[id]]
trigger <- attr(x, "trigger")
if (session$input[[trigger]] == id) x$range else x$point
}, label = paste0("range_if(", id, ")"))
# Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convenience function for creating inputs
num_input_tag <- function(
placeholder = "e.g. {value}",
id = NULL,
width = "120px"
) {
value <- formatNoSci(value)
id = id,
type = "number",
class = "form-control",
style = htmltools::css(width = validateCssUnit(width)),
placeholder = glue::glue(placeholder),
value = value
# Format values for Shiny numeric inputs
formatNoSci <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) NULL else format(x, scientific = FALSE, digits = 15)
# Convenience function for setting attributes
set_numeric_input_attribs <- function(input, min = NA, max = NA, step = NA) {
if (!(is.na(min) || !is.null(min))) input$attribs$min <- min[[1]]
if (!(is.na(max) || !is.null(max))) input$attribs$max <- max[[1]]
if (!(is.na(step) || !is.null(step))) input$attribs$step <- step[[1]]
# Create a Shiny input label
shinyInputLabel <- function(id, label = NULL) {
class = "control-label",
class = if (is.null(label)) "shiny-label-null",
`for` = id
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