Man pages for jfukuyama/phyloseqGraphTest
Graph-Based Permutation Tests for Microbiome Data

graph_perm_testPerforms graph-based permutation tests
new_fortify.igraphFortify method for networks of class 'igraph'
permutePermute labels
phyloseqGraphTest-packagephyloseqGraphTest: Non-parametric graph-based testing for...
plot_permutationsPlots the permutation distribution
plot_test_networkPlots the graph used for testing
print.psgraphtestPrint psgraphtest objects
scale_safelyRescale x to (0, 1), except if x is constant
validGroupingCheck for valid grouping
jfukuyama/phyloseqGraphTest documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 4:09 a.m.