
title: "Multi-scale Gradients" date: "January 18, 2017" output: html_document: theme: cosmo

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In two papers (in ESANN 2014 (PDF) and Neurocomputing), Lee and co-workers introduced the concept of multi-scale embedding. This seeks to answer the thorny question of "what perplexity value should I use?" by combining the results from multiple perplexity values.

For the input space, choose a set of perplexity values (they suggest powers of 2 to cover local and global structure), calculate input probabilities for each one, and then use an average of these probabilities as $P$.

For the output probabilities, you also construct an average $Q$ matrix. This should raise a question of how the different matrices that contribute to the average $Q$ could differ: so know that this method isn't applicable to t-SNE, only to methods that use an exponential kernel in the output space where the decay parameter, $\beta$, can be modified. Methods such as NeRV, JSE, ASNE and SSNE fit the bill.

To allow multi-scaling to be applied to different methods, we need to work out what the plug-in gradient would look like. The new addition is that we have a new expression for the output probability, $\bar{Q}$, which is now the average of $U$ other probability matrices, $Q_u$:

$$ \bar{q}{ij} = \frac{1}{U}\sum{u}^{U} q_{iju} $$

The multi-scale papers use $L$ instead of $U$. In the gradient below, I'm already using $l$ in a summation index. $U$ was pretty much the next letter spare in the alphabet.

Mercifully, the gradient is simply:

$$ \frac{\partial \bar{q}{ij}}{\partial q{kmu}} = \frac{1}{U} $$ when $i = k$ and $j = m$ and zero for everything else.

There's a slight reworking of the normalization expression, which is now:

$$ q_{iju} = \frac{w_{iju}}{\sum_{km} w_{kmu}} = \frac{w_{iju}}{S_{u}} $$

for pair-wise normalizations and:

$$ q_{iju} = \frac{w_{iju}}{\sum_{k} w_{iku}} = \frac{w_{iju}}{S_{iu}} $$

for point-wise normalizations. The sum of weights now has an extra index to indicate which weight matrix the grand total (for pair-wise normalization) or sum of row $i$ (for point-wise normalization) was used.

Let's revisit the original summation-crazy expression for the gradient that I droned on at great length about here, and add an appropriate item into the chain to cover the creation of $\bar{Q}$ from $Q$:

$$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} = \sum_{ij} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} \sum{stu} \frac{\partial \bar{q}{ij}}{\partial q{stu}} \sum_{klv} \frac{\partial q_{stu}}{\partial w_{klv}} \sum_{mn} \frac{\partial w_{klv}}{\partial f_{mn}} \sum_{pq} \frac{\partial f_{mn}}{\partial d_{pq}} \frac{\partial d_{pq}}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} $$ For the summation involving $q_{stu}$, note that the summation index $u$ is from 1 to $U$. Similarly for $w_{klv}$, the summation index $v$ is also from 1 to $U$. Every other index is still a sum over $N$, the number of points.

Focussing just on the new expression, we can see based on what we just said about the gradient of the probability averaging expression, that $\partial \bar{q}{ij} / \partial q{stu} = 0$ unless $s = k$ and $t = l$ and additionally, from the discussion of the normalization expression, $\partial q_{stu} / \partial w_{klv} = 0$ unless $u = v$.

At this point, the gradient now looks like:

$$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} = \sum_{ij} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} \sum{klu} \frac{\partial \bar{q}{ij}}{\partial q{klu}} \frac{\partial q_{klu}}{\partial w_{klu}} \sum_{mn} \frac{\partial w_{klv}}{\partial f_{mn}} \sum_{pq} \frac{\partial f_{mn}}{\partial d_{pq}} \frac{\partial d_{pq}}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} $$ We can insert the $1/U$ expression for the gradient of the average probability:

$$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} = \sum_{ij} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} \sum{klu} \frac{1}{U} \frac{\partial q_{klu}}{\partial w_{klu}} \sum_{mn} \frac{\partial w_{klu}}{\partial f_{mn}} \sum_{pq} \frac{\partial f_{mn}}{\partial d_{pq}} \frac{\partial d_{pq}}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} $$ and moving the summation and constant about:

$$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} = \frac{1}{U} \sum_{u} \sum_{ij} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} \sum{kl} \frac{\partial q_{klu}}{\partial w_{klu}} \sum_{mn} \frac{\partial w_{klu}}{\partial f_{mn}} \sum_{pq} \frac{\partial f_{mn}}{\partial d_{pq}} \frac{\partial d_{pq}}{\partial \mathbf{y_h}} $$ Now everything after the sum over $u$ looks a lot like it did without multiscaling, give or take a $\bar{q}{ij}$ here, and a $w{klu}$ there. But we can proceed with the gradient derivation with exactly the same steps, to get to:

$$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{y_i}} = \frac{2}{U} \sum_{ju} \left( k_{iju} + k_{jiu} \right) \left(\mathbf{y_i} - \mathbf{y_j}\right) $$ where for a point-wise normalization: $$k_{iju} = \frac{1}{S_{iu}} \left[ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} - \sum{k} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ik}} q{iku} \right] \frac{\partial w_{iju}}{\partial f_{ij}} $$

and for a pair-wise normalization: $$k_{iju} = \frac{1}{S_{u}} \left[ \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{ij}} - \sum{kl} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \bar{q}{kl}} q{klu} \right] \frac{\partial w_{iju}}{\partial f_{ij}} $$ Sadly, in the multi-scaling world, we can't carry out the extra cancellations we were able to do to get to the simpler t-SNE, SSNE and ASNE gradients that are seen in the non-multi-scaled literature. They rely on an equivalence between $\bar{q}{ij}$ and $q{ijk}$ that no longer exists.

But at least we have a recipe for adding multi-scaling to existing method gradients: create the stiffness matrix, $K_u$ for each weight matrix separately, and then average them to get the multi-scaled stiffness matrix. Multiply by the displacement as usual and the multi-scaled gradient is yours.

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