
Defines functions twd

Documented in twd

#' requires xts, lubridate, dplyr
#' read more about total water deficit 10.1029/WR016i002p00297
#' @param df.hist dataframe of historical monthly reservoir fill volume in \% column name is "rs". First column must be of class POSIXct
#' @param df.x dataframe with same structure of df.hist with values for the months which we are calculating the index. Should have more than one row, ie more than one month
#' @export
twd <- function(df.hist,df)
    xts.obj <- xts(df.hist$rs,order.by=df.hist$posix)
    x <- vector()
    for(i in seq(1,12))
        x[i] <- mean(apply.yearly(xts.obj[.indexmon(xts.obj) %in% (i-1)],"mean",na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
    hist.mean <- data.frame(month=seq(1,12),rs=x)
    xts.obj <- xts(df$rs,order.by=df$posix)
    df.mean <- apply.monthly(xts.obj,mean)    
    df.x <- data.frame(posix=time(df.mean),rs=coredata(df.mean))
    df.x$month <- month(df.x$posix)
    df.x$rs <- na.approx(df.x$rs)

    df.climatology <- inner_join(df.x,hist.mean,by="month")
    df.climatology <- df.climatology[,c("posix","rs.y")]
    colnames(df.climatology) <- c("posix","rs")
    deficit0 <- df.x$rs-df.climatology$rs
    deficit0[deficit0>=0] <- NA
    duration0 <- deficit0-deficit0+1
    for(i in seq(2,nrow(df.x)))
                deficit0[i] <- deficit0[i]
                duration0[i] <- duration0[i]
            } else
                deficit0[i] <- deficit0[i-1]+deficit0[i]
                duration0[i] <- duration0[i-1]+duration0[i]
    twd <- data.frame(posix=df.x$posix,climatology=df.climatology$rs,twd=deficit0*duration0)
jmigueldelgado/hdi documentation built on May 5, 2019, 8:01 p.m.