
Defines functions no_fmt vroom_to_readxl download_sftp read_file download_addr download_sms download_acns

Documented in download_acns download_addr download_sftp download_sms no_fmt read_file vroom_to_readxl

#' Download Current ACNS Data
#' `download_acns()` downloads data from both the address and texting ACNS
#' files and merges the two using common columns. It uses the address data as
#' reference; any data in the SMS dataset not matching the address data is
#' dropped. This is because address data is necessary for some downstream
#' functions.
#' @param primary Which data source should be used as the primary table? Choices
#'   are `"sms"` or `"addr"`; defaults to `"sms"`.
#' @param addr_creds Character. A length 2 vector containing the credentials for
#'   accessing the ACNS address data. The username should appear first, then the
#'   password.
#' @param sms_creds Character. A length 2 vector containing the credentials for
#'   accessing the ACNS SMS data. The username should appear first, then the
#'   password.
#' @param date The date to assign to the `date_tbl`; if `NULL`, this will be
#'   calculated from the data
#' @return A `tibble` containing the joined data
#' @export
download_acns <- function(
  primary = c("sms", "addr"),
  addr_creds = Sys.getenv(c("acns_usr", "acns_pwd")),
  sms_creds = Sys.getenv(c("sftp_usr", "sftp_pwd")),
  date = NULL
) {

  primary <- rlang::arg_match(primary)[[1L]]

  addr <- download_addr(usr = addr_creds[[1L]], pwd = addr_creds[[2L]])
  sms  <- download_sms(usr = sms_creds[[1]], pwd = sms_creds[[2L]])

  by_cols <- dplyr::intersect(colnames(addr), colnames(sms))

  date <- lubridate::as_date(date)

  date_updated <- if (vctrs::vec_is_empty(date)) acns_date_updated() else date

    . == "sms"  ~ dplyr::right_join(addr, sms, by = by_cols),
    . == "addr" ~ dplyr::left_join(addr, sms, by = by_cols),
    ~ rlang::abort("`primary` must be 'sms' or 'addr'")
  ) %>%
      .before = 1L
    ) %>%
    as_date_tbl(date = date_updated)

#' Download ACNS_DAILY_OUT File from SFTP Server
#' `download_sms()` downloads the file used to send text messages. Date columns
#' are returned as dates; all other are character. All column names are passed
#' through `janitor::clean_names()`.
#' @param path Path to file to download on SFTP server
#' @inheritParams download_sftp
#' @param archive Should the data be archived before loading in-memory? This
#'   will only write data to an archive file that does not already exist.
#' @param archive_dir The archive directory path
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to `read_file()`
#' @return A `tibble` containing the data from the ACNS sms file
#' @export
download_sms <- function(
  path = "ACNS/ACNS_DAILY_OUT.txt",
  usr = Sys.getenv("sftp_usr"),
  pwd = Sys.getenv("sftp_pwd"),
  server = "xfer.shelbycountytn.gov",
  archive = TRUE,
  archive_dir = "V:/EPI DATA ANALYTICS TEAM/Mass Texting/ACNS_DAILY_OUT/",
) {

  # Standardize path
  path <- path %>% fs::path_norm() %>% fs::path_tidy()

  # Download data to temp directory
  path_local <- download_sftp(
    file = fs::path_file(path),
    dir_remote = fs::path_dir(path),
    server = server,
    usr = usr,
    pwd = pwd
  on.exit(try(fs::dir_delete(path_local), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # Save to data archive if `archive = TRUE`
  if (archive) {
    archive_sms(path = path_local)

  # Define column types
  col_types <- vroom::cols(
    PKEY = vroom::col_character(),
    DATE_ADDED = vroom::col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
    RESULT = vroom::col_character(),
    TEST_DATE = vroom::col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
    FIRST_NAME = vroom::col_character(),
    LAST_NAME = vroom::col_character(),
    DATE_OF_BIRTH = vroom::col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
    SEX = vroom::col_character(),
    PNUMBER = vroom::col_character()

  # Load data
  read_file(path_local, col_types = col_types, ...) %>%

#' Download Address File from SFTP Server
#' `download_addr()` downloads and loads the address file from the SFTP server.
#' Date columns are returned as dates; all others are returned as character. All
#' column names are passed through `janitor::clean_names()`.
#' @inheritParams download_sms
#' @return A `tibble` containing data from the ACNS address file
#' @export
download_addr <- function(
  path = "ACNS_ADDRESS_SAMPLE.csv",
  usr = Sys.getenv("acns_usr"),
  pwd = Sys.getenv("acns_pwd"),
  server = "xfer.shelbycountytn.gov",
) {

