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I consider input preprocessing options as separate from the input initialization options based on the distinction between preprocessing as some fairly generic procedures you would probably do a data set before any form of machine learning, whereas the input initialization is specific to embedding. You can also think of it as a form of calibration.

The degree of input initialization carried out depends on both the type of embedding and the input data. It can range from doing nothing to some fairly substantial work, although computationally the time taken is normally dwarfed by the optimization procedure once the embedding proper kicks off.

Distance-based embedding

Good news. If you're trying match input to output distances, you have almost no initialization to do. Probably at most you have to convert the data frame into a distance matrix. Unless you passed in a distance matrix, in which case you don't even have to do that.

Probability-based embedding

But you are probably carrying out a probability-based embedding. In this case you have to generate the input probabilities from the input distances. Normally the input kernel function is a gaussian, and there is a free parameter to tune that control the spread of the function. Sometimes this parameter is defined as the bandwidth or variance, and as it gets larger, the spread of the gaussian increases. Other times you'll see the parameter referred to as the "precision", which is the inverse of the squared bandwidth, and hence the larger the precision is, the faster it decays. The sneer options refer to it as the precision, so I'll try not to refer to it in other ways, unless it makes the discussion clearer.

Perplexity and precision

The precision of the kernel function is not set directly. It's done by specifying a desired value for the perplexity, which is usually described as being a continuous analog to the number of nearest neighbors of a point. The user sets the perplexity, and then the precision of the kernel is adjusted so that the probability associated with each point generates the desired perplexity. Generating input probabilities in this way (by specifying a perplexity value, rather than directly setting the parameters of the input kernel function) has been termed entropic affinities.

You may be wondering at this point if there's a free parameter associated with the output kernel function. The answer is, for t-SNE, no. But for other embedding methods there is. For example, the original SNE method also uses a gaussian kernel for the output distances, but just sets all the bandwidths to unity. For more exotic treatments, look for the discussion of the prec_scale parameter below.


Set it to the value you want for the perplexity:

# set the perplexity to half the cluster size
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perplexity = 50)

The original t-SNE paper suggests a value of '5-50', and used a value of 40 for the data it presented results for, but you may want to experiment. The larger the value of the perplexity, the flatter the probability distribution. Set it too high and you will end up with a homogeneous embedding which ignores local structure. Set it too low and you'll get a series of overlapping, disconnected regions.


Apart from the annoyance of having to work out a good value of the perplexity, some researchers have suggested that, especially when using a initialization from a dense random distribution (see the Output Initialization page for more on that), a larger perplexity would be useful initially to avoid falling into local optima.

There have been a few suggestions made in the literature to ameliorate or even remove these issues with the perplexity. The NeRV paper suggests starting with large bandwidths on the input kernel functions, and scaling them to the final values defined for the target perplexity in a series of steps.

sneer doesn't exactly offer this option, but can do something similar: start the optimization with a fairly high perplexity value and then recalculate the input probabilities at progressively lower perplexities as the optimization continues. Set the perp_scale parameter to "step" to try this. However, you must now pass the perplexity parameter a vector containing the perplexities to use or rely on sneer choosing some reasonable values for you:

# step perplexity from 150 to 50:
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perp_scale = "step", 
                  perplexity = c(150, 125, 100, 75, 50))

# Uses a series of 5 reasonable perplexities based on data set size
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perp_scale = "step")

A related, but more complex approach is that described in the multiscale SNE paper. Again, multiple perplexity values are tried, but in this case, the input probabilities are averaged. Set perp_scale to "multi" to try this:

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perp_scale = "multi")

Like the "step" scaling method, you can supply your own perplexities, but the default values are reasonable: to attempt to cover multiple scales of the data, perplexities in decreasing scales of two are tried.

Sneer is already not very speedy, be aware that using this perplexity averaging slows down the embedding further, because the output probabilities are also calculated multiple times and averaged. For the full effect, you should be using a method where the output kernel has a free parameter (see the prec_scale option below). If you are using t-SNE, using this method causes the embedding to do a lot of un-necessary work: there is no free parameter in the output kernel, so identical probabilities are generated multiple times and pointlessly averaged.


If you are using the stepped or multiscaled perplexities, the usual approach is to slowly introduce the new perplexities over time, but not to take so long that you don't have time to do any actual optimization. By default, the scaling will take place over the first 20% of the optimization. You can change this by setting the perp_scale_iter parameter to the number of iterations you want the scaling to occur over:

# make sure the perplexity scaling is finished by iteration 150
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perp_scale = "step", perp_scale_iter = 150)

The default number of total iterations is 1000, and is controlled by the max_iter parameter. See the Optimization section if you want to know more.


This option controls how the free parameter (if it exists) on the output kernel is scaled, relative to the input kernel. The "prec" in the option name is short for "precision", which as discussed above, is inversely related to the spread of the kernel function.

SNE and its variants go to great pains to ensure that each point in the input space has its own precision to match the density of points in its neighborhood. But for the output space, the precisions are all set so the corresponding bandwidths are 1. And in the case of t-SNE, there isn't even a free parameter to adjust.

Some approaches take a different view. The NeRV paper suggests transferring the precisions from the input kernel to the output kernel.

This can be accomodated by using the prec_scale argument with the argument "transfer" (which can be abbreviated to "t"):

s1k_ssne <- sneer(s1k, prec_scale = "t", method = "ssne")

Note also that I've explicitly changed the embedding method from t-SNE to the related SSNE method, which has a free parameter on the output kernel to make use of the precisions. For more on the method parameter, see the section on Embedding Methods.

