
#' Calculate Mean High Water spring, neap,
#' During spring tides higher high tides are produced. This
#' package calculates mean high water spring at a desired location.
#' Since often only short term data is available, this package uses the
#' simltaneous comparison method to compute the datum. Data from the desired location and a
#' control station for the same time period is required.
#' @param df_sub data frame for subordinate/short term station
#' @param df_ctrl data fram for control station
#' @param sub_level character of column containg gauge data for the subordinate station
#' @param sub_daytime character of column containg daytime values subordinate station
#' @param ctrl_level character of column containg gauge data for the control station
#' @param ctrl_daytime character of column containg daytime values for the control station
#' @param mhw_ctrl A numeric of the Mean High Water of the nearest NOAA Control Station
#' @param s2_ctrl A numeric of the Prinicipal solor semidiurnal constituent from tAmatchhe nearest NOAA
#'                control station.
#' @param mn_ctrl A numeric of the Mean range of tide from nearest NOAA control station
#' @param type the corrected value to return
#' @return returns a numeric of the mean high water spring or neap
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' i<-read.csv(system.file("extdata","i.csv",package="tider"))
#' e<-read.csv(system.file("extdata","e.csv",package="tider"))
#' i$DateTime <- lubridate::parse_date_time(paste(i$Date,i$Time),
#'                                           "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
#' e$DateTime <- lubridate::parse_date_time(paste(e$Date,e$Time),
#'                                        "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")
#' m  <- tider_correct(i, e, "Level", "DateTime", "Level", "DateTime", (8.34-6.06),
#'                      42, 4.53, "spring")

tider_correct <- function(df_sub, df_ctrl,sub_level, sub_daytime, ctrl_level, ctrl_daytime,
                          mhw_ctrl,s2_ctrl,mn_ctrl, type=c("spring","neap")){

  type <- match.arg(type)

  mhws_ctrl <- mhw_ctrl + s2_ctrl

  #find daily high and low tides
  daily_sub<- tider_byday_dep(df_sub,"Level","DateTime")
  daily_ctrl<- tider_byday_dep(df_ctrl,"Level","DateTime")

  daily_sub$higher_high <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_sub$higher_high))
  daily_sub$lower_low <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_sub$lower_low))
  daily_sub$high <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_sub$high))
  daily_sub$low <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_sub$low))
  daily_ctrl$higher_high <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_ctrl$higher_high))
  daily_ctrl$lower_low <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_ctrl$lower_low))
  daily_ctrl$high <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_ctrl$high))
  daily_ctrl$low <- as.numeric(as.character(daily_ctrl$low))

  daily_sub[ is.infinite(daily_sub$low), "low"  ]  <- daily_sub[ is.infinite(daily_sub$low), "lower_low" ]
  daily_sub[ is.infinite(daily_sub$high), "high"  ]  <- daily_sub[ is.infinite(daily_sub$high), "higher_high" ]
  daily_ctrl[ is.infinite(daily_ctrl$low), "low"  ]  <- daily_ctrl[ is.infinite(daily_ctrl$low), "lower_low" ]
  daily_ctrl[ is.infinite(daily_ctrl$high), "high"  ]  <- daily_ctrl[ is.infinite(daily_ctrl$high), "higher_high" ]
  daily_sub[ is.na(daily_sub$low), "low"  ]  <- daily_sub[ is.na(daily_sub$low), "lower_low" ]
  daily_sub[ is.na(daily_sub$high), "high"  ]  <- daily_sub[ is.na(daily_sub$high), "higher_high" ]
  daily_ctrl[ is.na(daily_ctrl$low), "low"  ]  <- daily_ctrl[ is.na(daily_ctrl$low), "lower_low" ]
  daily_ctrl[ is.na(daily_ctrl$high), "high"  ]  <- daily_ctrl[ is.na(daily_ctrl$high), "higher_high" ]

    #calculate monthly values
    mm_sub<-daily_sub %>%
    group_by(Year=year(ymd), Month=month(ymd)) %>%
    summarise(sum_hh = sum(higher_high),
              sum_h= sum(high),
              sum_l= sum(low),
                sum_ll = sum(lower_low),
                num_obs = NROW(high))

    m_mhw <- cbind(mm_sub$sum_hh + mm_sub$sum_h)/(mm_sub$num_obs*2)
    mm_sub$mmhw <- m_mhw
    m_mlw  <-  cbind(mm_sub$sum_ll + mm_sub$sum_l)/(mm_sub$num_obs *2)
    mm_sub$mmlw <- m_mlw
    m_mn  <-  cbind(mm_sub$mmhw - mm_sub$mmlw)
    mm_sub$mmn   <- m_mn

    mm_ctrl<-daily_ctrl %>%
      group_by(Year=year(ymd), Month=month(ymd)) %>%
      summarise(sum_hh = sum(higher_high),
                sum_h= sum(high),
                sum_l= sum(low),
                sum_ll = sum(lower_low),
                num_days = NROW(high))
    m_mhw <- cbind(mm_ctrl$sum_hh + mm_ctrl$sum_h)/(mm_ctrl$num_days*2)
    mm_ctrl$mmhw <- m_mhw
    m_mlw  <-  cbind(mm_ctrl$sum_ll + mm_ctrl$sum_l)/(mm_ctrl$num_days *2)
    mm_ctrl$mmlw <- m_mlw
    m_mn  <-  cbind(mm_ctrl$mmhw - mm_ctrl$mmlw)
    mm_ctrl$mmn   <- m_mn

    #simultaneous comparsion method
    ratio_mmn <- c(mm_sub$mmn/mm_ctrl$mmn)
    sums <- sum(ratio_mmn)
    total_months <- NROW(mm_ctrl)
    means <- sums/total_months
    mn_sub <- mn_ctrl + means

    mhws  <- mn_sub/mn_ctrl * mhws_ctrl
  } else if(type=="neap"){

jhollist/tider documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:27 a.m.