  # Standardize path
  path <- path %>% fs::path_norm() %>% fs::path_tidy()

  # Download data to temp directory
  path_local <- download_sftp(
    file = fs::path_file(path),
    dir_remote = fs::path_dir(path),
    server = server,
    usr = usr,
    pwd = pwd
  on.exit(try(fs::dir_delete(path_local), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # Define column types
  col_types <- vroom::cols(
    PKEY = vroom::col_character(),
    RESULT = vroom::col_character(),
    TEST_DATE = vroom::col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
    FIRST_NAME = vroom::col_character(),
    LAST_NAME = vroom::col_character(),
    DOB = vroom::col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
    SEX = vroom::col_character(),
    PNUMBER = vroom::col_character(),
    ADDR1 = vroom::col_character(),
    ADDR2 = vroom::col_character(),
    CITY = vroom::col_character(),
    STATE = vroom::col_character(),
    ZIP = vroom::col_character()

  # Load data and assign date
  read_file(path_local, col_types = col_types, ...) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DATE_OF_BIRTH = .data[["DOB"]]) %>%

#' Read Delimited/Fixed-Width/Excel File
#' @param file File to read
#' @param col_types readr/vroom column specification
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to `vroom()` or `read_excel()`
#' @return A `tibble` containing the file data
read_file <- function(
  col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
) {
  file <- path_create(file)
  ext  <- fs::path_ext(file)

  if (tolower(ext) %in% c("xlsx", "xls")) {
    col_types <- vroom_to_readxl(col_types)
    coviData::read_file_excel(file = file, col_types = col_types, ...)
  } else {
    coviData::read_file_delim(file = file, col_types = col_types, ...)

# Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Download File from SFTP Server
#' @param file File name to pull from the SFTP server. This should
#'   not include directories.
#' @param usr Username for SFTP server
#' @param pwd Password for SFTP server
#' @param dir_remote Directory containing file in SFTP server
#' @param dir_local Directory to save file to on local computer
#' @param server Server address
#' @return Path where the file is downloaded
download_sftp <- function(
  dir_remote = "",
  dir_local = fs::file_temp("dir"),
  server = "xfer.shelbycountytn.gov"
) {

  file <- file %>% fs::path_norm() %>% fs::path_tidy() %>% fs::path_file()
  ext <- fs::path_ext(file)
  dir_remote <- dir_remote %>% fs::path_norm() %>% fs::path_tidy()
  dir_local <- path_create(dir_local)

  # Create SFTP connection object
  sftp_con <- coviData::sftp_connect(
    server = server,
    folder = dir_remote,
    username = usr,
    password = pwd

  # Create `dir_local` if it doesn't exist
  if (!fs::dir_exists(dir_local)) {
    dir_local <- fs::dir_create(dir_local)

  # Download from `server`
    file = file,
    tofolder = dir_local,
    sftp_connection = sftp_con,
    verbose = FALSE

  invisible(path_create(dir_local, file))

#' Convert readr/vroom Column Specification to readxl Format
#' @param col_types A `col_types` specification for vroom/readr
#' @return A `col_types` specification for readxl
vroom_to_readxl <- function(col_types) {

  map_col_types <- purrr::as_mapper(
    ~ dplyr::case_when(
      identical(.x, vroom::col_logical()) ~ "logical",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_integer()) ~ "numeric",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_big_integer()) ~ "numeric",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_double()) ~ "numeric",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_number()) ~ "numeric",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_guess()) ~ "guess",
      identical(.x, vroom::col_skip()) ~ "skip",
      identical(no_fmt(.x), vroom::col_date()) ~ "date",
      identical(no_fmt(.x), vroom::col_time()) ~ "date",
      identical(no_fmt(.x), vroom::col_datetime()) ~ "date",
      TRUE ~ "text"

  if (rlang::is_empty(col_types[["cols"]])) {
  } else {
    purrr::map_chr(col_types[["cols"]], map_col_types)

#' Standardize vroom/readr `col_spec`s with No Format
#' @param col_spec A column specification from vroom/readr
#' @return The column specification with format set to `""`
no_fmt <- function(col_spec) {
  if (!is.null(col_spec[["format"]])) col_spec[["format"]] <- ""
jesse-smith/covidsms documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 4:24 a.m.