#' profiling_input2 UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_profiling_input_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
fluidRow(span(style = "margin-left: auto", select_input(ns("x_var"))),
span(style = "width: 3rem"),
span(style = "width: 3rem"),
style = htmltools::css(
"margin-right" = "auto",
"margin-top" = "auto",
"margin-bottom" = "auto"
actionButton(ns("calc"), "Calculate"))
# Organization inputs
org_profiling_column(ns("org_link"), ns = ns),
comm_profiling_column(ns("comm_link"), ns = ns),
advanced_profiling_column(ns("advanced_link"), ns = ns)
#' profiling_input2 Server Functions
#' @noRd
mod_profiling_input_server <- function(id) {
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session) {
ns <- session$ns
# Validate inputs
iv <- shinyvalidate::InputValidator$new()
# Organization size - required
iv$add_rule("n_org-point", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("n_org-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("n_org-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
# Organization size - non-negative
iv$add_rule("n_org-point", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("n_org-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("n_org-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
# Unvaccinated test frequency - required
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-point", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
# Unvaccinated test frequency - non-negative
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-point", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_unvac-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
# Vaccinated test frequency - required
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-point", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
# Vaccinated test frequency - non-negative
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-point", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("test_f_asymp_vac-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
# Case rate - required
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-point", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_required())
# Case rate - non-negative
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-point", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-range-1", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
iv$add_rule("inf_r_incid-range-2", shinyvalidate::sv_gte(0))
# Input panel show/hide and info
# Choose range or point based on `x_var`
# Organization
n_org <- reactive_range("n_org")
test_f_asymp_unvac <- reactive_range("test_f_asymp_unvac")
test_f_asymp_vac <- reactive_range("test_f_asymp_vac")
vac_p_org <- reactive_range("vac_p_org")
# Community
inf_r_incid <- reactive_range("inf_r_incid")
vac_p_comm <- reactive_range("vac_p_comm")
# Advanced - vaccine efficacy
vac_eff <- reactive_range("vac_eff")
# Advanced - testing
detect_sens <- reactive_range("detect_sens")
detect_spec <- reactive_range("detect_spec")
test_p_symp <- reactive_range("test_p_symp")
# Advanced - symptoms
inf_t_symp <- reactive_range("inf_t_symp")
inf_t_presymp <- reactive_range("inf_t_presymp")
symp_p_inf_unvac <- reactive_range("symp_p_inf_unvac")
symp_p_inf_vac <- reactive_range("symp_p_inf_vac")
symp_p_uninf <- reactive_range("symp_p_uninf")
# Organization size
n <- reactiveValues(org = n_org)
# Distribution arguments
dist_args <- reactiveValues()
# Vaccination
dist_args$vac <- reactive(list(
p_comm = vac_p_comm(),
p_org = vac_p_org(),
eff = vac_eff()
), label = "dist_args$vac()")
# Infection
dist_args$inf <- reactive(list(
r_incid = inf_r_incid(),
t_symp = inf_t_symp(),
t_presymp = inf_t_presymp()
), label = "dist_args$inf()")
# Symptoms
dist_args$symp <- reactive(list(
p_inf_vac = symp_p_inf_vac(),
p_inf_unvac = symp_p_inf_unvac(),
p_uninf = symp_p_uninf()
), label = "dist_args$symp()")
# Testing
dist_args$test <- reactive(list(
p_symp = test_p_symp(),
f_asymp_vac = test_f_asymp_vac(),
f_asymp_unvac = test_f_asymp_unvac()
), label = "dist_args$test()")
# Detection
dist_args$detect <- reactive(list(
sens = detect_sens(),
spec = detect_spec()
), label = "dist_args$detect()")
# Plotting variables
vars <- reactiveValues(
x = reactive(input$x_var),
y = reactive(input$y_var)
# Calculate button
calc <- reactive(input$calc)
# Return named list of reactiveValues objects
list(n = n, dist_args = dist_args, vars = vars, calc = calc)
# Helpers (selectors) ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Select an Input Variable
#' Create a dropdown UI element for selecting an input variable to profile over
#' @param id The HTML element id
#' @param label The UI element label
#' @param width the UI element width
#' @return A UI element
#' @keywords internal
select_input <- function(id, label = "Input (X-axis)", width = "21rem") {
label = label,
width = width,
choices = list(
Organization = list(
`Organization Size (People)` = "n_org",
`Unvaccinated Testing (Days)` = "test_f_asymp_unvac",
`Vaccinated Testing (Days)` = "test_f_asymp_vac",
`% Vaccinated (in Organization)` = "vac_p_org"
Community = list(
`Case Rate (per 100k per day)` = "inf_r_incid",
`% Vaccinated (in Community)` = "vac_p_comm"
Vaccination = list(`Vaccine Efficacy (%)` = "vac_eff"),
Testing = list(
`Test Sensitivity (%)` = "detect_sens",
`Test Specificity (%)` = "detect_spec",
`% Symptomatics Tested` = "test_p_symp"
Symptoms = list(
`Symptomatic Period (Days)` = "inf_t_symp",
`Pre-Symptomatic Period (Days)` = "inf_t_presymp",
`% Symptomatic: Unvaccinated Cases` = "symp_p_inf_unvac",
`% Symptomatic: Vaccinated Cases` = "symp_p_inf_vac",
`% Symptomatic: Non-Cases` = "symp_p_uninf"
#' Select an Output Type for Plotting
#' @param id An HTML id for the UI element
#' @return A string
#' @keywords internal
select_output <- function(id) {
inputId = id,
label = "Output (Y-Axis)",
choices = list(
Risk = "risk",
Benefit = "benefit",
Vaccination = "vac"
status = "info"
# Helpers (wrappers) -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Wrap `conditionalNumericRangeInput()` for Ease of Use
#' Wraps the `conditionalNumericRangeInput()` defined elsewhere in covidscreen
#' for brevity.
#' @inheritParams conditionalNumericRangeInput
#' @param br Add a line break below the input element
#' @inherit conditionalNumericRangeInput return
#' @keywords internal
num_input2 <- function(
min = 0,
max = NA,
step = 1,
trigger = "x_var",
br = TRUE
) {
id_quo <- rlang::enquo(id)
ns <- if (rlang::quo_is_call(id_quo)) rlang::call_fn(id_quo) else NS(NULL)
id = id,
label = label,
value = value,
value2 = value2,
min = min,
max = max,
step = step,
trigger = trigger,
ns = ns
if (br) tags$br()
#' Wrap `conditionalSliderRangeInput()` for Ease of Use
#' Wraps the `conditionalSliderRangeInput()` defined elsewhere in covidscreen
#' for brevity.
#' @inheritParams conditionalSliderRangeInput
#' @param br Add a line break below the input element
#' @inherit conditionalSliderRangeInput return
#' @keywords internal
slider_pct2 <- function(
value = 50,
value2 = c(0, 100),
min = 0,
max = 100,
step = 1,
trigger = "x_var",
prefix = NULL,
br = TRUE
) {
id_quo <- rlang::enquo(id)
ns <- if (rlang::quo_is_call(id_quo)) rlang::call_fn(id_quo) else NS(NULL)
id = id,
label = label,
value = value,
value2 = value2,
trigger = trigger,
ns = ns,
min = min,
max = max,
step = step,
prefix = prefix,
suffix = "%"
if (br) tags$br()
#' Wrap `reactivePointRange()` for Consistent Nomenclature in Main App
#' @inheritParams reactivePointRange
#' @inherit reactivePointRange return
#' @keywords internal
reactive_range <- function(id) {
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