MCMC-intervals: Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws

MCMC-intervalsR Documentation

Plot interval estimates from MCMC draws


Plot central (quantile-based) posterior interval estimates from MCMC draws. See the Plot Descriptions section, below, for details.


  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  prob = 0.5,
  prob_outer = 0.9,
  point_est = c("median", "mean", "none"),
  outer_size = 0.5,
  inner_size = 2,
  point_size = 4,
  rhat = numeric()

  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  area_method = c("equal area", "equal height", "scaled height"),
  prob = 0.5,
  prob_outer = 1,
  point_est = c("median", "mean", "none"),
  rhat = numeric(),
  border_size = NULL,
  bw = NULL,
  adjust = NULL,
  kernel = NULL,
  n_dens = NULL

  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  prob_outer = 1,
  prob = 1,
  border_size = NULL,
  bw = NULL,
  adjust = NULL,
  kernel = NULL,
  n_dens = NULL

  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  prob = 0.5,
  prob_outer = 0.9,
  point_est = c("median", "mean", "none"),
  rhat = numeric()

  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  prob = 0.5,
  prob_outer = 1,
  point_est = c("median", "mean", "none"),
  rhat = numeric(),
  bw = NULL,
  adjust = NULL,
  kernel = NULL,
  n_dens = NULL

  pars = character(),
  regex_pars = character(),
  transformations = list(),
  prob_outer = 1,
  prob = 1,
  bw = NULL,
  adjust = NULL,
  kernel = NULL,
  n_dens = NULL



An object containing MCMC draws:

  • A 3-D array, matrix, list of matrices, or data frame. The MCMC-overview page provides details on how to specify each these.

  • A draws object from the posterior package (e.g., draws_array, draws_rvars, etc.).

  • An object with an as.array() method that returns the same kind of 3-D array described on the MCMC-overview page.


An optional character vector of parameter names. If neither pars nor regex_pars is specified then the default is to use all parameters. As of version ⁠1.7.0⁠, bayesplot also supports 'tidy' parameter selection by specifying pars = vars(...), where ... is specified the same way as in dplyr::select(...) and similar functions. Examples of using pars in this way can be found on the Tidy parameter selection page.


An optional regular expression to use for parameter selection. Can be specified instead of pars or in addition to pars. When using pars for tidy parameter selection, the regex_pars argument is ignored since select helpers perform a similar function.


Optionally, transformations to apply to parameters before plotting. If transformations is a function or a single string naming a function then that function will be used to transform all parameters. To apply transformations to particular parameters, the transformations argument can be a named list with length equal to the number of parameters to be transformed. Currently only univariate transformations of scalar parameters can be specified (multivariate transformations will be implemented in a future release). If transformations is a list, the name of each list element should be a parameter name and the content of each list element should be a function (or any item to match as a function via, e.g. a string naming a function). If a function is specified by its name as a string (e.g. "log"), then it can be used to construct a new parameter label for the appropriate parameter (e.g. "log(sigma)"). If a function itself is specified (e.g. log or function(x) log(x)) then "t" is used in the new parameter label to indicate that the parameter is transformed (e.g. "t(sigma)").

Note: due to partial argument matching transformations can be abbreviated for convenience in interactive use (e.g., transform).


Currently unused.


The probability mass to include in the inner interval (for mcmc_intervals()) or in the shaded region (for mcmc_areas()). The default is 0.5 (50% interval) and 1 for mcmc_areas_ridges().


The probability mass to include in the outer interval. The default is 0.9 for mcmc_intervals() (90% interval) and 1 for mcmc_areas() and for mcmc_areas_ridges().


The point estimate to show. Either "median" (the default), "mean", or "none".

inner_size, outer_size

For mcmc_intervals(), the size of the inner and interval segments, respectively.


For mcmc_intervals(), the size of point estimate.


An optional numeric vector of R-hat estimates, with one element per parameter included in x. If rhat is provided, the intervals/areas and point estimates in the resulting plot are colored based on R-hat value. See rhat() for methods for extracting R-hat estimates.


How to constrain the areas in mcmc_areas(). The default is "equal area", setting the density curves to have the same area. With "equal height", the curves are scaled so that the highest points across the curves are the same height. The method "scaled height" tries a compromise between to the two: the heights from "equal height" are scaled using height*sqrt(height)


For mcmc_areas() and mcmc_areas_ridges(), the size of the ridgelines.

bw, adjust, kernel, n_dens

Optional arguments passed to stats::density() to override default kernel density estimation parameters. n_dens defaults to 1024.


