
Defines functions print.gentmle gentmle logit_fluctuate truncate

############## somewhat general TMLE framework takes initial data, an estimation function and an update
############## function can be used for arbitrary TMLEs

# truncation function for Q so logistic regression doesn't break on Y close to 0 or 1
#' @export
truncate <- function(x, lower = 0.01, upper = 1 - lower) {
    pmin(pmax(x, lower), upper)

# function to estimate logistic parametric submodel and get updated estimate logistic
# fluctuation
#' @export
logit_fluctuate <- function(tmledata, flucmod, truncate = 0) {
        fluc <- glm(flucmod, data = tmledata, family = "binomial")
    list(eps = coef(fluc))

#' @title gentmle
#' @description General TMLE function that takes care of the bookkeeping of estimation and update steps.
#' @param estimate_fun Function for estimation step
#' @param update_fun, Function for update step
#' @param max_iter, Maximum number of iteration steps
#' @param ..., Extra arguments that can be passed to update_fun and estimate_fun
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/ey1_example.R
#' @example /inst/examples/eysi_example.R
gentmle <- function(initdata, estimate_fun, update_fun, max_iter = 100,N=NULL, ...) {
    converge <- F
    # cat(sprintf('bw: %f\n',bw))
    eststep <- estimate_fun(initdata)

    initests <- eststep$ests
    if (is.null(N)) N=n
    order <- 1/N
    for (j in seq_len(max_iter)) {

      ED <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, mean)
      sig <- sapply(eststep$Dstar,sd)
      if (all(abs(ED) < sig*order)) {
        updatestep = list()
        converge <- T
        updatestep$coefs = NA
        updatestep <- update_fun(eststep$tmledata, ...)
        if (any(is.na(updatestep$tmledata$Qk))) {
          ED <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, mean)
        if (any(round(updatestep$tmledata$Qk,9)==1)|any(round(updatestep$tmledata$Qk,9)==0))
          ED <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, mean)
        eststep <- estimate_fun(updatestep$tmledata,updatestep$coefs)

        ED <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, mean)
        # cat(sprintf('ED_psi=%e ED_sigma=%e psi=%f sigma2=%f\n coef_h=%f coef_Cy=%f
        # coef_Cg=%f\n',ED[1],ED[2],eststep$ests[1],sigma2=eststep$ests[2],updatestep$coefs[1],updatestep$coefs[2],updatestep$coefs[3]))

        if (all(abs(ED) < order)) {
            converge <- T

    ED2 <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, function(x) mean(x^2))
    ED3 <- sapply(eststep$Dstar, function(x) mean(x^3))
    result <- list(initdata = initdata, tmledata = eststep$tmledata, initests = initests, tmleests = eststep$ests,
        steps = j, coefs = updatestep$coefs,Dstar = eststep$Dstar, ED = ED, ED2 = ED2, ED3 = ED3)

    class(result) <- "gentmle"


#' @export
print.gentmle <- function(gentmle_obj) {
    cat(sprintf("TMLE ran for %d step(s)\n", gentmle_obj$steps))
    EDtext <- sprintf("E[%s]=%1.2e", names(gentmle_obj$ED), gentmle_obj$ED)
    cat(sprintf("The mean of the IC is %s\n", paste(EDtext, collapse = ", ")))



jlstiles/cateSurvival documentation built on March 28, 2022, 5:42 p.m.