
#	file <- "100_httr2_youtube_ALL_playlists.R"
# ==============
#		PURPOSE:    
#				Use httr2::, oauth2 to list ALL PLAYLISTS for user

# ==============

##	gather needed params for youtube api, playlists
request_url  <- ""
auth_url = ""

##  Retrieve from ~/.Renviron
API_KEY= Sys.getenv("API_KEY")
client_id = Sys.getenv("OAUTH2_ID")
client_secret = Sys.getenv("OAUTH2_SECRET")

##  Google wants multiple scopes separated by white space.
scope = paste0(" ",

##	Begin assembly for  httr2::req_oauth_auth_code()
##		But do not run, yet
auth_params=list(scope=scope, response_type="code") 
fields=paste(sep=",", "nextPageToken",
token_params = list( scope=scope, grant_type="authorization_code")

##	Construct client 
client = oauth_client(id=  client_id,
        token_url  = token_url,
        secret = client_secret,
        key =  API_KEY,
				auth = "body",
				#auth = "header",
        name = "youtube_ALL_PLAYLISTS")

##	Build request object, let httr2:: do it's magic (including server setup) to return resp object.

req = request(request_url)
req  <- req |> 
					req_error(is_error = ~ FALSE) |>     # do not turn errors into R:
					req_url_query(part="snippet", mine="true",  fields=fields)

##	X is final request object 
X  <-  httr2::req_oauth_auth_code( req, 
  client = client,
  auth_url = auth_url,
	cache_disk = T,
  scope = scope, 
  pkce = T,
	auth_params = auth_params ,
  token_params = token_params 


##	Final check, proceed to perform.   After user authorizes, run the request.
resp  <- X %>% req_perform()

##					E R R O R ....

##	Error 400: invalid_request
##	OAuth 2 parameters can only have a single value: scope


# #### Continue (json, tibble, youtube pagination) for results: (not shown)
# resp_status(resp)
# resp_status_desc(resp)
# sapply(list(resp_status, 
# 						resp_status_desc,
# 						resp_content_type), function(f) f(resp))
# resp_headers(resp)
# #resp_body_raw(resp)
# #resp_body_string(resp)
# #	convert to R object
# r  <- resp_body_json(resp)
# #resp_body_html(resp)
# resp_link_url(resp)
# ####	Extract JSON
# Use jsonLite tools
# library(jsonlite)
# library(data.table)
# r$items
jimrothstein/yt_api documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 8:05 p.m.