
Defines functions potts_parameter

potts_parameter <- function(
  graph, #(weighted) adjacency matrix ;matrix
  type,  # vector indicating the type of the variables ;vector
  levs, #how many levs do variables have (>1 only for categorical) ;vector
  thresh #threshold for each variable; for each category for categoricals ;list
  ## create empty matrix with correct dimensions
  model.par.matrix <- matrix(0, sum(levs), sum(levs))
  nVar <- nrow(graph)
  r <- 1 #current row; we need to specify that extra, as we use two indices (variables and cat) in one loop
  for(v in 1:nVar) { #loop variables
    # type[v] == CATEGORICAL
    if(type[v]=="c") {
      subm.mpm <- matrix(0,levs[v], sum(levs[-v])) #fill a dummy matrix; then include slip in thresholds and merge with full matrix
      for(k in 1:levs[v]) { #loop categories
        c <- 1 #current column index
        for(v2 in (1:nVar)[-v]) #loop other variables
          if(graph[v,v2]!=0) { #check whether edge present between variables; if not, we just set all parameters to 0 (means: we dont to anything)
            #checking type of interaction (type of 2nd variable)
            if(type[v2]=="c") {
              #potts as far as categories overlap
              subm.mpm[k,c:(c+levs[v2]-1)] <- (k==(1:levs[v2])) * graph[v,v2] 
              #fill last category up
              if(k>levs[v2]) { 
                subm.mpm[k,c:(c+levs[v2]-1)] <- ((max(1:levs[v2]))==(1:levs[v2])) * graph[v,v2] 
            } else { #same for all continuous, no further specification
              subm.mpm[k,c] <-  (k <= levs[v]/2) * graph[v,v2] # smaller "half" has effect, other not; MISSING: multiply actual edge weight
          }#end if: edge present?
          c <- c + levs[v2]
        }#end: other variables
      }#end: categories
      #fill in thresholds
      p1 <- sum(levs[0:(v-1)]) #cols before
      if(v+1 > length(levs)) { p2 <- 0 } else {
        p2 <- sum(levs[(v+1):length(levs)]) } #cols after
      dummy <- 1 #necessary in the case where the submatrix is at the right edge of the subm.mpm.t
      if((ncol(subm.mpm)-p2+1)>ncol(subm.mpm)) { dummy <- 0 }
      subm.mpm.t <- cbind(subm.mpm[,0:p1],
      #merge with
      model.par.matrix[r:(r+levs[v]-1),] <- subm.mpm.t #include weights from (weighted) adj matrix
      # type[v] == CONTINUOUS
    } else {
      # here, we only need to get the continuous interactions; the rest we get by symmetry
      subv.mpm <- numeric(sum(levs))
      c <- 1 #current column index
      for(v4 in (1:nVar)){ #loop other variables
        # only categorical
        if(type[v4]!="c") { subv.mpm[c] <-graph[v,v4] }
        c <- c + levs[v4]
      }#end: other variables
      model.par.matrix[r,] <- subv.mpm
    r <- r + levs[v] #move down the target matrix
  } #end for variables
  ## "mirror" matrix
  pars <- ncol(model.par.matrix)
  for(rows in 1:pars)
    for(cols in 1:pars) {
      if(model.par.matrix[rows,cols]!=0) {
        model.par.matrix[cols,rows] <- model.par.matrix[rows,cols]
  # insert thresholds in diagonal
  diag(model.par.matrix) <- unlist(thresh)
  # add labels indicating which row/col corresponds to which variable; this helps to feed the parameters in the sampler
  dummy_matrix <- cbind(levs, 1:length(levs))
  ind.e <- unlist(apply(dummy_matrix,1,function(x) { rep(x[2],x[1])}))
  colnames(model.par.matrix) <- rownames(model.par.matrix) <- ind.e
  ### end of FUNCTION
jmbh/mMRF documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:51 p.m.