
Defines functions .onAttach dropNulls addAttribs removeAttribs getAttribs

.onAttach <- function(...) { #modified from the shinyBS package for R
  # Create link to javascript and css files for package
  shiny::addResourcePath("sbs", system.file("OsteoSort/www", package="OsteoShiny"))

shinyBSDep <- htmltools::htmlDependency("OsteoShiny", packageVersion("OsteoShiny"), src = c("href" = "sbs"), script = "shinyBS.js", stylesheet = "shinyBS.css")
#typeaheadDep <- htmltools::htmlDependency("shinyBS", packageVersion("shinyBS"), src = c("href" = "sbs"), script = c("bootstrap3-typeahead.js", "typeahead_inputbinding.js"));

# Copy of dropNulls function for shiny to avoid using shiny:::dropNulls
dropNulls <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

addAttribs <- function(tag, ...) {
  a <- list(...)
  for(i in seq(length(a))) {
    tag$attribs[names(a)[i]] = a[[i]]

removeAttribs <- function(tag, ...) {
  a <- list(...)
  for(i in seq(length(a))) {
    tags$attribs[a[[i]]] = NULL

getAttribs <- function(tag) {
jjlynch2/OsteoShiny documentation built on Aug. 6, 2019, 5:32 p.m.