
Defines functions prt_update_points

Documented in prt_update_points

#' Update track points with fixed geometry
#' Original geometry is updated in place and (currently) no record of those points
#' that were updated is provided.
#' @param rrt_pts output from `prt_reroute()` or tibble with *rrt_idx* and *geometry* columns
#' @param trkpts original trkpts Simple Features Collection
#' @return trkpts with updated geometry
#' @export
prt_update_points <- function(rrt_pts, trkpts) {
  trkpts <- trkpts %>% sf::st_cast('POINT') %>%
    sf::st_sf() %>% tibble::rowid_to_column("fid")

  if(nrow(rrt_pts) == 0) {
  res <- trkpts %>% tibble::as_tibble()  %>%
    dplyr::rows_update(rrt_pts, by = "fid") %>%
    sf::st_sf(sf_column_name = "geometry")

jmlondon/pathroutr documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 6:09 p.m.