# Cleaning data
#' @name simple_cap
#' @title simple_cap
#' @param x a character string
#' @return string with first letter capitalized
#' @export
#combine with map to capitalize first letter of each word
#base of function taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6364783/capitalize-the-first-letter-of-both-words-in-a-two-word-string
simple_cap <- function(x) {
s <- stringr::str_split(x, " ")[[1]]
stringr::str_c(toupper(stringr::str_sub(s, 1, 1)), stringr::str_sub(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
#' @name clean_enduse
#' @title clean_enduse
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @param data a dataframe with an enduse column (column name must match exactly). Column type must be chr.
#' @return dataframe with cleaned enduse column
#' @export
clean_enduse <- function(data){
data %>%
dplyr::mutate(enduse = stringr::str_extract(enduse, "[\\w-]*(?=:)"), #take all before :
enduse = stringr::str_replace(enduse, "_", " "),
#add space before uppercase letter when directly after lowercase
enduse = stringr::str_replace_all(enduse, "((?<=[a-z])(?=([A-Z])))", " "),
#Water Systems -> DHW
enduse = dplyr::case_when(
enduse == "Water Systems" | enduse == "DHW" ~ "Domestic Hot Water",
TRUE ~ enduse
#capitalize first letter of each word
enduse=purrr::map_chr(enduse, simple_cap))
#' @name to_remove
#' @title to_remove
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @param data a dataframe with a fuel column (column name must match exactly). Column type must be chr.
#' @return String with fuel to remove or NULL
#' @export
to_remove <- function(data){
data2 <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(fuel == "Electricity" | enduse == "Electricity") %>%
dplyr::group_by(fuel) %>%
dplyr::summarize(mean_kWh = signif(sum(value), 5))
#determine if "facility" equals sum of electric end uses
if(dplyr::filter(data2, fuel == "Electricity")$mean_kWh == dplyr::filter(data2, fuel == "Facility")$mean_kWh){
message("`to_remove()` removing row summing electric end uses from data.")
#' @name convert
#' @title convert
#' @param num a numeric representing energy use
#' @param conversion_factor a numeric representing the conversion factor from num's units to kWh. Default is 3600000. 0 throws an error.
#' @return Energy in kWh
#' @export
convert <- function(num, conversion_factor = 3600000){
if(conversion_factor == 3600000){
message("`clean_data()` converting energy from joules to kWh. Override with conversion_factor if input in other units.")}
else if(conversion_factor != 0){
message("`clean_data()` converting energy with conversion factor of ", conversion_factor,", dividing original energy values by this factor. Override with conversion_factor if incorrect.")
stop("`clean_data()` cannot convert with conversion factor of 0. Override with conversion_factor.")
#' @name clean_data
#' @title clean_data
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @param csv character string of path to csv
#' @param emissions_conversions character string of path to csv with tonne CO2-e/MWh and tonne CO2-e/therm conversion factors
#' @param by_month designates whether to summarize data by month (the default) or omit month (NULL)
#' @param by_enduse designates whether to summarize data by enduse (the default) or omit enduse (NULL)
#' @param by_hour designates whether to summarize data by hour (the default) or omit hour (NULL)
#' @param by_fuel designates whether to summarize data by fuel (the default) or omit fuel (NULL)
#' @param ... passes arguments to convert()
#' @return Cleaned dataframe
#' @export
clean_data <- function(csv, emissions_conversions = NULL, by_month = month, by_enduse = enduse, by_hour = Hour, by_fuel = fuel, ...) {
data <- readr::read_csv(csv) %>%
#join with emissions conversions if relevant
{if(!is.null(emissions_conversions)) dplyr::full_join(.,readr::read_csv(emissions_conversions)) else .} %>%
#transform to long data
reshape2::melt(id.vars = {if(!is.null(emissions_conversions)) c("Date/Time", "tonne CO2-e/MWh", "tonne CO2-e/therm") else c("Date/Time")}, variable.name = "enduse") %>%
#month is first two digits in Date/Time column
month = factor(month.abb[readr::parse_number(stringr::str_extract(`Date/Time`, "\\d\\d"))], levels = month.abb),
#hour is first two digits directly preceding ":"
Hour = readr::parse_number(stringr::str_extract(`Date/Time`, "\\d\\d(?=:)")),
fuel = stringr::str_extract(enduse, "[\\w]*(?= \\[)"),
#convert units appropriately
value = convert(value, ...)) %>%
{if(!is.null(emissions_conversions)) dplyr::mutate(., CO2e = dplyr::case_when(
fuel == "Gas" ~ convert(value, 105480400)*`tonne CO2-e/therm`*2204.6,
TRUE ~ convert(value)*1000*`tonne CO2-e/MWh`*2204.6)) else .}%>%
#clean all enduses
remove <- to_remove(data)
data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(!fuel %in% c(remove))
#select/group by month and enduse unless otherwise specified
data %>%
dplyr::mutate(enduse = dplyr::case_when(
enduse %in% unique(dplyr::filter(data, fuel == "Electricity")$enduse) & fuel == "Gas" ~ stringr::str_c(enduse, "-Gas"),
TRUE ~ enduse)) %>%
{if(!is.null(emissions_conversions)) dplyr::select(., value, CO2e, {{by_hour}}, {{by_month}}, {{by_enduse}}, {{by_fuel}})
else dplyr::select(., value, {{by_hour}}, {{by_month}}, {{by_enduse}}, {{by_fuel}})}%>%
dplyr::group_by({{by_hour}}, {{by_month}}, {{by_enduse}}, {{by_fuel}}) %>%
{if(!is.null(emissions_conversions)) dplyr::summarize(., kWh = mean(value), mean_CO2e = mean(CO2e), sum_kWh = sum(value), sum_CO2e = sum(CO2e))
else dplyr::summarize(., kWh = mean(value), sum_kWh = sum(value))}
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