The plotting functions return a ggplot object that can be further customized using the ggplot2 package. The functions with suffix ⁠_data()⁠ return the data that would have been drawn by the plotting function.

Plot Descriptions


Plots of uncertainty intervals computed from posterior draws with all chains merged.


Density plots computed from posterior draws with all chains merged, with uncertainty intervals shown as shaded areas under the curves.


Density plot, as in mcmc_areas(), but drawn with overlapping ridgelines. This plot provides a compact display of (hierarchically) related distributions.

See Also

Other MCMC: MCMC-combos, MCMC-diagnostics, MCMC-distributions, MCMC-nuts, MCMC-overview, MCMC-parcoord, MCMC-recover, MCMC-scatterplots, MCMC-traces



# load ggplot2 to use its functions to modify our plots

# some parameter draws to use for demonstration
x <- example_mcmc_draws(params = 6)

mcmc_intervals(x, pars = c("beta[1]", "beta[2]"))
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars = "beta\\[[1-3]\\]",  prob = 0.8) +
   title = "Posterior distributions",
   subtitle = "with medians and 80% intervals"

p <- mcmc_areas(
   pars = c("alpha", "beta[4]"),
   prob = 2/3,
   prob_outer = 0.9,
   point_est = "mean",
   border_size = 1.5 # make the ridgelines fatter

# control spacing at top and bottom of plot
# see ?ggplot2::expansion
p + scale_y_discrete(
  limits = c("beta[4]", "alpha"),
  expand = expansion(add = c(1, 2))
p + scale_y_discrete(
  limits = c("beta[4]", "alpha"),
  expand = expansion(add = c(.1, .3))

# relabel parameters
p + scale_y_discrete(
  labels = c("alpha" = "param label 1",
             "beta[4]" = "param label 2")

# relabel parameters and define the order
p + scale_y_discrete(
  labels = c("alpha" = "param label 1",
             "beta[4]" = "param label 2"),
  limits = c("beta[4]", "alpha")

# color by rhat value
fake_rhat_values <- c(1, 1.07, 1.3, 1.01, 1.15, 1.005)
mcmc_intervals(x, rhat = fake_rhat_values)

# get the dataframe that is used in the plotting functions
mcmc_intervals_data(x, rhat = fake_rhat_values)
mcmc_areas_data(x, pars = "alpha")

p <- mcmc_areas(x, pars = c("alpha", "beta[4]"), rhat = c(1, 1.1))
p + legend_move("bottom")
p + legend_move("none") # or p + legend_none()

# Different area calculations
b3 <- c("beta[1]", "beta[2]", "beta[3]")

mcmc_areas(x, pars = b3, area_method = "equal area") +
    title = "Curves have same area",
    subtitle = "A wide, uncertain interval is spread thin when areas are equal"

mcmc_areas(x, pars = b3, area_method = "equal height") +
    title = "Curves have same maximum height",
    subtitle = "Local curvature is clearer but more uncertain curves use more area"

mcmc_areas(x, pars = b3, area_method = "scaled height") +
    title = "Same maximum heights but heights scaled by square-root",
    subtitle = "Compromise: Local curvature is accentuated and less area is used"

# apply transformations
  pars = c("beta[2]", "sigma"),
  transformations = list("sigma" = "log", "beta[2]" = function(x) x + 3)

# apply same transformation to all selected parameters
mcmc_intervals(x, regex_pars = "beta", transformations = "exp")

## Not run: 
# example using fitted model from rstanarm package
fit <- stan_glm(
 mpg ~ 0 + wt + factor(cyl),
 data = mtcars,
 iter = 500,
 refresh = 0
x <- as.matrix(fit)

mcmc_intervals(x, point_est = "mean", prob = 0.8, prob_outer = 0.95)
mcmc_areas(x, regex_pars = "cyl", bw = "SJ",
           rhat = rhat(fit, regex_pars = "cyl"))

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Example of hierarchically related parameters
# plotted with ridgelines
m <- shinystan::eight_schools@posterior_sample
mcmc_areas_ridges(m, pars = "mu", regex_pars = "theta", border_size = 0.75) +
  ggtitle("Treatment effect on eight schools (Rubin, 1981)")

## End(Not run)

jgabry/ppcheck documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 10:28 p.m.