
Defines functions standardize score ipsatize

Documented in ipsatize score standardize

#' Ipsatize circumplex items using deviation scoring across variables
#' Rescore each circumplex item using deviation scoring across variables. In
#' other words, subtract each observation's mean response from each response.
#' This effectively removes the presence of a general factor, which can make
#' certain circumplex fit analyses more powerful.
#' @param .data Required. A data frame containing at least circumplex scales.
#' @param items Required. The variable names or column numbers for the
#'   variables in \code{.data} that contain circumplex items to be ipsatized.
#' @param na.rm Optional. A logical that determines whether missing values
#'   should be ignored during the calculation of the mean during ipsatization
#'   (default = TRUE).
#' @param overwrite Optional. A logical that determines whether the variables
#'   specified in \code{items} should be overwritten with ipsatized versions
#'   or alternatively preserved and new variables ending with "_i" should be
#'   added to the data frame (default = FALSE).
#' @return A data frame that matches \code{.data} except that the variables
#'   specified in \code{items} have been rescored using ipsatization.
#' @family tidying functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("raw_iipsc")
#' ipsatize(raw_iipsc, IIP01:IIP32)
ipsatize <- function(.data, items, na.rm = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE) {
  assert_that(is_provided(.data), is_enquo(items))
  assert_that(is.flag(na.rm), is.flag(overwrite))

  items_en <- rlang::enquo(items)
  if (overwrite == TRUE) {
    .data %>%
      dplyr::select(!!items_en) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.im = rowMeans(., na.rm = na.rm)) %>%
        .vars = dplyr::vars(!!items_en),
        .funs = list(~ (. - .im))
      ) %>%
  } else {
    .data %>%
      dplyr::select(!!items_en) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.im = rowMeans(., na.rm = na.rm)) %>%
        .vars = dplyr::vars(!!items_en),
        .funs = list(i = ~ (. - .im))
      ) %>%

#' Score circumplex scales from item responses
#' Calculate mean scores on circumplex scales from item responses by using a
#' set of scoring instructions, which may be loaded from the package or created
#' as a custom data frame.
#' @param .data Required. A data frame containing at least circumplex scales.
#' @param items Required. The variable names or column numbers for the
#'   variables in \code{.data} that contain all the circumplex items from a
#'   single circumplex measure, in ascending order from item 1 to item N.
#' @param instrument Required. An instrument object from the package. To see
#'   the available circumplex instruments, use \code{instruments()}.
#' @param na.rm Optional. A logical that determines if missing values should be
#'   omitted from the calculation of scores (default = TRUE). When set to TRUE,
#'   scales with missing data are essentially calculated with mean imputation.
#' @param prefix Optional. A string to include at the beginning of the newly
#'   calculated scale variables' names, before \code{Abbrev} from \code{key}
#'   and \code{suffix} (default = "").
#' @param suffix Optional. A string to include at the end of the newly
#'   calculated scale variables' names, after \code{Abbrev} from \code{key}
#'   and \code{prefix} (default = "").
#' @return A data frame that matches \code{.data} except that new variables are
#'   appended that contain mean scores on each variable included in \code{key}.
#' @family tidying functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("raw_iipsc")
#' instrument("iipsc")
#' score(raw_iipsc, IIP01:IIP32, iipsc)
score <- function(.data, items, instrument, na.rm = TRUE, prefix = "", suffix = "") {
  items_en <- rlang::enquo(items)

  assert_that(is_provided(.data), is_enquo(!!items_en), is_provided(instrument))
  assert_that(is.flag(na.rm), is.string(prefix))

  item_data <- .data %>% dplyr::select(!!items_en)
  n_items <- ncol(item_data)
  key <- instrument$Scales
  for (i in 1:nrow(key)) {
    new_name <- rlang::sym(paste0(prefix, key$Abbrev[[i]], suffix))
    item_nums <- as.numeric(strsplit(key$Items[[i]], ",")[[1]])
    if (max(item_nums) > n_items) {
      stop("Key is asking for more items than were provided to function.")
    scores <- item_data %>%
      dplyr::transmute(!!new_name := rowMeans(item_data[, item_nums], na.rm)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_all(~dplyr::na_if(., NaN))
    .data <- dplyr::bind_cols(.data, scores)

#' Standardize circumplex scales using normative data
#' Take in a data frame containing circumplex scales, angle definitions for each
#' scale, and normative data (from the package or custom) and return that same
#' data frame with each specified circumplex scale transformed into standard
#' scores (i.e., z-scores) based on comparison to the normative data.
#' @param .data Required. A data frame containing at least circumplex scales.
#' @param scales Required. The variable names or column numbers for the
#'   variables in \code{.data} that contain circumplex scales to be
#'   standardized.
#' @param angles Required. A numeric vector containing the angular displacement
#'   of each circumplex scale included in \code{scales} (in degrees).
#' @param instrument Required. An instrument object from the package. To see
#'   the available circumplex instruments, see \code{instruments()}.
#' @param sample Required. An integer corresponding to the normative sample
#'   to use in standardizing the scale scores (default = 1). See \code{?norms}
#'   to see the normative samples available for an instrument.
#' @param prefix Optional. A string to include at the beginning of the newly
#'   calculated scale variables' names, before the scale name and \code{suffix}
#'   (default = "").
#' @param suffix Optional. A string to include at the end of the newly
#'   calculated scale variables' names, after the scale name and \code{prefix}
#'   (default = "_z").
#' @return A data frame that matches \code{.data} except that new variables are
#'   appended that contain standardized versions of \code{scales}. These new
#'   variables will have the same name as \code{scales} but with a "_z" suffix.
#' @export
#' @family tidying functions
#' @examples
#' data("jz2017")
#' instrument("iipsc")
#' standardize(jz2017, PA:NO, octants(), instrument = iipsc, sample = 1)
standardize <- function(.data, scales, angles, instrument, sample = 1,
                        prefix = "", suffix = "_z") {
  scales_en <- rlang::enquo(scales)
  scale_names <- names(dplyr::select(.data, !!scales_en))
  assert_that(length(scale_names) == length(angles))
  assert_that(is.string(prefix), is.string(suffix))
  key <- instrument$Norms[[1]] %>%
    dplyr::filter(Sample == sample)
  assert_that(length(scale_names) <= nrow(key))
  for (i in 1:length(angles)) {
    scale_i <- rlang::sym(scale_names[[i]])
    new_var <- rlang::sym(paste0(prefix, scale_i, suffix))
    index_i <- key$Angle == angles[[i]]
    m_i <- key$M[index_i]
    s_i <- key$SD[index_i]
    .data <- .data %>%
      dplyr::mutate(!!new_var := (!!scale_i - m_i) / s_i)
jmgirard/circumplex documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 8:03 a.m.