
Defines functions elliptic.zones

Documented in elliptic.zones

#' Determine zones for \code{elliptic.test}
#' \code{elliptic.zones} constructs the elliptical zones
#' for \code{\link{elliptic.test}}.
#' @inheritParams elliptic.test
#' @return A list with all distinct zones, the associated
#' shape parameters, and the associated angle parameters.
#' @export
#' @references Kulldorff, M., Huang, L., Pickle,
#' L. and Duczmal, L. (2006) An elliptic spatial scan
#' statistic. Statististics in Medicine, 25:3929-3943.
#' <doi:10.1002/sim.2490>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(nydf)
#' coords <- with(nydf, cbind(longitude, latitude))
#' out <- elliptic.zones(
#'   coords = coords, pop = nydf$pop,
#'   shape = 1.5, nangle = 4
#' )
#' }
elliptic.zones <- function(coords, pop, ubpop = 0.5,
                           shape = c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                           nangle = c(1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15)) {
  # convert to proper format
  coords <- as.matrix(coords)
  N <- nrow(coords)

  # compute inter-centroid distances
  d <- lapply(seq_along(shape), function(i) {
    all_shape_dists(shape[i], nangle[i], coords)
  if (length(shape) > 1) {
    d <- do.call(rbind, d)
  } else {
    d <- d[[1]]

  # for each region, determine sorted nearest neighbors
  # subject to population constraint
  mynn <- nnpop(d, pop, ubpop)

  # number of nns for each max ellipse
  nnn <- unlist(lapply(mynn, length))

  # determine all shapes and angles for all potential clusters
  shape_all <- rep(rep(shape, times = N * nangle),
    times = nnn

  angle_all <- unlist(sapply(seq_along(nangle), function(i) {
    seq(90, 270, len = nangle[i] + 1)[seq_len(nangle[i])]
  angle_all <- rep(rep(angle_all, each = N), times = nnn)

  # determine distinct zones
  wdup <- nndup(mynn, N)

  # determine positions in mynn of all zones
  allpos <- cbind(
    rep(seq_along(mynn), times = nnn),
    unlist(sapply(nnn, seq_len))

  # remove zones with a test statistic of 0
  # or fewer than minimum number of cases or
  # indistinct
  w0 <- which(wdup)
  shape_all <- shape_all[-w0]
  angle_all <- angle_all[-w0]
  allpos <- allpos[-w0, ]

  # construct all zones
  zones <- apply(allpos, 1, function(x) mynn[[x[1]]][seq_len(x[2])])
  return(list(zones = zones, shape = shape_all, angle = angle_all))
jfrench/smerc documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 5:13 p.m.