
## examples that are claimed to be too long in help files
## illustration of multi-threading with gam...

dat <- gamSim(1,n=2000,dist="poisson",scale=.1)
k <- 12;bs <- "cr";ctrl <- list(nthreads=2)



## Poisson example on a cluster with 'bam'. 
## Note that there is some overhead in initializing the 
## computation on the cluster, associated with loading 
## the Matrix package on each node. For this reason the 
## sample sizes here are very small to keep CRAN happy, but at
## this low sample size you see little advantage of parallel computation.

k <- 13;set.seed(9)
dat <- gamSim(1,n=6000,dist="poisson",scale=.1)
nc <- 2   ## cluster size, set for example portability
if (detectCores()>1) { ## no point otherwise
  cl <- makeCluster(nc) 
  ## could also use makeForkCluster, but read warnings first!
} else cl <- NULL
system.time(b3 <- bam(y ~ s(x0,bs=bs,k=7)+s(x1,bs=bs,k=7)+s(x2,bs=bs,k=k)

fv <- predict(b3,cluster=cl) ## parallel prediction

if (!is.null(cl)) stopCluster(cl)

## Alternative using the discrete option with bam...

system.time(b4 <- bam(y ~ s(x0,bs=bs,k=7)+s(x1,bs=bs,k=7)+s(x2,bs=bs,k=k)
jmcascalheira/LGMIberiaCluster documentation built on June 8, 2021, 10 a.m.