
Defines functions get_nlcd

Documented in get_nlcd

#' Get a NLCD from USGS LANDFIRE program
#' Uses the USGS LANDFIRE NLCD/USGS_EDC_LandCover_NLCD (ImageServer) REST API.  It appears to 
#' be returning the 1992 NLCD.  Resolution from this API is variable.  The function forces it
#' to (approximately) 30 meters.
#' @param bbx a bounding box from \code{sp}
#' @param p4s a proj4string of projection to request image in.
#' @return raster with NLCD colortable
#' @import raster sp
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(lake,package='quickmapr')
#' x_nlcd<-get_nlcd(bbox(buffer),proj4string(buffer))
#' }
#' #@keywords internal
#' @noRD
get_nlcd <- function(bbx = NULL, p4s = NULL) {
    server_url <- "http://landfire.cr.usgs.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NLCD/USGS_EDC_LandCover_NLCD/ImageServer/exportImage?"
    xdiff <- abs(bbx[1, 1] - bbx[1, 2])
    ydiff <- abs(bbx[2, 1] - bbx[2, 2])
    width <- round(xdiff/30)  #needs to be dealt with given p4s
    height <- round(ydiff/30)  #needs to be dealt with given p4s
    bbx_url <- paste("bbox=", bbx[1, 1], ",", bbx[2, 1], ",", bbx[1, 2], ",", bbx[2, 2], sep = "")
    format_url <- "&format=tiff"
    pixel_url <- "&pixelType=U8&noDataInterpretation=esriNoDataMatchAny&interpolation=+RSP_BilinearInterpolation"
    file_url <- "&f=image"
    bbx_sr_url <- paste("&bboxSR={'wkt':'", showWKT(p4s), "'}", sep = "")
    image_sr_url <- paste("&imageSR={'wkt':'", showWKT(p4s), "'}", sep = "")
    size_url <- paste("&size=", width, ",", height, sep = "")
    request_url <- paste0(server_url, bbx_url, bbx_sr_url, image_sr_url, size_url, format_url, pixel_url, 
    tmp <- tempfile()
    download.file(request_url, tmp, quiet = TRUE, method = "auto", mode = "wb")
    img <- raster(readGDAL(tmp, silent = TRUE, p4s = p4s))
    ct <- system.file("extdata/nlcd_lookup_1992.csv", package = "miscPackage")
    ct <- read.csv(ct, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ctbl <- rep("#000000", 256)
    ctbl[ct$code + 1] <- ct$hex
    img@legend@values <- ct$code
    img@legend@colortable <- ctbl
    img@legend@names <- ct$label
jhollist/miscPackage documentation built on March 3, 2024, 9:23 p.m.