
message_env_variables <- function() {
  msg <- "
            You may need to set your Spotify API credentials. You can do this by
            setting environment variables like so:

            export SPOTIFYR_CLIENT_ID='your-spotify-client-id'
            export SPOTIFYR_CLIENT_SECRET='your-spotify-client-secret'

            Get your credentials at     

#' Gets an authentication token for the Spotify Web API
#' Gets an authentication token for the Spotify Web API. See https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/authorization-guide/.
#' @param client_key the client key for the application
#' @param client_secret the client secret for the application
#' @import httr
#' @import httpuv
#' @export
#' @return an httr authorisation token
spotify_token <- function(client_key="", client_secret="") {
  # package constants, very unlikely to be changing
  # Note that we are likely to need further exception handling later on.
  s_endpoint <- httr::oauth_endpoint(
      authorize = "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize",
      access = "https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token")

  if (client_key == "") client_key <- Sys.getenv("SPOTIFYR_CLIENT_ID")
  if (client_secret == "") client_secret <- Sys.getenv("SPOTIFYR_CLIENT_SECRET")

  if ((client_key == "") || (client_secret == "")) {

  if (client_key == "") stop("No spotify client key found")
  if (client_secret == "") stop("No spotify client secret found")
  myapp <- httr::oauth_app("spotifyr", key = client_key, secret = client_secret)

  app_token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(s_endpoint, myapp)
  token <- httr::config(token = app_token)

#' Create a Spotify API object.
#' @param auth An authorisation token (optional)
#' @param requests_session
#'     A Requests session object or a truthy value to create one.
#'     A falsy value disables sessions.
#'     It should generally be a good idea to keep sessions enabled
#'     for performance reasons (connection pooling).
#' @param client_credentials_manager
#'     SpotifyClientCredentials object
#' @param proxies
#'     Definition of proxies (optional)
#' @param requests_timeout
#'     Tell Requests to stop waiting for a response after a given number of seconds
#' @return a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
create_spotify_object <- function(auth = NA, requests_session = TRUE, client_credentials_manager = NA, proxies = NA, requests_timeout = NA) {
  obj <- list()
  obj$trace = FALSE  # Enable tracing?
  obj$trace_out = FALSE
  obj$max_get_retries = 10
  obj$prefix = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/"
  obj$auth = auth
  obj$client_credentials_manager = client_credentials_manager
  obj$proxies = proxies
  obj$requests_timeout = requests_timeout
  # if isinstance(requests_session, requests.Session) { self._session = requests_session else: if requests_session: # Build a new session.  self._session
  # = requests.Session() else: # Use the Requests API module as a 'session'.  from requests import api self._session = api

#' Retrieve the ID part of the URI
#' Retrieve the ID part of a URI (spotify:track:AAABBBCCC333) or a URL (http://blah.com/track/AAABBBCCC333)
#' @param type the expected type for this id, which may be in the long ID form as penultimate entry before the ID
#' @param long_id - a spotify URI, URL or ID
#' @import stringr
#' @return the short ID
retrieve_id <- function(type, long_id) {
  fields <- stringr::str_split(long_id, pattern = ":")[[1]]
  if (length(fields) >= 3) {
    if (type != fields[length(fields) - 1]) {
      warning(paste0("expected id of type ", type, " but found type ", fields[length(fields) - 1], " ", long_id, " "))
  fields <- stringr::str_split(long_id, pattern = "/")[[1]]
  if (length(fields) >= 3) {
    itype = fields[length(fields) - 1]
    if (type != itype) {
      warning(paste0("expected id of type ", type, " but found type ", itype, " ", long_id, " "))

#' Builds a spotify URI
#' Builds a spotify URI from a short ID and the type of the ID, e.g. 'track'
#' @param type the expected type for this id, which may be in the 
#' @param id - a spotify ID
#' @return the spotify URI
make_uri <- function(type, id) {
  return(paste0("spotify:", type, ":", retrieve_id(type, id)))

#' Builds a spotify URL
#' Builds a full spotify URL for use in web requests
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param url_postfix - the part after the root spotify Web API site URL
#' @return the spotify URL to use in a request
spot_url <- function(spot_cnx, url_postfix) {
  return(paste(spot_cnx$prefix, url_postfix, sep = ""))  # if prefix ends in /

#' Make a GET request to the spotify API
#' Make a GET request to the spotify API
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param url_postfix - the part after the root spotify Web API site URL
#' @param ... TDB
#' @import httr
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
spot_get <- function(spot_cnx, url_postfix, ...) {
  gtoken <- spot_cnx$auth
  url <- spot_url(spot_cnx, url_postfix)
  return(httr::GET(url, config = gtoken))

#' returns a single track given the track's ID, URI or URL
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param track_id - a spotify URI, URL or ID
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
track <- function(spot_cnx, track_id) {
  trid <- retrieve_id("track", track_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("tracks/", trid))

