
Defines functions package_hooks_linter

Documented in package_hooks_linter

#' Package hooks linter
#' Check various common "gotchas" in [.onLoad()], [.onAttach()], [.Last.lib()], and [.onDetach()]
#'   namespace hooks that will cause `R CMD check` issues. See Writing R Extensions for details.
#' 1. `.onLoad()` shouldn't call [cat()], [message()], [print()], [writeLines()], [packageStartupMessage()],
#'    [require()], [library()], or [installed.packages()].
#' 2. `.onAttach()` shouldn't call `cat()`, `message()`, `print()`, `writeLines()`, [library.dynam()],
#'    `require()`, `library()`, or `installed.packages()`.
#' 3. `.Last.lib()` and `.onDetach()` shouldn't call [library.dynam.unload()].
#' 4. `.onLoad()` and `.onAttach()` should take two arguments, with names matching `^lib` and `^pkg`;
#'    `.Last.lib()` and `.onDetach()` should take one argument with name matching `^lib`.
#' @examples
#' # will produce lints
#' lint(
#'   text = ".onLoad <- function(lib, ...) { }",
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = ".onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) { require(foo) }",
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = ".onDetach <- function(pkg) { }",
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' # okay
#' lint(
#'   text = ".onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) { }",
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = '.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) { loadNamespace("foo") }',
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = ".onDetach <- function(lib) { }",
#'   linters = package_hooks_linter()
#' )
#' @evalRd rd_tags("package_hooks_linter")
#' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
package_hooks_linter <- function() {
  bad_msg_calls <- c("cat", "message", "print", "writeLines")
  bad_calls <- list(
    .onLoad = c(bad_msg_calls, "packageStartupMessage"),
    .onAttach = c(bad_msg_calls, "library.dynam")
  bad_msg_call_xpath_fmt <- "
    /parent::expr[preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[text() = '%s']]
  bad_call_xpaths <- vapply(
    function(ii) sprintf(bad_msg_call_xpath_fmt, names(bad_calls)[ii], xp_text_in_table(bad_calls[[ii]])),
  names(bad_call_xpaths) <- names(bad_calls)

  make_bad_call_lint_message <- function(expr, hook) {
    call_name <- xml_text(expr)
    lint_message <- sprintf("Don't use %s() in %s().", call_name, hook)
    lint_message[call_name == "packageStartupMessage"] <-
      "Put packageStartupMessage() calls in .onAttach(), not .onLoad()."
    lint_message[call_name == "library.dynam"] <-
      "Put library.dynam() calls in .onLoad, not .onAttach()."

  # lints here will hit the function <expr>,
  #   this path returns to the corresponding namespace hook's name
  ns_calls <- xp_text_in_table(c(".onLoad", ".onAttach", ".onDetach", ".Last.lib"))

  # usually any given package will have one or maybe two files defining namespace hooks.
  #   given the number of checks, then, it's prudent to check first if any such hook is defined,
  #   exiting early if not.
  any_hook_xpath <- glue("(//FUNCTION | //OP-LAMBDA)/parent::expr/preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[{ns_calls}]")

  hook_xpath <- sprintf("string(./ancestor::expr/expr/SYMBOL[%s])", ns_calls)

  load_arg_name_xpath <- "
      preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[text() = '.onAttach' or text() = '.onLoad']
      and (
        count(SYMBOL_FORMALS) != 2
        or SYMBOL_FORMALS[
          (position() = 1 and not(starts-with(text(), 'lib')))
          or (position() = 2 and not(starts-with(text(), 'pkg')))

  library_require_xpath <- "
    /parent::expr[preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[text() = '.onAttach' or text() = '.onLoad']]
      (self::SYMBOL or self::SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL)
      and (text() = 'require' or text() = 'library' or text() = 'installed.packages')

  bad_unload_call_xpath <- "
    /parent::expr[preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[text() = '.Last.lib' or text() = '.onDetach']]
    //SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'library.dynam.unload']

  unload_arg_name_xpath <- "
      preceding-sibling::expr/SYMBOL[text() = '.onDetach' or text() = '.Last.lib']
      and (
        count(SYMBOL_FORMALS) != 1
        or SYMBOL_FORMALS[not(starts-with(text(), 'lib'))]

  Linter(linter_level = "file", function(source_expression) {
    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content

    any_hook <- xml_find_first(xml, any_hook_xpath)
    if (is.na(any_hook)) {

    # inherits: source_expression, bad_call_xpaths
    bad_msg_call_lints <- function(xml, hook) {
      bad_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, bad_call_xpaths[[hook]])
      lint_message <- make_bad_call_lint_message(bad_expr, hook)
      xml_nodes_to_lints(bad_expr, source_expression, lint_message, type = "warning")

    # (1) improper messaging calls shouldn't be used inside .onLoad()/.onAttach()
    onload_bad_msg_call_lints <- bad_msg_call_lints(xml, ".onLoad")
    onattach_bad_msg_call_lints <- bad_msg_call_lints(xml, ".onAttach")

    # (2) .onLoad() and .onAttach() should take two arguments, with names matching ^lib and ^pkg
    load_arg_name_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, load_arg_name_xpath)

    load_arg_name_message <- sprintf(
      "%s() should take two arguments, with the first starting with 'lib' and the second starting with 'pkg'.",
      xml_find_chr(load_arg_name_expr, hook_xpath)
    load_arg_name_lints <-
      xml_nodes_to_lints(load_arg_name_expr, source_expression, load_arg_name_message, type = "warning")

    # (3) .onLoad() and .onAttach() shouldn't call require(), library(), or installed.packages()
    # NB: base only checks the SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL version, not SYMBOL.
    library_require_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, library_require_xpath)

    library_require_bad_call <- xml_text(library_require_expr)
    library_require_hook <- xml_find_chr(library_require_expr, hook_xpath)
    library_require_message <- character(length(library_require_bad_call))
    is_installed_packages <- library_require_bad_call == "installed.packages"
    library_require_message[is_installed_packages] <-
      sprintf("Don't slow down package load by running installed.packages() in %s().", library_require_hook)
    library_require_message[!is_installed_packages] <-
      sprintf("Don't alter the search() path in %s() by calling %s().", library_require_hook, library_require_bad_call)
    library_require_lints <-
      xml_nodes_to_lints(library_require_expr, source_expression, library_require_message, type = "warning")

    # (4) .Last.lib() and .onDetach() shouldn't call library.dynam.unload()
    bad_unload_call_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, bad_unload_call_xpath)

    bad_unload_call_message <- sprintf(
      "Use library.dynam.unload() calls in .onUnload(), not %s().",
      xml_find_chr(bad_unload_call_expr, hook_xpath)
    bad_unload_call_lints <-
      xml_nodes_to_lints(bad_unload_call_expr, source_expression, bad_unload_call_message, type = "warning")

    # (5) .Last.lib() and .onDetach() should take one arguments with name matching ^lib
    unload_arg_name_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, unload_arg_name_xpath)

    unload_arg_name_message <- sprintf(
      "%s() should take one argument starting with 'lib'.",
      xml_find_chr(unload_arg_name_expr, hook_xpath)
    unload_arg_name_lints <-
      xml_nodes_to_lints(unload_arg_name_expr, source_expression, unload_arg_name_message, type = "warning")

jimhester/lintr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 3:38 p.m.