formula <- as.formula(y~x)
rows <- 2e5
dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(rows),
y = as.numeric(1:rows),
z = rnorm(rows))
frec1 = hydrorecipes:::Recipe$new(formula = formula, data = dat)$
knots = hydrorecipes:::log_lags(6, 86401)))$
frec2 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
step_distributed_lag(x, knots = hydrorecipes:::log_lags(6, 86401)) |>
prep() |>
expect_equivalent(frec1$result, frec2$result,
info = "R6 and hydrorecipes api are equivalent")
frec1$get_response_data(type = "df")
# spline checks
n <- 2e4
m <- sort(rnorm(n))
bk <- range(m)
knots <- collapse::fquantile(bk, probs = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.3))
fr <- (collapse::qM(hydrorecipes:::b_spline_list(x = m,
df = 0L,
degree = 3L,
internal_knots = knots,
boundary_knots = bk,
complete_basis = TRUE,
periodic = FALSE,
derivs = 0,
integral = FALSE)))
bs <- unclass(splines2::bSpline(m,
knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = bk,
intercept = TRUE))
expect_equivalent(fr, bs,
info = "splines2 and hydrorecipes are equivalent (intercept)")
fr <- (collapse::qM(hydrorecipes:::b_spline_list(x = m,
df = 0L,
degree = 3L,
internal_knots = knots,
boundary_knots = bk,
complete_basis = FALSE,
periodic = FALSE,
derivs = 0,
integral = FALSE)))
bs <- unclass(splines2::bSpline(m,
knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = bk,
intercept = FALSE))
expect_equivalent(fr, bs,
info = "splines2 and hydrorecipes are equivalent (no intercept)")
fr <- (collapse::qM(hydrorecipes:::n_spline_list(x = m,
df = 0L,
degree = 3L,
internal_knots = knots,
boundary_knots = bk,
complete_basis = FALSE,
periodic = FALSE,
derivs = 0,
integral = FALSE)))
ns <- unclass(splines2::naturalSpline(m,
knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = bk,
intercept = FALSE))
sns <- splines::ns(m,knots = knots, Boundary.knots = bk, intercept = FALSE)
expect_equivalent(fr, ns,
info = "splines2 and hydrorecipes are equivalent (no intercept)")
fr <- (collapse::qM(hydrorecipes:::n_spline_list(x = m,
df = 0L,
degree = 3L,
internal_knots = knots,
boundary_knots = bk,
complete_basis = TRUE,
periodic = FALSE,
derivs = 0,
integral = FALSE)))
ns <- unclass(splines2::naturalSpline(m,
knots = knots,
Boundary.knots = bk,
intercept = TRUE))
sns <- splines::ns(m,knots = knots, Boundary.knots = bk, intercept = TRUE)
expect_equivalent(fr, ns,
info = "splines2 and hydrorecipes are equivalent (no intercept)")
# n <- 5e6
# m <- sort(rnorm(n))
# bk <- range(m)
# knots <- quantile(bk, probs = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.1))
# bench::mark(
# ns <- unclass(naturalSpline(m,
# knots = knots,
# Boundary.knots = bk,
# intercept = FALSE)),
# bs <- unclass(bSpline(m,
# knots = knots,
# Boundary.knots = bk,
# intercept = FALSE)),
# check = FALSE)
# set.seed(120)
# n <- 5
# m <- 0:6
# bk <- c(0,6)
# knots <- c(3,4,5)
# fr <- qM((hydrorecipes:::n_spline_list(x = m,
# df = 0L,
# degree = 3L,
# internal_knots = knots,
# boundary_knots = bk,
# complete_basis = TRUE,
# periodic = FALSE,
# derivs = 0,
# integral = FALSE)))
# n <- sort(rnorm(n * 5))
# mm <- qM(hydrorecipes::lag_list(n, 0:6, n_shift = 0, n_subset = 1))
# mm %*% (fr)
# formula = formula(n~.)
# dat <- list(n = n)
# frec2 = Recipe$new(formula = formula, data = dat)$
# add_step(StepDistributedLag$new(n, knots = sort(c(bk, knots))))$
# plate("df")
# frec1 = Recipe$new(formula = formula, data = dat)$
# add_step(StepDistributedLag$new(n, basis_matrix = fr))$
# plate("df")
# frec0 = Recipe$new(formula = formula, data = dat)$
# add_step(StepDistributedLag$new(n, basis_matrix = qM(n_spline_list(0:6, 0L, 3L, knots,
# bk, TRUE, FALSE,
# 0L, FALSE))))$
# plate("df")
# rng = 0:self$max_lag
# one_n = c(1L, self$n_lag)
# n_spline_list(0:6, 0L, 3L, knots,
# bk, TRUE, FALSE,
# 0L, FALSE)
# hydrorecipes:::convolve_list(n, fr, TRUE, TRUE)
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