Man pages for jgabry/ppcheck
Plotting for Bayesian Models

available_ppcGet or view the names of available plotting or data functions
bayesplot-colorsSet, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes
bayesplot-extractorsExtract quantities needed for plotting from model objects
bayesplot_gridArrange plots in a grid
bayesplot-helpersConvenience functions for adding or changing plot details
bayesplot-package*bayesplot*: Plotting for Bayesian Models
bayesplot_theme_getGet, set, and modify the active *bayesplot* theme
example-dataExample draws to use in demonstrations and tests
MCMC-combosCombination plots
MCMC-diagnosticsGeneral MCMC diagnostics
MCMC-distributionsHistograms and kernel density plots of MCMC draws
MCMC-intervalsPlot interval estimates from MCMC draws
MCMC-nutsDiagnostic plots for the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
MCMC-overviewPlots for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MCMC-parcoordParallel coordinates plot of MCMC draws
MCMC-recoverCompare MCMC estimates to "true" parameter values
MCMC-scatterplotsScatterplots of MCMC draws
MCMC-tracesTrace and rank plots of MCMC draws
PPC-censoringPPC censoring
PPC-discretePPCs for discrete outcomes
PPC-distributionsPPC distributions
PPC-errorsPPC errors
pp_checkPosterior (or prior) predictive checks (S3 generic and...
PPC-intervalsPPC intervals
PPC-looLOO predictive checks
PPC-overviewGraphical posterior predictive checking
PPC-scatterplotsPPC scatterplots
PPC-test-statisticsPPC test statistics
PPD-distributionsPPD distributions
PPD-intervalsPPD intervals
PPD-overviewPlots of posterior or prior predictive distributions
PPD-test-statisticsPPD test statistics
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
theme_defaultDefault *bayesplot* plotting theme
tidy-paramsTidy parameter selection
jgabry/ppcheck documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 10:28 p.m.