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In contrast to input initialization, output initialization is pretty straightforward. You just need a source of initial coordinates, which you can specify with the init parameter.


A common approach to initialization is to start with a random configuration. The most important thing to do is to make sure the points aren't too far away initially, or otherwise the gradients are very small and no optimization occurs.

Gaussian Random

The t-SNE paper suggests initialization from a small (standard deviation of 1e-4) gaussian distribution. Set init to "random" for that:

set.seed(1337) # if you want to be reproducible
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, init = "random")

Uniform Random

The NeRV paper uses a uniform distribution instead. I can't imagine it makes much difference, but that's what sneer is for:

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, init = "uniform")

These small random distributions do well with probability-based embeddings, but they produce pretty horrible results for Sammon Mapping.


For Sammon Mapping, and in my opinion most embedding methods, a better choice is the default initialization method, which uses PCA. It's the default because it's my personal preference, but it's also used for initialization in the JSE paper). The first two score vectors (principal components) from a PCA of the input data is used. No scaling is done to the data, although it is centered.

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, init = "pca")
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k)  # same thing as the above

If you provide a distance matrix instead of a data frame, classical MDS is carried out instead of PCA, which is effectively the same thing as PCA if the input distances are Euclidean.

This removes any niggling issues of reproducibility and in my experience gives good results for most data sets without the hassle of having to repeat the embedding multiple times.

PCA is not always better than a random initialization and if the scores plot results in some distant points, these will have a hard time having any meaningful gradient associated with them, at least with methods like t-SNE. But it's always worth trying first.

Scaled PCA

Large distances are bad news for SNE-family gradients: squared distances combined with an exponential kernel in particular can easily lead to numeric underflow and a weight matrix made up of all zeros. And there's no reason that PCA on unscaled input data can't result in large distances. I have experienced this problem first hand with multiple datasets initialized with PCA.

The scaled PCA initialization attempts to solve this problem, by rescaling the PCA output so that the standard deviations of the scores vectors are suitably small. sneer uses a value of 1e-4, just like the Gaussian random initialization, but with the added bonus of being deterministic without relying on setting a specific random seed (which doesn't work across different architectures anyway).

Best of both worlds? You be the judge. This is not the default initialization, because I have not seen this form of initialization anywhere in the literature. But I recommend it highly if you won't be scaling or otherwise pre-processing your input data.

s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, init = "spca")

Existing Coordinates

Finally, if you already have some coordinates to hand, you can provide them directly:

input_coords <- some_other_initialization_method(s1k)
s1k_tsne <- sneer(s1k, init = input_coords)

In the example above, input_coords should be a matrix with dimensions n x 2, where n is the number of rows in s1k, which happens to be 1000.

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jlmelville/sneer documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 9:58 p.m.