
#' Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' and serves as example and unit test data. The same data set is used in
#' the vignette.
#' @format A \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' @usage data(interactions_yy1)

#' Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 promoters
#' This is a \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' containing proccessed results from YY1
#' ChIA-PET of interactions that contain a YY1 motif in the promoter
#' (anchor 1) region. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format A \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' @usage data(interactions_yy1_promoter)

#' Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 enhancers
#' This is a \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' containing proccessed results from YY1
#' ChIA-PET of interactions that contain a YY1 motif in the enhancer
#' (anchor 2) region. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format A \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' @usage data(interactions_yy1_enhancer)

#' Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1 enhancers/promoters
#' This is a \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' containing proccessed results from YY1
#' ChIA-PET of interactions that contain a YY1 motif in the promoter
#' (anchor 1) region and a YY1 motif in the enhancer (anchor 2) region.
#' It serves as unit test data.
#' @format A \code{\link[GenomicInteractions]{GenomicInteractions}} object
#' @usage data(interactions_yy1_ep)

#' Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' and serves as example and unit test data.
#' @format An \code{interactionData} object
#' @usage data(int_data_yy1)

#' K562 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by human RAD21 ChIA-PET
#' from K562 cells and serves as unit test data.
#' @format An \code{interactionData} object
#' @usage data(int_data_k562)

#' MSLCL Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by human RAD21 ChIA-PET
#' from MSLCL cells and serves as unit test data.
#' @format An \code{interactionData} object
#' @usage data(int_data_mslcl)

#' Interactions scanned for motifs - interactionData object
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs and serves as unit test data.
#' @format An interactionData object
#' @usage data(scan_interactions_example)

#' Interactions with motifs filtered for significance - interactionData object
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs and filtered for motifs present
#' in at least 10% of interactions. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format An interactionData object
#' @usage data(scan_interactions_example_filtered)

#' spatzie count correlation data set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs, filtered for motifs present
#' in at least 10% of interactions, and processed for significant motif:motif
#' interactions with count correlation. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format An interactionData object
#' @usage data(anchor_pair_example_count)

#' spatzie match association data set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs, filtered for motifs present
#' in at least 10 % of interactions, and processed for significant motif:motif
#' interactions with using the hypergeometric test. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format A interactionData object
#' @usage data(anchor_pair_example_match)

#' spatzie score correlation data set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs, filtered for motifs present
#' in at least 10 % of interactions, and processed for significant motif:motif
#' interactions with score correlation. It serves as unit test data.
#' @format An interactionData object
#' @usage data(anchor_pair_example_score)

#' spatzie score correlation filtered data set
#' This object contains genomic interactions obtained by mouse YY1 ChIA-PET
#' scanned for mouse transcription factor motifs, filtered for motifs present
#' in at least 10% of interactions, processed for significant motif:motif
#' interactions with score correlation, and filtered for pairs with p < 0.5.
#' It serves as unit test data.
#' @format An interactionData object
#' @usage data(filter_pairs_example)

#' compare_motif_pairs example
#' This is a matrix containing example result from compare_motif_pairs. It
#' serves as unit test data.
#' @format A matrix
#' @usage data(compare_pairs_example)
jhammelman/spatzie documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 8:50 a.m.