bayesplot-colors: Set, get, or view *bayesplot* color schemes

bayesplot-colorsR Documentation

Set, get, or view bayesplot color schemes


Set, get, or view color schemes. Choose from a preset scheme or create a custom scheme. See the Available color schemes section below for a list of available scheme names. The Custom color schemes section describes how to specify a custom scheme.


color_scheme_set(scheme = "blue")

color_scheme_get(scheme = NULL, i = NULL)

color_scheme_view(scheme = NULL)



For color_scheme_set(), either a string naming one of the available color schemes or a character vector of exactly six colors specifying a custom scheme.

For color_scheme_get(), scheme can be missing (to get the current color scheme) or a string naming one of the preset schemes.

For color_scheme_view(), scheme can be missing (to use the current color scheme) or a character vector containing a subset of the available scheme names.

See the Available color schemes section below for a list of available scheme names. The Custom color schemes section describes how to specify a custom scheme.


For color_scheme_get(), an optional subset of the integers from 1 (lightest) to 6 (darkest) indicating which of the colors in the scheme to return. If i is not specified then all six colors in the scheme are included.


color_scheme_set() has the side effect of setting the color scheme used for plotting. It also returns (invisibly) a list of the hexadecimal color values used in scheme.

color_scheme_get() returns a list of the hexadecimal color values (without changing the current scheme). If the scheme argument is not specified the returned values correspond to the current color scheme. If the optional argument i is specified then the returned list only contains length(i) elements.

color_scheme_view() returns a ggplot object if only a single scheme is specified and a gtable object if multiple schemes names are specified.

Available color schemes

Currently, the available preset color schemes are:

  • "blue", "brightblue"

  • "gray", "darkgray"

  • "green"

  • "pink"

  • "purple"

  • "red"

  • "teal"

  • "yellow"

  • "viridis", "viridisA", "viridisB", "viridisC", "viridisD", "viridisE"

  • "mix-x-y", replacing x and y with any two of the scheme names listed above (e.g. "mix-teal-pink", "mix-blue-red", etc.). The order of x and y matters, i.e., the color schemes "mix-blue-red" and "mix-red-blue" are not identical. There is no guarantee that every possible mixed scheme will look good with every possible plot.

  • "brewer-x", replacing x with the name of a palette available from RColorBrewer::brewer.pal() (e.g., brewer-PuBuGn).

If you have a suggestion for a new color scheme please let us know via the bayesplot issue tracker.

Custom color schemes

A bayesplot color scheme consists of six colors. To specify a custom color scheme simply pass a character vector containing either the names of six colors or six hexadecimal color values (or a mix of names and hex values). The colors should be in order from lightest to darkest. See the end of the Examples section for a demonstration.

See Also

theme_default() for the default ggplot theme used by bayesplot and bayesplot_theme_set() to change it.



color_scheme_get(i = c(3, 5)) # 3rd and 5th colors only


# compare multiple schemes
color_scheme_view(c("pink", "gray", "teal"))
color_scheme_view(c("viridis", "viridisA", "viridisB", "viridisC"))

x <- example_mcmc_draws()


mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars = "beta")

y <- example_y_data()
yrep <- example_yrep_draws()
ppc_stat(y, yrep, stat = "mean") + legend_none()

### Mixing color schemes ###
ppc_stat(y, yrep, stat = "sd") + legend_none()
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars = "beta")

### ColorBrewer scheme ###
mcmc_trace(x, pars = "sigma")

### Custom color scheme ###
orange_scheme <- c("#ffebcc", "#ffcc80",
                   "#ffad33", "#e68a00",
                   "#995c00", "#663d00")
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars = "alpha")
ppc_stat(y, yrep, stat = "var") + legend_none()

jgabry/ppcheck documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 10:28 p.m.