
Defines functions runPCA

Documented in runPCA

#' Custom PCA function for analyzing gene expression data.
#' Performing PCA on a dataset and create a list object with results.
#' @param pheno_mx Phenotype matrix with diemnsions g x N, where g is the number of genes and N is the number of samples.
#' @param assay_idx The assay index to be used to retrieved a single assay from the SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @param scale_pheno Logical value specifying the scaling of row of the pheno_mx. Default is set to FALSE.
#' @return
#' The following entries will be generated in the output list \code{pca_result} after running the example above. \cr
#' \code{rotation} : Matrix of principal component gene weights where each column represents a single component. (standard \code{prcomp()} output)\cr
#' \code{x} : Matrix of the projections of the original data onto principal componets. Each column holds a projection. (standard \code{prcomp()} output)\cr
#' \code{sdev}: The standard deviation (square root of the eigen values) of each principal components. (standard \code{prcomp()} output)\cr
#' \code{percent_var} : The percent variance each principal component is explaining. Calculated based on \code{sdev}.\cr
#' \code{peaks} : Indicating which gene has a gene weight larger than 2 standard deviations of its component gene weights. \cr
#' \code{center} : The mean values for each gene used to center the data. (standard \code{prcomp()} output)\cr
#' \code{scale} : TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the data was scaled. (standard \code{prcomp()} output)\cr
#' Three attributes are set within the list object. "PCAobject" for \code{class}, "pca" for \code{method} and "no" for \code{covar_cor}.\cr
#' @examples
#' data(expr_data)
#' pca_result <- runPCA(expr_data)
#' @export
runPCA <- function(pheno_mx = NULL,
                    assay_idx = NULL,
                    scale_pheno = FALSE){

        stop("Phenotype matrix is missing \n")

    pheno_nrow <- nrow(pheno_mx)
    pheno_ncol <- ncol(pheno_mx)
    message("Original dimensions of <pheno_mx> = ",
            pheno_nrow , " x ", pheno_ncol, "\n")

    if (pheno_nrow < pheno_ncol){
        warning("Number of samples exceeding number of measured
                features, please check rows and columns of <pheno_mx>")
        warning("* If you are from the future and have more samples than
                measured features, disregard the above message and please

    message("Pre Processing Data \n")
    # removing NA values, centering, scaling (optional)
    pheno_mx <- preProcessData(pheno_mx, scale_pheno = scale_pheno)

    message("Running PCA \n")
    pca_result <- stats::prcomp(t(pheno_mx))

    # calculating percent variance each component explains
    pca_result$percent_var <- (pca_result$sdev^2 / sum(pca_result$sdev^2)) * 100

    pca_result$peaks <- apply(pca_result$rotation, 2, peakDetection)

    # label result as pca for report2me() function
    class(pca_result) <- "PCAobject"
    attr(pca_result, 'method') <- "pca"
    attr(pca_result, 'covar_cor') <- "no"
    attr(pca_result, 'clustering') <- "no"

jinhyunju/picaplot documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m.