#' returns a list of tracks given a list of track IDs, URIs, or URLs
#' returns a list of tracks given a list of track IDs, URIs, or URLs
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param tracks - a list of spotify URIs, URLs or IDs
#' @param market - an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
tracks <- function(spot_cnx, tracks, market = as.character(NA)) {
  tlist <- sapply(tracks, retrieve_id, type = "track")
  track_ids <- paste(tlist, collapse = ",")
  # return spot_get(spot_cnx, 'tracks/?ids=' + ','.join(tlist), market = market)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("tracks/?ids=", track_ids))

#' returns a single artist given the artist's ID, URI or URL
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param artist_id - an artist ID, URI or URL
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
artist <- function(spot_cnx, artist_id) {
  aid <- retrieve_id("artist", artist_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("artists/", aid))

#' returns a list of artists given the artist IDs, URIs, or URLs
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param artists - a list of  artist IDs, URIs or URLs
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
artists <- function(spot_cnx, artists) {
  tlist <- sapply(tracks, retrieve_id, type = "artist")
  track_ids <- paste(tlist, collapse = ",")
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("artists/?ids=", track_ids))

#' Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's albums
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL
#' @param album_type - 'album', 'single', 'appears_on', 'compilation'
#' @param country - limit the response to one particular country.
#' @param limit  - the number of albums to return
#' @param offset - the index of the first album to return
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
artist_albums <- function(spot_cnx, artist_id, album_type = NA, country = NA, limit = 20, offset = 0) {
  trid <- retrieve_id("artist", artist_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("artists/", trid, "/albums"), album_type = album_type, country = country, limit = limit, offset = offset)

#' Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's top 10 tracks by country.
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL
#' @param country - limit the response to one particular country.
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
artist_top_tracks <- function(spot_cnx, artist_id, country = "US") {
  trid <- retrieve_id("artist", artist_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("artists/", trid, "/top-tracks"), country = country)

#' Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to an identified artist.
#' Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to an identified artist. Similarity is based on analysis of the Spotify community's listening history.
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param artist_id - the artist ID, URI or URL
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
artist_related_artists <- function(spot_cnx, artist_id) {
  trid <- retrieve_id("artist", artist_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("artists/", trid, "/related-artists"))

#' returns a single album given the album's ID, URIs or URL
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param album_id - the album ID, URI or URL
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
album <- function(spot_cnx, album_id) {
  trid <- retrieve_id("album", album_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("albums/", trid))

#' Get Spotify catalog information about an album's tracks
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param album_id - the album ID, URI or URL
#' @param limit  - the number of items to return
#' @param offset - the index of the first item to return
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
album_tracks <- function(spot_cnx, album_id, limit = 50, offset = 0) {
  trid <- retrieve_id("album", album_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("albums/", trid, "/tracks/"), limit = limit, offset = offset)

#' returns a list of albums given the album IDs, URIs, or URLs
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param albums - a list of  album IDs, URIs or URLs
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
albums <- function(spot_cnx, albums) {
  tlist <- sapply(albums, retrieve_id, type = "album")
  album_ids <- paste(tlist, collapse = ",")
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("albums/?ids=", album_ids))

#' searches for an item
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param q - the search query
#' @param limit  - the number of items to return
#' @param offset - the index of the first item to return
#' @param type - the type of item to return. One of 'artist', 'album',
# 'track' or 'playlist'
#' @param market - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string from_token.
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
search <- function(spot_cnx, q, limit = 10, offset = 0, type = "track", market = NA) {
  spot_get(spot_cnx, "search", q = q, limit = limit, offset = offset, type = type, market = market)

#' Gets basic profile information about a Spotify User
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param user - the id of the usr
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
user <- function(spot_cnx, user) {
  spot_get(spot_cnx, "users/" + user)

#' Get current user playlists without required getting his profile
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param limit  - the number of items to return
#' @param offset - the index of the first item to return
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
current_user_playlists <- function(spot_cnx, limit = 50, offset = 0) {
  spot_get(spot_cnx, "me/playlists", limit = limit, offset = offset)

#' Gets playlists of a user
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param user - the id of the usr
#' @param limit  - the number of items to return
#' @param offset - the index of the first item to return
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
user_playlists <- function(spot_cnx, user, limit = 50, offset = 0) {
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("users/", user, "/playlists"), limit = limit, offset = offset)

#' Gets playlist of a user
#' @param spot_cnx - a list with the essential Spotify API connection settings
#' @param user - the id of the user
#' @param playlist_id - the id of the playlist
#' @param fields - which fields to return
#' @return a list with class attribute 'response'
#' @export
user_playlist <- function(spot_cnx, user, playlist_id = NA, fields = NA) {
  if (is.na(playlist_id)) {
    spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("users/", user, "/starred"), fields = fields)
  plid <- retrieve_id("playlist", playlist_id)
  spot_get(spot_cnx, paste0("users/", user, "/playlists/", plid), fields = fields)
jmp75/spotifyr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:04 a.m.