
Defines functions hawaii calcur npac us_arctic alaska bering extract_gshhg

Documented in alaska bering calcur extract_gshhg hawaii npac us_arctic

#' Extract Region from GSHHG
#' Functions to extract specified regions from the GSHHG dataset
#' @param data an sf object that defines that area of interest
#' @param resolution either "f", "h", "i", or "c"
#' @param epsg integer indicating the numeric epsg value (e.g. 3571)
#' @param buffer integer indicating a value in projected units to buffer data
#' @param simplify TRUE/FALSE whether to call rmapshaper::ms_simplify
#' @param warn TRUE/FALSE turn off projection warnings given by spatial functions. These warnings can generally be ignored.
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom PBSmapping importGSHHS refocusWorld clipPolys
#' @importFrom maptools PolySet2SpatialPolygons
#' @export
extract_gshhg <- function(data,
                          resolution = "i", 
                          epsg = NULL,
                          buffer = 5000,
                          simplify = FALSE,
                          warn=FALSE) {
    op_warn <- getOption('warn')
  if (is.null(epsg)) {
    if (is.null(sf::st_crs(data))) {
      stop("epsg value not provided and cannot be determined from data")
    if (sf::st_is_longlat(data)) {
      stop("data are in longlat and a projected epsg value is not provided")
    epsg <- sf::st_crs(data)
  dir_path <- system.file("extData", package = "ptolemy")
  file_name <- paste0("gshhs_",resolution,".b")
  gshhg_path <- paste(dir_path, "gshhg-bin-2.3.7", file_name, sep = "/")
  data_buffer <- data %>% 
    sf::st_transform(epsg) %>% 
    sf::st_union() %>% 
    sf::st_convex_hull() %>% 
    sf::st_buffer(buffer) %>% sf::st_transform(4326)
  data_360 <- (sf::st_geometry(data_buffer) + c(360,90)) %% c(360) - c(0,90)
  bbox <- sf::st_bbox(data_360)
  xlim <- c(0,360)
  ylim <- c(bbox$ymin,bbox$ymax)
  this_extract <- suppressMessages(PBSmapping::importGSHHS(gshhg_path,xlim = xlim, 
                                          ylim = ylim, n = 1,
                                          maxLevel = 1))
  xlim <- c(bbox$xmin,bbox$xmax)
  this_extract <- PBSmapping::refocusWorld(this_extract,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
  this_extract <- PBSmapping::clipPolys(this_extract,xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
  this_extract <- maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons(this_extract)
  this_extract <- sf::st_as_sf(this_extract) %>% sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
    # sf::st_buffer(0) %>% 
  if (simplify) {
    this_extract <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(this_extract,
                                            keep = 0.2,
                                            keep_shapes = TRUE,
                                            explode = TRUE)

#' Bering Sea Map Region
#' This map region is centered on the Bering Sea. Coordinates are returned in 
#' the Lambert-Azimuthal Equal Area Bering Sea Projection (epsg:3571)

#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
bering <- function(resolution = "i",
                   epsg = 3571,
                   simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::bering_bbox, 
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg,
                simplify = simplify)

#' Alaska Map Region
#' This map region covers the extent of Alaska. Coordinates are returned in the
#' Alaska Albers Projection (epsg:3338)
#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
alaska <- function(resolution = "i",
                   epsg = 3338, simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::alaska_bbox,
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg,
                simplify = simplify)

#' US Arctic Map Region
#' This map region covers the US Arctic region centered on northern Alaska. The
#' region extends into the Russian East Siberian Sea and the Eastern Beaufort 
#' Sea of Canada. Coordinates are returned in the Lambert-Azimuthal Equal Area
#' Alaska Projection (epsg:3572).
#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
us_arctic <- function(resolution = "i",
                      epsg = 3572, simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::us_arctic_bbox, 
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg,
                simplify = simplify)

#' North Pacific Map Region
#' This map region covers the entire North Pacific Ocean from Hawaii in the
#' south to the Bering Sea in the north. Coordinates are returned in the PDC
#' Mercator Projection (epsg:3832)
#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
npac <- function(resolution = "i",
                 epsg = 3832, simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::npac_bbox, 
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg,simplify = simplify)

#' California Current Map Region
#' This map region covers the California current off of the west coast of the 
#' United States. The region extends from southern British Columbia, Canada to
#' the Baja Peninsula of Mexico. Coordinates are returned in the California
#' (Teale) Albers Projection (epsg:3310).
#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
calcur <- function(resolution = "i",
                   epsg = 3310, simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::calcur_bbox,
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg, simplify = simplify)

#' Hawaii Map Region
#' This map region covers the extent of Hawaii. Coordinates are returned in the
#' WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator (epsg:3857)
#' @rdname extract_gshhg
#' @export
hawaii <- function(resolution = "i",
                   epsg = 3857, simplify = FALSE) {
  extract_gshhg(data = ptolemy::hawaii_bbox,
                resolution = resolution,
                epsg = epsg, simplify = simplify)

#' This is data to be included in my package
#' @name Bounding box data
#' @docType data
#' @description Spatial bounding boxes used for extracting specific geographic reagional data. 
#' @keywords data
#' @aliases alaska_bbox bering_bbox calcur_bbox hawaii_bbox npac_bbox us_arctic_bbox
jmlondon/nPacMaps documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 4:04 p.m.