
Defines functions bbox_base bbox.steps_xy bbox.track_xy bbox

Documented in bbox bbox.steps_xy bbox.track_xy

#' Get bounding box of a track.
#' @template track_xy_star
#' @param spatial `[logical(1)=TRUE]` \cr Whether or not to return an object of class `sf-Polygon`-object or not.
#' @param buffer `[numeric(0)=NULL]{NULL, >0}` \cr An optional buffer of the bounding box.
#' @template dots_none
#' @name bbox
#' @return If `spatial = FALSE` a named vector of length four with the extent of the bounding box. Otherwise a `SpatialPolygon` or a simple freature polygon with the bounding box.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(deer)
#' bbox(deer)
#' bbox(deer, spatial = FALSE)
#' bbox(deer, buffer = 100, spatial = FALSE)
#' # For steps
#' deer |> steps_by_burst() |> bbox(spatial = FALSE)
#' deer |> steps_by_burst() |> bbox(buffer = 100, spatial = FALSE)
#' deer |> steps_by_burst() |> random_steps() |> bbox(spatial = FALSE)
#' # Further manipulations are possible
#' deer |> bbox() |> sf::st_transform(4326)

bbox <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("bbox", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname bbox
bbox.track_xy <- function(x, spatial = TRUE, buffer = NULL, ...) {
  bbx <- c(min(x$x_), max(x$x_), min(x$y_), max(x$y_))
  bbox_base(bbx, spatial, buffer, x)

#' @export
#' @rdname bbox
bbox.steps_xy <- function(x, spatial = TRUE, buffer = NULL, ...) {
  bbx <- c(min(c(min(x$x1_), min(x$x2_))),
           max(c(max(x$x1_), max(x$x2_))),
           min(c(min(x$y1_), min(x$y2_))),
           max(c(max(x$y1_), max(x$y2_))))
  bbox_base(bbx, spatial, buffer, x)

bbox_base <- function(bbx, spatial, buffer, x) {
  # bounds
  if (!is.null(buffer)) {
    bbx <- bbx + buffer * c(-1, 1, -1, 1)

  coords <- cbind(
    x = c(bbx[1], bbx[1], bbx[2], bbx[2], bbx[1]),
    y = c(bbx[3], bbx[4], bbx[4], bbx[3], bbx[3])

  p <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(coords)))

  if (has_crs(x)) {
    p <- sf::st_set_crs(p, get_crs(x))

  if (spatial) {
  } else {
jmsigner/amt documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 12:13 p.m.