  comment = "#>",
  error = FALSE,
  tidy = FALSE


The EWStools package is designed to automate many of the model building and checking tests that are common in predictive analytics, specifically for the education domain. We will focus on this suite of tools around the ROC classification procedure. To do this, let's work with a simple simulated dataset we can construct using the twoClassSim function in the caret package:

library(caret); library(MASS); library(pROC)
trainD <- twoClassSim(n = 5000, intercept = -8, linearVars = 3, 
                        noiseVars = 10, corrVars = 4, corrValue = 0.6)
testD <- twoClassSim(n = 1500, intercept = -7, linearVars = 3, 
                       noiseVars = 10, corrVars = 4, corrValue = 0.6)

Let's see what this produces

head(trainD[, c(1:5, 20:23)])

Our training data has an imbalanced class structure and 22 predictors that are scaled and centered.

A key thing to note is that the train and test data have the exact same variable names and scales:


Now let's build a model:

ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, classProbs = TRUE, 
                     summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)

fullModel <- train(Class ~ . , data = trainD,
                   method = "knn", 
                   preProc = c("center", "scale"), 
                   tuneLength = 5, 
                   metric = "ROC", 
                   trControl = ctrl)


The standard output from the caret object is nice, but we want a more flexible and robust classification testing suite built around the ROC specifically.

Look at Train and Test Fit

A key piece of an analysis is seeing how a model type performs on both training and test data. EWStools makes this easy:


mod.out <- modTest("lda2", datatype=c("train", "test"),
                     traindata = list(preds = trainD[, -23], class = trainD[, 23]),
                     testdata = list(preds = testD[, -23], class = testD[, 23]), 
                      modelKeep=FALSE, length = 5, fitControl = ctrl, 
                     metric = "ROC")

The modTest function allows the user to evaluate a method defined for the train function in caret on both a training and a test set of data, and it reports a number of model summary statistics for the model on both the training and the test data. Future extensions will include support for validation data as well.

Build and compare models

While caret has made it very easy to build models, EWStools seeks to improve on this by allowing multiple models to be built, evaluated, and compared in a few easy easy functions. For example, to compare multiple models (without storing them), the user may:

mod.out <- modSearch(methods = c("glm", "lda2"), datatype=c("train", "test"),
                     traindata = list(preds = trainD[, -23], class = trainD[, 23]),
                     testdata = list(preds = testD[, -23], class = testD[, 23]), 
                      modelKeep=FALSE, length = 5, fitControl = ctrl, 
                     metric = "ROC")

This produces a data frame with ROC statistics for the models that allow the construction of ROC curves.


ggplot(mod.out[mod.out$grp == "test",], 
       aes(x = 1- spec, y = sens, group = method, color = method)) + 
         geom_line() + 
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .2))

We can do even more with model fit evaluation.

Conveniently Compare Accuracy Between Train and Test Data

test1 <- ROCtest(fullModel)

This tells us how the model fits the training data in a convenient and easy to interpret fashion. We get a sense of the area under the curve. We can also use the same function to evaluate performance on the test data using a named list of new data:

test2 <- ROCtest(fullModel, testdata = list(preds = testD[, -23], 
                                            class = testD[, "Class"]))


As we can see, the model performs less effectively on the test data. But, what if we want to compare many models?

Model Accuracy Profiles

test3 <- modAcc(fullModel, datatype = c("train","test"), 
                testdata = list(preds = testD[, 1:22], 
                                                     class = testD[, 23]))


Compare GLMs

Sometimes we want to compare more theoretically driven generalized linear models to the machine learning algorithms fit with the caret package. While the caret package can certainly produce models using a glm, we can also compare glm objects directly.

glmModel <- glm(Class ~ . , data=trainD, family = binomial)
testGLM <- ROCtest(glmModel)

And, we can use this to automate our process of inspecting the performance on test data as well:

testGLM2 <- ROCtest(glmModel, testdata = list(preds = testD[, -23], 
                                            class = testD[, "Class"]))


And, we can extract results and generate dataframes of the performance profiles of glm objects just as we can with train objects:

testGLM3 <- modAcc(glmModel, datatype =c("train", "test"), 
                   testdata = list(preds = testD[, 1:22], 
                                                     class = testD[, 23]))


jknowles/EWStools documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.