In conjunction with the multiscale perplexity scaling, a more complex approach to the output kernel scaling is advocated in the multiscale JSE paper (JSE is an embedding method similar to t-SNE and SSNE, so can be applied other methods).

This involves taking "intrinsic dimensionality" values (which you can see summaries of logged to the console during initialization) and using them to scale the output kernel precision for each perplexity. See the "Console Output" section below for a bit more explanation of intrinsic dimensionality, but the full procedure is sufficiently complex that you should read the multscale JSE paper if you want the gory details. To just turn it on and try it out, set the prec_scale parameter to "scale" (or just "s").

For this setting to do anything, you must be using an embedding method which has a free parameter in the output kernel (i.e. not t-SNE). Additionally, you should be using multiple perplexities by setting the perp_scale parameter to "step" or "multi". Otherwise, although the output kernel precision is changed, all kernels get the same value, and this will have no effect on the relative distances in the final configuration.

An example of a valid combination is:

s1k_mssne <- sneer(s1k, perp_scale = "multi", prec_scale = "scale", 
                   method = "ssne")


Some methods directly or indirectly use a sparse representation of the input probabilities, which substantially helps with memory and speed issues. See, for instance, the Spectral Directions and ws-SNE papers.

Sneer doesn't support any sparse representations, but if you want to see what the effect of replacing the gaussian kernel with a step-function kernel (which effectively sets all the non-nearest neighbor probabilities to zero), you can do so:

# Only the 50 nearest neighbors of a point will have a non-zero probability
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, perplexity = 50, perp_scale_fun = "step")

But let me stress once again that you don't get any sparsity advantages from doing this, so it's probably only of academic interest.

If you have an interest in the "intrinsic dimensionality" that is logged to the console during input initialization (see the 'Console Output' section below), don't use this kernel function, as the intrinsic dimensionality is only defined for gaussian functions.


The early exaggeration "trick" is akin to perplexity scaling in the sense that it causes the input probabilities to change. Set the exaggerate parameter to the value that the input probabilities should be multiplied by: normally 4, but the Barnes-Hut t-SNE paper suggests that for larger data sets, a value of 12 is more appropriate. The scaling will be turned off at the iteration number given by exaggerate_off_iter. This is normally 100 when used with the standard t-SNE optimization methods, although if you are using a larger exaggeration due to a larger dataset than may want to turn off exaggeration later as well - e.g. 250. However, if you are using a more standard optimization method such as conjugate gradient or L-BFGS (and you probably should), you should set this value to something a lot lower. I recommend a value between 3 and 5. For more details, see the optimization page.

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, exaggerate = 4, exaggerate_off_iter = 5)

The effect of the exaggeration is to encourage tight, widely-spaced clusters, so it will disrupt the initial configuration. This makes sense if you are initializing from random, but may make less sense for a PCA initialization or initializing from a fixed set of coordinates. See the use of init parameter in Output Initialization for more on output initialization.

Console Output

The results of the perplexity scaling will result in some summary statistic being logged to the console. They'll look a bit like this:

Parameter search for perplexity = 32
prec: Min. : 1.493 |1st Qu. : 3.377 |Median : 4.077 |Mean : 4.149 |3rd Qu. : 4.753 |Max. : 10.12 |
P: Min. : 0 |1st Qu. : 2.233e-09 |Median : 2.355e-07 |Mean : 0.001 |3rd Qu. : 1.449e-05 |Max. : 0.3655 |
dims: Min. : 2.306 |1st Qu. : 4.133 |Median : 4.813 |Mean : 4.941 |3rd Qu. : 5.56 |Max. : 9.686 |

This gives the results for setting the perplexity to 32 for the s1k data set. prec provide summaries of the precisions calculated for each input observation. Different implementations of t-SNE and related embedding methods can define the parameter associated with the gaussian in different ways. In sneer, the gaussian is defined as:

$$e^{-\tau x^2 / 2} \equiv e^{-\beta x^2} \equiv e^{-x^2 / 2\sigma^2}$$

where $\tau$ is the precision and $\sigma$ is the bandwidth. The form with $\beta$ in is the most convenient to use computationally and that's what you'll see if you go looking in the source code for t-SNE implementations. Unfortunately there isn't a convenient name for $\beta$. Informally, you'll see it referred to as the precision too, but let's agree to call it the "half-precision" if we ever need to refer to it again where the distinction is important. Oh, and sometimes $\sigma$ is reported with the factor of two folded into it. This can make comparing output between different programs difficult!

P is a summary of the resulting probabilities. Mainly it can help you ensure that the normalization procedure is doing what you think (there are two main ways to normalize the probabilities, see the Gradients page for more.

Finally, the dims line summarizes the "intrinsic dimensionality", which is used in the multiscale JSE embedding method (see the section on the prec_scale for more on that). Briefly, the input probability and perplexities are used to estimate the dimensionality of the input space neighborhood around each point. For example, if the data is distributed in a 2D gaussian in a 10D space, you would expect the intrinsic dimensionality of each point to be closer to 2 than 10.

Edge effects, data set size, clustering and sparseness of the neighborhood can have an effect on the reported values, but there might be some value in comparing the distribution between different data sets. It can also be instructive to play around with the simulation data sets that are part of the snedata package which have known topology and dimensionality and seeing what the reported intrinsic dimensionality is.

For more on the snedata package see the Data Sets section. And for the definition and use of intrinsic dimensionality, see the multiscale JSE paper. You can also peruse my notes on the subject of deriving an analytical expression for the intrinsic dimensionality, which might make the connection between it and perplexity a little clearer.

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jlmelville/sneer documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 9:58 p.m.