#' Plot object of class \code{smerc_cluster}.
#' Plot clusters (the centroids of the regions in each
#' cluster) in different colors. The most likely cluster is
#' plotted with solid red circles by default. Points not in
#' a cluster are black open circles. The other cluster
#' points are plotted with different symbols and colors.
#' @param x An object of class scan to be plotted.
#' @param ... Additional graphical parameters passed to the
#' \code{plot} function.
#' @inheritParams clusters
#' @param nclusters Number of clusters to plot. Deprecated. Use \code{idx}.
#' @param ccol Fill color of the plotted points. Default is
#' \code{grDevices::hcl.colors(nclusters, palette = "viridis")}.
#' @param cpch Plotting character to use for points in each
#' cluster. Default is NULL, indicating pch = 20 for the
#' most likely cluster and then pch = 2, 3, .., up to the
#' remaining number of clusters.
#' @param add A logical indicating whether results should be
#' drawn on existing map.
#' @param usemap Logical indicating whether the maps::map
#' function should be used to create a plot background for
#' the coordinates. Default is \code{FALSE}. Use
#' \code{TRUE} if you have longitude/latitude coordinates.
#' @param mapargs A list of arguments for the map function.
#' @export
#' @method plot smerc_cluster
#' @examples
#' data(nydf)
#' coords <- with(nydf, cbind(longitude, latitude))
#' out <- scan.test(
#' coords = coords, cases = floor(nydf$cases),
#' pop = nydf$pop, nsim = 0,
#' longlat = TRUE, alpha = 1
#' )
#' # plot only 3 most likely clusters
#' plot(out, idx = 1:3)
#' ## plot output for new york state
#' # specify desired argument values
#' mapargs <- list(
#' database = "county", region = "new york",
#' xlim = range(out$coords[, 1]),
#' ylim = range(out$coords[, 2])
#' )
#' # needed for "county" database (unless you execute library(maps))
#' data(countyMapEnv, package = "maps")
#' # plot only the 1st and 3rd clusters
#' plot(out, idx = 1:3, usemap = TRUE, mapargs = mapargs)
plot.smerc_cluster <- function(x, ...,
idx = seq_along(x$clusters),
nclusters = NULL,
ccol = NULL, cpch = NULL,
add = FALSE, usemap = FALSE,
mapargs = list()) {
if (min(idx) < 1 | max(idx) > length(x$clusters)) {
stop("invalid idx values")
nclusters <- length(idx)
arg_check_nclusters(nclusters, length(x$clusters))
# number of centroids
nc <- nclusters
# set default values
if (is.null(ccol)) {
ccol <- grDevices::hcl.colors(nclusters, palette = "viridis")
} # seq_len(nclusters) + 1
if (is.null(cpch)) cpch <- rep(20, nclusters)
if (nc > 1) cpch[2:nclusters] <- 3:(nclusters + 1)
# more sanity checking
if (length(ccol) != nclusters) {
stop("ccol must have length equal to nclusters")
if (length(cpch) != nclusters) {
stop("cpch must have length equal to nclusters")
# extract coordinates and cluster coordinates
coords <- x$coords
if (!add) {
if (usemap) {
if (requireNamespace("maps", quietly = TRUE)) {
do.call(maps::map, mapargs)
} else {
message("Please install the maps package to enable this functionality")
graphics::plot(coords, ...)
} else {
graphics::plot(coords, ...)
graphics::points(coords, ...)
# plot clusters
for (i in idx) {
graphics::points(coords[x$clusters[[i]]$locids, 1],
coords[x$clusters[[i]]$locids, 2],
col = ccol[i], pch = cpch[i]
if (!is.null(x$clusters[[i]]$w)) {
if (length(x$clusters[[i]]$w) > 1) {
seg <- w2segments(
coords[x$clusters[[i]]$locids, ]
graphics::segments(seg[, 1], seg[, 2], seg[, 3], seg[, 4],
col = ccol[i], pch = cpch[i]
#' Returns segments connecting neighbors
#' w2segments takes a binary spatial proximity matrix and
#' associated coordinates. It returns segments connecting
#' the neighbors for plotting purposes
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
w2segments <- function(w, coords) {
nnb <- sum(w != 0)
count <- 0
seg <- matrix(0, nrow = nnb, ncol = 4)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(w))) {
nbi <- which(w[i, ] != 0)
nnbi <- length(nbi)
seg[count + seq_len(nnbi), 1] <- coords[i, 1]
seg[count + seq_len(nnbi), 2] <- coords[i, 2]
seg[count + seq_along(nbi), 3] <- coords[nbi, 1]
seg[count + seq_along(nbi), 4] <- coords[nbi, 2]
count <- count + nnbi
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